No Violence Against Women International Day
The November 25 we celebrated the whole day against violence against women and leave you the link how did this important day The origins of the International Day Against Violence Against Women .
TODAY Saturday, November 28 at 14 flights to Rome from Republic Square will be held National demonstration against violence to Women .
I lose myself in a few scattered account of the moment. Sometimes it seems a lost cause. Some people say that violence against women does not exist, which are not isolated cases related to gender, who says that stalking is a lie and I could go on and on.
Apart from the fact that I want to see how many cases of women killed by men from fidanzate, dalle mogli, dalle madri etc etc. Se li confrontiamo con quelli relativi alle donne uccise dagli uomini ci si può fare una chiara idea di quale è la situazione. Voler continuare a negare che è una violenza di genere significa mettersi la benda sugli occhi.
Se non si capisce da dove il problema proviene e come si sviluppa non lo si può neanche risolvere. Finché continueremo a pensare che la violenza sulle donne è una violenza di ordine pubblico non ci muoveremo di una virgola da dove siamo ora.
Ma soprattutto OGGI i movimenti femministi di tutto il mondo continuano a salvare vite umane li dove la libertà è solo un sogno e non solo la libertà delle donne ma anche di uomini, bambini, anziani, malati, omosessuali etc etc. Oggi le donne sono SEMPRE in prima linea nella lotta per i diritti di TUTTI e la cosa buffa è che sono in pochi quelli che lottano per i diritti delle donne.
Io vorrei tanto una presa di coscienza maschile, uno scatto di orgoglio, di uomini che dicono NOI NON SIAMO COSI' E LOTTIAMO CON VOI . E invece col cavolo, al massimo c'è chi dice "eh bhe non puoi fare di tutta un'erba un fascio" bene ma fateci vedere che c’è chi ci sostiene.
Ultimamente si muove qualcosa anche in questo senso e ne sono contenta, ma vorrei lo scatto dagli uomini comuni non dai vari sportivi, attori etc etc. I nostri padri, fratelli, fidanzati, amici, nonni, zii... coraggio uomini rejection of violence against women does not mean becoming a slave to women, but free to think!
For men who want to do something practical advice to visit the White Ribbon Campaign home page header that says "The real strength is in compliance. Men, women, violence against women ".
invite all men and women to negotiate on their blogs, forums and websites on the subject. Talking about it can only help our society!
I do not have it with people I love them even in their diversity. What is certain is that if he wanted to defend my rights, will equal dignity, equal opportunity and self-determination on my body and my head and will a reciprocal relationship with the opposite sex means angry with men ... well, may I have it with men! ^ _-
I am sorry that some people "enlightened" feminist movements even consider something wrong, something that goes against "them" and something to stay away. I am infinitely
to smile today because if the woman is free to be herself and can give more because it is more free than a few years ago. So I wonder how is it that men still take refuge in liberal sarcastic jokes?
have not yet figured out that if we give it to him is because we are liberated! D ^ ^ Or were married before! Questo dovrebbe bastargli per diventare ferventi sostenitori del femminismo visto che senza una presa di coscienza della propria sessualità, grazie al femminismo, nessuna donna oggi porterebbe neanche una gonnellina al di sopra del ginocchio e di certo non avrebbe una sessualità appagante per entrambi i partner. E non ho neanche voglia di stare a sentire chi dice che si è ecceduto dalla parte opposta visto che ora si va in giro troppo spogliate, ognuna farà come cavolo gli pare o no??? L'uomo può stare a torso nudo e noi non possiamo mettere la minigonna altrimenti l'ormone impazzisce e poi come lo fermano?
Vi invito a guardare il famoso documentario IL CORPO DELLE DONNE . Anche questa è violenza, anche continuare to want to see the woman as an ornament, an object, possibly setting something that is half naked violence. Depersonalization, makes us objects, we commodify. Because there is never a naked man to serve as ornament?
And just to accept the initial site was closed (and then re-opened) with this explanation: "Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe that the blog content is objectionable." . -_-
You can read the blog content with ease, the right to dignity of women is questionable. If this is not violence!
I have not penetrated into the foreign character issues where surely the situation is unimaginable, and in those cases is much easier to see the evidence of the case. For this part I leave a very interesting link Amnesty Internationa - 25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women .
My profound reflection on the theme of violence found in the post 1522 "Women's Anti-Violence" and reflection on violence against women .
For a better future we need the contribution of all men and women fighting together and support for equal rights and dignity.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kates Playground Free Sets
Ecohousing Art, opere e progetti per abitare gli spazi 1a EDIZIONE CONCORSO NAZIONALE PREMIO IMMOBILIARE 2010
Nel caso di errata visualizzazione il Comunicato stampa è qui pubblicato
Alle Redazioni giornalistiche, Associazioni, Istituti d’Arte, Accademie di Belle Arti, Università, Enti, Istituzioni, Comuni, Aziende, Architetti, Ingegneri, Artisti, Designer
Ecohousing Art, opere e progetti per abitare gli spazi
Riservato a Junior e Senior Artisti - Designer - Architects - Engineers
Awards, 30,000 euros by the partners of Industry dell'Abitare
Catalogues, 372 works and projects work in progress for more than 30,000 copies Show
, 252 ideecostruttive exhibited in Milan in September 2010
House Company, with the first edition of "Art Ecohousing - Real Estate Award 2010"
has set itself the objective of bringing into play the creative process of the participants and
to share and evaluate their product in the pipeline by registered users.
The purpose of the contest is to promote the emergence of new ideas and excellence
to correlate with the economic realities of Industry and productive living.
Participants in the competition: Junior and Senior Artists, Designers, Architects Engineers.
sections of the contest: Arts, Design, Architecture Engineering.
Theme of Competition: The Competition Ideecostruttive wants to draw mental energy, the soul influences, specific skills for the construction of works and projects that promote the ecosystem balance in his Men - Home - Environment. Eco-co-= Ecological Housing - Integration - Housing seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability, the integration of nature and built environment, human well-being at the physical level - psychically, with the "social home" means 'Man is at home in the world and the world becomes home in men. For each section a theme in order to carry out works and projects.
Contest Period from 7 November 2009 to May 31, 2010 Registration Deadline
Competition February 15, 2010
Popular Jury - Jury Technique The vote takes place through an unusual mechanism. House Company has set itself the objective of "putting into play" to users, People's Jury and the Technical Jury, formed by the authorities, people from the world of Art, Architecture, Design and Real Estate, the process creativity of the actors participating in the contest Ideecostruttive in order to share and evaluate the ongoing product of creativity Man-Environment-Family Home through three stages: work in progress, in progress award, art show in progress. Catalogs
The "visions" Ecohousing of artists, designers, architects and engineers. House Company will produce and will convey a catalog for each section (372 works and projects) released individually in an exclusive box set limited edition (30,000 copies) and numbered in conjunction with Real Estate 2010, the Industry Guide for living. Show
252 Ideecostruttive on display. Held at a major public exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Milan (are being considered "Royal Palace" - "Triennale" - "Rotonda della Besana" - "Palace of the Bells" - "Fair Milan ") and will take place in September 2010.
Awards and the Companies House Company partners of the competition is offering a total prize money of Euro 30,000.00 to be divided among the winners of each Section: Arts, Design, Architecture and Engineering Category: Junior and Senior. It also provides an additional premium
Award for Industry of living "Technical jury, House Company, Business partners.
Special Events The best works and projects to tender for all sections and categories will be invited to participate
further initiatives organized to attract potential companies to develop projects and curators, collectors and gallery buyers of works of art.
Purpose Competition We have an emphasis on the vision of the natural and built environment as a driver of a new economy. An industrial revolution based on clean technologies, energy efficiency and renewable energy, saving materials and energy. The environmental challenge, seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability with the integration of nature and built environment, is a great opportunity for Italy and for its economy. Forward-looking, visionary, to indicate a way forward, there is no other way besides a quality development. The ecological modernization of the economy is crucial to give Italy developing a new, strong and durable. The best, Italy, gives it when intertwined with the enterprise culture, the natural environment with the built environment, innovation with tradition, technology and art, the building with the design.
aim of the competition will not be the duty to protect us and give us strength in international competition, the competition or decreasing labor costs, but only able to produce goods and quality services, the enhancement of our vocations, our resources, our talents. We must encourage research and technological innovation for ecological reconversion of industry and pave the way for artists, artisans, architects, engineers, designers and invest in creative talent and entrepreneurs to invest on them.
House Company will work to bring the attention of potential entrepreneurs
developers of projects of curators, collectors, gallery owners and buyers of works of art.
More information:
Organizer: House Company Ltd - marketing strategies for communication - 0392499190
Nel caso di errata visualizzazione il Comunicato stampa è qui pubblicato
Alle Redazioni giornalistiche, Associazioni, Istituti d’Arte, Accademie di Belle Arti, Università, Enti, Istituzioni, Comuni, Aziende, Architetti, Ingegneri, Artisti, Designer
Ecohousing Art, opere e progetti per abitare gli spazi
Riservato a Junior e Senior Artisti - Designer - Architects - Engineers
Awards, 30,000 euros by the partners of Industry dell'Abitare
Catalogues, 372 works and projects work in progress for more than 30,000 copies Show
, 252 ideecostruttive exhibited in Milan in September 2010
House Company, with the first edition of "Art Ecohousing - Real Estate Award 2010"
has set itself the objective of bringing into play the creative process of the participants and
to share and evaluate their product in the pipeline by registered users.
The purpose of the contest is to promote the emergence of new ideas and excellence
to correlate with the economic realities of Industry and productive living.
Participants in the competition: Junior and Senior Artists, Designers, Architects Engineers.
sections of the contest: Arts, Design, Architecture Engineering.
Theme of Competition: The Competition Ideecostruttive wants to draw mental energy, the soul influences, specific skills for the construction of works and projects that promote the ecosystem balance in his Men - Home - Environment. Eco-co-= Ecological Housing - Integration - Housing seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability, the integration of nature and built environment, human well-being at the physical level - psychically, with the "social home" means 'Man is at home in the world and the world becomes home in men. For each section a theme in order to carry out works and projects.
Contest Period from 7 November 2009 to May 31, 2010 Registration Deadline
Competition February 15, 2010
Popular Jury - Jury Technique The vote takes place through an unusual mechanism. House Company has set itself the objective of "putting into play" to users, People's Jury and the Technical Jury, formed by the authorities, people from the world of Art, Architecture, Design and Real Estate, the process creativity of the actors participating in the contest Ideecostruttive in order to share and evaluate the ongoing product of creativity Man-Environment-Family Home through three stages: work in progress, in progress award, art show in progress. Catalogs
The "visions" Ecohousing of artists, designers, architects and engineers. House Company will produce and will convey a catalog for each section (372 works and projects) released individually in an exclusive box set limited edition (30,000 copies) and numbered in conjunction with Real Estate 2010, the Industry Guide for living. Show
252 Ideecostruttive on display. Held at a major public exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Milan (are being considered "Royal Palace" - "Triennale" - "Rotonda della Besana" - "Palace of the Bells" - "Fair Milan ") and will take place in September 2010.
Awards and the Companies House Company partners of the competition is offering a total prize money of Euro 30,000.00 to be divided among the winners of each Section: Arts, Design, Architecture and Engineering Category: Junior and Senior. It also provides an additional premium
Award for Industry of living "Technical jury, House Company, Business partners.
Special Events The best works and projects to tender for all sections and categories will be invited to participate
further initiatives organized to attract potential companies to develop projects and curators, collectors and gallery buyers of works of art.
Purpose Competition We have an emphasis on the vision of the natural and built environment as a driver of a new economy. An industrial revolution based on clean technologies, energy efficiency and renewable energy, saving materials and energy. The environmental challenge, seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability with the integration of nature and built environment, is a great opportunity for Italy and for its economy. Forward-looking, visionary, to indicate a way forward, there is no other way besides a quality development. The ecological modernization of the economy is crucial to give Italy developing a new, strong and durable. The best, Italy, gives it when intertwined with the enterprise culture, the natural environment with the built environment, innovation with tradition, technology and art, the building with the design.
aim of the competition will not be the duty to protect us and give us strength in international competition, the competition or decreasing labor costs, but only able to produce goods and quality services, the enhancement of our vocations, our resources, our talents. We must encourage research and technological innovation for ecological reconversion of industry and pave the way for artists, artisans, architects, engineers, designers and invest in creative talent and entrepreneurs to invest on them.
House Company will work to bring the attention of potential entrepreneurs
developers of projects of curators, collectors, gallery owners and buyers of works of art.
More information:
Organizer: House Company Ltd - marketing strategies for communication - 0392499190
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