Anna Cimarelli candidata: le sue (e nostre) ragioni.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
How To Masterbate Diagram
In Consiglio Regionale vorrei impegnarmi per:
A new way of governing.
The new government of the Region must confirm the order of self- for conducting policy. The loosening of democratic mechanisms, corruption and even the mafia collusion of interest returning to the Italian context are the result of a degenerative form of politics that has moved away from people's needs and in particular of the weakest sectors of the population. It should go on the floor of the concrete and direct and constant relationship with citizens, to recover the awareness in those who govern, to exercise a power not delegated.
In this perspective, the regional administrative structure must be able to meet the needs of transparency of government, it is essential that the complex bureaucratic machinery evolve into an organization serving the citizen.
The action of government will behave in an integrated manner and not working for separate sectors in the knowledge that actions to enhance environmental compatibility can have a positive impact on the economy and, conversely, policies to stimulate a particular sectors can lead to important consequences in terms social and environmental.
Defense of the work.
The changes in the law affecting the world of work aiming at a reduction of workers' rights and job insecurity. There is a retreat from the major achievements of recent decades and especially trade union is questioning the very right to work. This results in the drama of those who are expelled the world of work in old age and find no possibility of reintegration into active inaccessible to young people if not how precarious, often constitute an actual phenomena of exploitation. On these slopes should produce an exceptional commitment with actions to protect the work, monitoring and intervention in critical business situations, before they ignite irreversible degenerative processes, with the activation of virtuous dynamics that make available to the system-work services innovative, with a policy of incentives for businesses and craft that is closely related to the creation of stable employment and innovation.
The public engagement in school, the university, in Health.
The deep cuts in the areas of school and university center-right government led by a distortion of the public school system, removing the teaching quality and quantity, and then the dissemination of knowledge. The result is the gradual decrease in school time, large classes, cuts and policies to support inclusion in schools, the push for educational schemes with a strong ideological content, to more completely away from the quality standards set at EU level. In this context, the regional government is called to take charge of the intervention areas left uncovered by the recent 'reforms' and to mitigate the negative consequences that the impact of the reform of primary and secondary education is bound to have. Will have to work on the enlargement of the training, supporting international mobility of students, on the development of interventions in favor of the right to study on programs of cooperation between schools and the workplace, with the purpose of accompanying the young graduates or graduates commitment to the professions working through internship programs and entry into the realities of production and service sector of the territory.
Le Università marchigiane vivono una fase complessa e in taluni casi difficile. Le dimensioni contenute e l’indirizzo umanistico che in parte le caratterizzano rappresentano elementi di debolezza in un panorama, anche in questo caso, di interventi legislativi volti a tagliare, “razionalizzare” contenere. La regione può offrire un impegno concreto in due direzioni. Da un lato il sostegno attraverso il rafforzamento degli interventi per il diritto allo studio, i finanziamenti alla didattica e alla ricerca, la creazione di programmi di collaborazione che coinvolgano il mondo produttivo, gli ordini professionali, le realtà del no-profit e del volontariato sociale, ambientale e culturale. Dall’altro può focalizzare sull’utenza universitaria e sui territori interessati interventi di potenziamento dei servizi pubblici, in primis quello dei trasporti, attraverso la realizzazione di servizi dedicati e l’implementazione di quelli esistenti.
Il diritto alla salute è un diritto primario. La presenza del servizio sanitario pubblico ha conosciuto nel nostro territorio un ridimensionamento dei presidi ospedalieri a favore di strutture sanitarie complesse. L’azione intrapresa, volta in primis al contenimento della spesa sanitaria, non ha conseguito tutti gli obiettivi che si prefiggeva. A fronte di cospicui investimenti sulla tecnologia diagnostica - In some cases probably more attentive to the needs of 'image' that non-effective solution of problems - there has been a growth in services that meet the needs of the population. In the presence of an aging population, endless waiting lists, non-availability of health services to the extent necessary, the emergency room clogged, the scarcity of resources for prevention programs in higher incidence of disease, together with the chronic shortage of support for families of patients, are the priorities to be addressed and solved with practical responses to the weakest first.
L 'Water is a public good.
Il governo regionale, al pari e insieme alla società civile e agli amministratori locali, deve essere impegnato in una azione forte e coerente in difesa dell’acqua pubblica. Tutte le energie vanno mobilitate e tutti gli strumenti normativi a tutela di questo bene adottati.
Ambiente e salute pubblica.
Sul versante della gestione dei rifiuti si deve coraggiosamente puntare all’obiettivo del 100% del riciclaggio e al contempo incoraggiare ed incentivare le politiche di contenimento della produzione dei rifiuti, promuovendo stili di vita alternativi e compatibili con il mantenimento dell’integrità del territorio e con la tutela della salute pubblica. Si deve intervenire con strumenti efficaci per tutelare the health of citizens in towns and villages besieged by pollution and the proximity of manufacturing plants unhealthy. Should implement strict policies to prevent pollution and ensure high standards of living throughout the region.
welfare and family support.
E 'must subtract the theme of' family support 'to the empty rhetoric and hackneyed as it has fallen in recent years, without, however, that the ideological struggle waged by certain political parties would follow the facts of a specific intervention. In contrast, it is a progressive reduction in school time and the deterioration of educational facilities of all levels, while the welfare was discharged on the shoulders of local authorities, in the most virtuous, they had to commit substantial slice of its budget on the maintenance of activated services, primarily for the elderly. This framework makes clear the nature of propaganda statements 'in support' of the family, which is rather seriously affected, like every citizen, from the contraction of the welfare state and government intervention in basic social services. This trend must be reversed urgently, especially in the presence of a long and difficult economic crisis like the present.
Strengthening public transport.
The issue of conversion of the line Civitanova Albacina in metropolitan area represents a great opportunity for the territory in terms of development, environmental awareness, enhancement of public service in particular for students and commuters. An efficient public transport network can contribute to the emergence of a successful cooperation between local authorities on many different sides, with definite benefits in economic terms, services and the socio-cultural.
policies for the promotion of culture should be fully refinanced and re-establish criteria for authentic development of existing potential in the area and with the purpose of treating a human and social individual. The dramatic economic and shall not be the umpteenth - time you! - Fatal justification for continuing on the road for some time undertaken the reduction of public intervention, the commodification of cultural facts and the historical and artistic heritage. There is the possibility to translate the culture and traditions of our country in the terms of a revival and the resumption of our socio-economic development. We must act to promote a culture that is widespread and intervention programs aimed at networking and exceeding the crystallization of current funding. Work towards the development of the historical and artistic environment with the adoption of guidelines standardized, and ensuring the protection and proper use of assets.
Anna Cimarelli
Councillor Ordinary People
Regional Councillor Candidate for President Massimo Rossi
lists of Left Ecology and Freedom
A new way of governing.
The new government of the Region must confirm the order of self- for conducting policy. The loosening of democratic mechanisms, corruption and even the mafia collusion of interest returning to the Italian context are the result of a degenerative form of politics that has moved away from people's needs and in particular of the weakest sectors of the population. It should go on the floor of the concrete and direct and constant relationship with citizens, to recover the awareness in those who govern, to exercise a power not delegated.
In this perspective, the regional administrative structure must be able to meet the needs of transparency of government, it is essential that the complex bureaucratic machinery evolve into an organization serving the citizen.
The action of government will behave in an integrated manner and not working for separate sectors in the knowledge that actions to enhance environmental compatibility can have a positive impact on the economy and, conversely, policies to stimulate a particular sectors can lead to important consequences in terms social and environmental.
Defense of the work.
The changes in the law affecting the world of work aiming at a reduction of workers' rights and job insecurity. There is a retreat from the major achievements of recent decades and especially trade union is questioning the very right to work. This results in the drama of those who are expelled the world of work in old age and find no possibility of reintegration into active inaccessible to young people if not how precarious, often constitute an actual phenomena of exploitation. On these slopes should produce an exceptional commitment with actions to protect the work, monitoring and intervention in critical business situations, before they ignite irreversible degenerative processes, with the activation of virtuous dynamics that make available to the system-work services innovative, with a policy of incentives for businesses and craft that is closely related to the creation of stable employment and innovation.
The public engagement in school, the university, in Health.
The deep cuts in the areas of school and university center-right government led by a distortion of the public school system, removing the teaching quality and quantity, and then the dissemination of knowledge. The result is the gradual decrease in school time, large classes, cuts and policies to support inclusion in schools, the push for educational schemes with a strong ideological content, to more completely away from the quality standards set at EU level. In this context, the regional government is called to take charge of the intervention areas left uncovered by the recent 'reforms' and to mitigate the negative consequences that the impact of the reform of primary and secondary education is bound to have. Will have to work on the enlargement of the training, supporting international mobility of students, on the development of interventions in favor of the right to study on programs of cooperation between schools and the workplace, with the purpose of accompanying the young graduates or graduates commitment to the professions working through internship programs and entry into the realities of production and service sector of the territory.
Le Università marchigiane vivono una fase complessa e in taluni casi difficile. Le dimensioni contenute e l’indirizzo umanistico che in parte le caratterizzano rappresentano elementi di debolezza in un panorama, anche in questo caso, di interventi legislativi volti a tagliare, “razionalizzare” contenere. La regione può offrire un impegno concreto in due direzioni. Da un lato il sostegno attraverso il rafforzamento degli interventi per il diritto allo studio, i finanziamenti alla didattica e alla ricerca, la creazione di programmi di collaborazione che coinvolgano il mondo produttivo, gli ordini professionali, le realtà del no-profit e del volontariato sociale, ambientale e culturale. Dall’altro può focalizzare sull’utenza universitaria e sui territori interessati interventi di potenziamento dei servizi pubblici, in primis quello dei trasporti, attraverso la realizzazione di servizi dedicati e l’implementazione di quelli esistenti.
Il diritto alla salute è un diritto primario. La presenza del servizio sanitario pubblico ha conosciuto nel nostro territorio un ridimensionamento dei presidi ospedalieri a favore di strutture sanitarie complesse. L’azione intrapresa, volta in primis al contenimento della spesa sanitaria, non ha conseguito tutti gli obiettivi che si prefiggeva. A fronte di cospicui investimenti sulla tecnologia diagnostica - In some cases probably more attentive to the needs of 'image' that non-effective solution of problems - there has been a growth in services that meet the needs of the population. In the presence of an aging population, endless waiting lists, non-availability of health services to the extent necessary, the emergency room clogged, the scarcity of resources for prevention programs in higher incidence of disease, together with the chronic shortage of support for families of patients, are the priorities to be addressed and solved with practical responses to the weakest first.
L 'Water is a public good.
Il governo regionale, al pari e insieme alla società civile e agli amministratori locali, deve essere impegnato in una azione forte e coerente in difesa dell’acqua pubblica. Tutte le energie vanno mobilitate e tutti gli strumenti normativi a tutela di questo bene adottati.
Ambiente e salute pubblica.
Sul versante della gestione dei rifiuti si deve coraggiosamente puntare all’obiettivo del 100% del riciclaggio e al contempo incoraggiare ed incentivare le politiche di contenimento della produzione dei rifiuti, promuovendo stili di vita alternativi e compatibili con il mantenimento dell’integrità del territorio e con la tutela della salute pubblica. Si deve intervenire con strumenti efficaci per tutelare the health of citizens in towns and villages besieged by pollution and the proximity of manufacturing plants unhealthy. Should implement strict policies to prevent pollution and ensure high standards of living throughout the region.
welfare and family support.
E 'must subtract the theme of' family support 'to the empty rhetoric and hackneyed as it has fallen in recent years, without, however, that the ideological struggle waged by certain political parties would follow the facts of a specific intervention. In contrast, it is a progressive reduction in school time and the deterioration of educational facilities of all levels, while the welfare was discharged on the shoulders of local authorities, in the most virtuous, they had to commit substantial slice of its budget on the maintenance of activated services, primarily for the elderly. This framework makes clear the nature of propaganda statements 'in support' of the family, which is rather seriously affected, like every citizen, from the contraction of the welfare state and government intervention in basic social services. This trend must be reversed urgently, especially in the presence of a long and difficult economic crisis like the present.
Strengthening public transport.
The issue of conversion of the line Civitanova Albacina in metropolitan area represents a great opportunity for the territory in terms of development, environmental awareness, enhancement of public service in particular for students and commuters. An efficient public transport network can contribute to the emergence of a successful cooperation between local authorities on many different sides, with definite benefits in economic terms, services and the socio-cultural.
policies for the promotion of culture should be fully refinanced and re-establish criteria for authentic development of existing potential in the area and with the purpose of treating a human and social individual. The dramatic economic and shall not be the umpteenth - time you! - Fatal justification for continuing on the road for some time undertaken the reduction of public intervention, the commodification of cultural facts and the historical and artistic heritage. There is the possibility to translate the culture and traditions of our country in the terms of a revival and the resumption of our socio-economic development. We must act to promote a culture that is widespread and intervention programs aimed at networking and exceeding the crystallization of current funding. Work towards the development of the historical and artistic environment with the adoption of guidelines standardized, and ensuring the protection and proper use of assets.
Anna Cimarelli
Councillor Ordinary People
Regional Councillor Candidate for President Massimo Rossi
lists of Left Ecology and Freedom
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