to the President of the Municipal Council of Al Tolentino
Mr. Secretary-General of the City of Toledo
to the Mayor of the City of Toledo
Motion of no confidence in Mayor Tolentino pursuant to art. 52 D. Legislative Decree 267/00. The undersigned
councilors said that:
- the aftermath of the elections of 2007 the Mayor has waited to the appointment of the Board of Directors of SAMS entrusting to it, one of the most important strategic tasks, the planning of a proposed merger with utility companies with similar characteristics and business purposes;
- its draft prepared by the Board, at its meeting on 27 December 2009, when final approval of the statute and of the shareholders' of the new company, has been postponed and then finally set aside;
- from that date Nothing was done later, if not zero for any possible development strategy of SAMS, in addition the process of splitting of SAMS has now been completed and the Company is then divided into two branches without this business are practicable to anything ;
- ASSMSpA for months without clear guidance as mayor, as a shareholder representative of all citizens of Toledo, has today appointed the Chairman of the Board, but merely to attempt to abort immediately obvious and entirely predictable incompatibilities to instruct the Presidency Dr. Gianni Corvatta;
- as a result of this, the SAMS is located in an impasse and is unable to take timely and far-sightedness the effects of recent legislation that prevents municipalities with fewer than 30,000 inhabitants to own the company, including those make basic public services for citizens and produce profits for the community. Neither is in a position to develop an ambitious project for the revival of the Baths of Saint Lucia and the redevelopment of the reservoir of Lake delle Grazie, reorganize the management of car parks for a serious review of mobility in our cities, implementing a complex and action across the public lighting (in the presence of European funding!) in order to achieve significant savings in energy consumption;
- in the face of such significant commitments to the current political and administrative paralysis real risk of undermining the economic stability of the company and jeopardize tens of jobs;
- the Mayor is currently supported by a majority of council, except that with which he was elected and is primarily an interpreter - about the protagonist - a 'new' political project that remains obscure to both the City Council and citizens, as it was not explained in any way, either in institutional or through a frank and open with the people;
- the electoral program of 2007 that the Mayor submitted to the citizens of Toledo and in virtue of which he was elected is nothing more than waste paper, without the promise of major public works construction and implementation of an effective program of promotion of local heritage;
Since :
- this situation brings with it the inability to address the major decisions for the future of the city and makes it extremely difficult also handle administration;
- the action of the city government is now sacrificed to the ambitions of some of the aldermen without the political and administrative decisions are appropriate to the real needs and expectations of citizens of the city, responding only logical Part;
- the Mayor has not proved to be capable of imparting character, pragmatism, unity of purpose and responsibility to local government;
- City Council and the City can not and do not intend to stand by and watch this situation;
- it is the duty of all municipal council members, with differing motives and in addition to those presented here, efforts to restore the dignity which is its policy and to ensure efficient and authoritative government to the city;
- the only way to achieve this goal is to return the word to voters before the first round useful
the above, and considered expected, the undersigned municipal councilors, on the basis of the foregoing,
City Council, pursuant to art. 52 D. Decree Law 267/00, this no-confidence motion against the Mayor of Tolentino Luciano Ruffini
that this no confidence motion is put on the agenda for discussion in a special City Council second the terms and forms of legal requirements, including those statutes and regulations. With best regards
Tolentino October 12, 2010
PAUL RUGGERI _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________
ANNA Cimarella
LEAF JOSEPH FRANCIS _____________________________________
MASSI GENTILONI Silverj _____________________________________
LORENZO DE Renzis _____________________________________ _____________________________________
GIUSEPPE FEDELI _____________________________________
ALESSIA PUPO _____________________________________
VALERIA RUITI SPURIO _____________________________________