E meno male!....
E meno male che la mozione di sfiducia era inopportuna!…
In realtà la discussione della mozione di sfiducia al sindaco ha posto in luce un’altra questione importante sulla quale in questi giorni tanto si dibatte.
Da giugno il Sindaco valutava l’ipotesi avanzata dal Cosmari di ulteriori abbancamenti nella discarica Collina, knowing that the maximum dei160 thousand cubic feet had been reached and that the procedures for the formal closing, however, were not activated. The question
Mayor and Deputy Mayor, although he knew the intention of consolidating with other wastes Cosmari the fence erected to secure the body of the landfill by landslides in place, there are pronounced and have formally expressed to the press release only on November 10, exactly one week after the City Council.
Recall that during the confidence motion, the Mayor has been fiercely criticized for not having ensured that all procedures for the permanent closure of the landfill had been properly initiated and carried out, and for failing to respond in a thorough and clear, how it was intended to remedy the instability of the ground.
the press release of November 10 was followed by the statements of the parties of the Board, a meeting with the anti-dumping and finally a public meeting on 25 November, at the hall nerpio. Finally
for the Administration seems to sound the alarm!
Cosmari and finally decided that Toledo City and its citizens have "already!", Waste, and then the landfill will be closed without further abbancamenti, and the landslide will be consolidated with the earth.
November 27, 2010
the Council Groups of ordinary people are heading to the city