Thursday, December 3, 2009

Homemade Coat Rack Ideas

Advent Calendar

Ever since I was little Christmas has always been one of my favorite holiday. The chores, the little drawings, greeting cards, choosing gifts for loved ones, the decoration of the tree and the house were what accompgnava my days.

This course along with my mom. * _ * For both of us has always been a magic that every year, despite everything, is repeated.

One of the things we like best is to open the boxes of the Advent Calendar, so I decided to riproporvelo electronically. From 1 December

potretre daily open the boxes and discover the wonders of Christmas.

I hope you enjoy! ^ _ ^

Enter the Mini website Advent Calendar .

Calendario dell'Avvento

For this reason I propose this nice 2009 Christmas play. You will find more checkboxes ready to open, because unfortunately I'm too sick to be able to update daily calendiario. Do your best and do not peek into the box on the day that is yet to come! ^ _-


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