Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Physical Therapist Starting Salary 2009


Dear Mayor, City People
the political movement that calls for the City of Toledo is a civil party in criminal proceedings against the company Metallurgical Fioretti, whose legal representative is sued in the Court Macerata on 29 January.
It 's definitely established that the foundry Fioretti stay in its current home is a threat to the health of residents and students of Don Bosco School which is located nearby.
The coexistence of a new industrial environmental impact is so heavy for years outside of a relationship of compatibility, or any director can be argued that this fact does not pose a problem to be given urgent answers.
are insignificant and rather disconcerting that the arguments are put forward in support of tolerance, and to this day not remedied, the permanence of such activities near the city center. To claim, as has been done, that the foundry was in that place even before the urban expansion of the city enclosed in a residential area is frankly vacuous argument and does not do justice to the patience of the citizens residing there, who for decades have to bear their dangerous consequences of coexistence impossible. Smoke, dust, noise can not be justified today in the contradictions of urban development are not adequately reasoned, on the contrary, if anything, this should be the stimulus for greater effort by the political class city and to overcome inaction, fatalism, the slowness in the definition the only possible solution: the relocation. A solution that this has been covered by virtually all other production activities in recent decades have experienced a similar situation. In this regard
adversely affects the attitude of ownership stubbornly unreasonable, it seems little interested in developing the productive activity through the production plant location in the area of \u200b\u200bthe municipality; unavailable, most importantly, to return to a situation of regularity of air emissions, as stated by many to be established, despite the inability of the constituted authorities. Authority to reel in the hope of a legal limit to resolve the political vacuum around this event and that remove the hook. Hope that seems destined to remain empty, since the rules are understandably far from regulating the terms of permanence of a polluting industry within a city, this being a fact clearly in the remote but often problematic Italian urban landscape. In short, we Tolentino outside of history, out of things not only desirable but even likely.
So it's time to mark milestones, precise and rhythmic, a path that restores breathing relocation to the city and better prospects for the development of the company and its workers. The actions taken so far are not sufficient. E 'must be demonstrated that by the local authority to the company and citizenship, a firm political will and no doubt about the need for early relocation of the way immediately, with concrete actions and agreements.
In this vein, the legal proceedings mentioned in the introduction is an important opportunity to clarify what rights can be recognized as citizens. It 's sad that the city of Toledo is hoping to find justice for their right to an acceptable quality of life after politics for many years, has become unable to find an appropriate solution to the problem and workable. It 'still also important that those who now administers the City face a choice of a party, not only for the legal implications of the case, but also to ensure its presence for the people who ask these recognized rights.

Tolentino, January 26, 2010
Political Movement Ordinary People


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