We're back here.
We were absent for "technical problems" but we have continued to hold control the political scene. So much has happened, even momentous (the disappearance of the left in parliament, the third consecutive scudetto Inter !...) but all at the national level.
At the local level? There were no changes or Tolentino is always the same?
Our political movement has emphasized, in this first year of life, with his political actions, the importance of the common good " term referring to different concepts. Nell'accezione popular common good is defined as a specific asset that is shared by all members of a specific community. There are definitions of common good even in the philosophy , 'S ethics of political science of religion and Court "(from http://www.wikipedia.org / ).
We have stressed the urgency of:
- find a solution for FIORETTI ;
- clarity on costs and quality of ' WATER of Toledo after the connection of the aqueduct Black;
- find an alternative to LANDFILL of Maricello;
- save citizens "shortening the distribution chain;
- eliminate bottled water from municipal offices and canteens to save costs and use the tap water quality is now" guaranteed by the City " ;
Despite the questions and motions approved, the administration's commitment to respond positively to the requests made by Councillor Anna Cimarelli, nothing has changed in the first year of the municipal government on the proposed themes:
The- FIORETTI is always there
- I water costs have increased but the bill is increasingly illegible, also on the transparency of information on water quality, SAMS issue now only a bare statement: you read ( http://www.assm.it/disap/Docs/approv20080417. pdf )
- The landfill is filling up fast: the alternative final?
- The proposal to shorten the supply chain, distributing bulk at supermarkets, was approved by the majority, but concrete actions? And because the opposition did not vote in favor?
- Use tap water instead of bottled water : where are we in school canteens and in the municipal offices?
continue to keep the attention on these issues because they are not part of topics but cover important aspects of the common good: health and savings.
Please note finally a site to get information about the "common good": http://www.benecomune.net/
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