A.A.A.: Castello Rent
those who contributed in the Castle Rancia was reduced to any place to rent for private reasons (see site http://www.castellodellarancia.com/main.html ) I hope you repent and prove vergogna.Come town councilor and as I aspect of an act of contrition and a vigorous reverse by the Board with respect to a choice which I believe is short-sighted, and useless scellerata.E 'clear that the revenues that are realized (or to realize that there is an illusion!) "renting" the Castle for weddings and business events is not even enough to cover the maintenance needs of ordinary / extraordinary that in a little present, because of improper use, massive and totally out of control structure. As then it will justify the political decision to popularize the image of the castle and to sell off the city's history, when the budget of the operation will be found in the past?! not just a historic theater went up in smoke? It was not enough culture turned into entertainment? I call on the city's cultural operators, administrators, conscientious, all citizens who care about what's left of our traditions and our culture, we do not remain silent.
Councillor Anna Cimarelli - Ordinary People
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