Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Design, Eco-Design since 1996

Versatile, customizable , economic but also recyclable and biodegradable, cardboard has become a revolutionary design element . After numerous projects in environmentally sustainable architecture, most innovative designers and enthusiastic supporter of the label have given space to their inspiration transforming a seemingly poor material in the latest industry news. The trend
eco-design, which today represents change and progress after years of awareness campaigns on the subject instead reality since 1996 for Designs, an Italian company was first launched with the goal of bringing high design and design in the paper industry . So, since then, drawing, life tables, chairs, bookcases and other everyday products made exclusively from cardboard without the use of other materials, with systems made of interlocking cuts and folds .. . Continue reading about

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The culinary art meets Design

Cooking is a practice that can go beyond its scope daily. It is an art developed around food , always means effective and user-friendliness of aggregation, can satisfy many of our senses, visual, because it can lead to creations worthy of the highest design .
why three companies have created an unprecedented collaboration that features the encounter between design and cuisine. The new location of Eating, cooking school and learning is in fact the showroom Project in Como .
cooking school Eating & Learning, the brainchild of Lula Pedroni in 2006 the first merit of having approached the inherent sociality of food that the act of cooking. Hence the invention of courses cuisine tailored for different needs, all conducted by masters of the Italian Federation of Chefs ... Continue reading about

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Renewable energy, materials of last generation, low waste: House Buderus can live according to nature without sacrificing comfort

L 'greening is now a requirement strongly encouraged. Essential for building cutting-edge, the so-called "green building (bioedlizia, green architecture), that ecological integration can not help but aim at. Counter, at least, energy waste, and reduce the inevitable contamination of the environment has become a necessity. The draft House
Buderus tries to meet precisely this need.
This is a 'home designed to interact with the environment . It uses mainly renewable energy, eco-friendly produced by the generators: solar panels, solar panels, geothermal heat pump, heat pump air-water, natural gas condensing boiler, biomass boiler and air circulation system.
In its design, the designers used two principles: respect for the needs of nature, both human. Notwithstanding the environmental acceptability, how to meet the needs of those living there? The cold, heat, exposure to light, wind and rain, the energy intake: factors are not negligible ... Continue reading about

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Speech by Patrick Blanc vertical garden at the Museum Caixa Forum in Madrid

between two ideas that underlie their opposing concept of vertical garden, two symbolic lines of thought which help to outline a potential future of the city: the city forest. Mobile and immobile face and position themselves as the faces of the same coin: on one side wearing the green and marched the other nature that takes over everything stands still, face and immobilizing him. What happens to the museum
Caixa Forum in Madrid.
The entire facade facing the square is made up of 15,000 plants of 250 different species, drawing a green wall 24 meters high, thanks to the collaboration with the botanist Patrick Blanc.
The green wall is great because it frees the idea of \u200b\u200bplants from the relationship with the land, is just a green cabinet. It also establishes a connection with the botanical garden and landscape of the Paseo del Prado, becoming a major architectural element to provide accurate rental identity to an institution of contemporary art.
The museum was born from the restoration of a power plant of 1899 , one of the few significant examples of industrial architecture in Madrid and the project was curated by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron ...
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The architects and Mutschkechner Mahlknecht the award "City of Oderzo"

Sabato 28 febbraio si è proclamato il progetto vincitore dell'undicesima edizione del " Premio architettura Città di Oderzo " e la contestuale apertura della mostra dei progetti selezionati.
Rimarrà aperta fino al 19 aprile a Palazzo Foscolo, occasione questa, per presentare e portare ad un pubblico più vasto le considerazioni e il dibattito sui temi emersi nel corso dei lavori della Giuria.
Gli architetti altoatesini Heinrich Mutschlechner e Gerhard Mahlknecht sono saliti sul podio con l'ampliamento del cimitero di Lutago in Valle Aurina.
Sono riusciti a convincere la Commissione, formed by professors-President Carlo Magnani Carlo Olmo, Carlo Birrozzi, Sebastiano Brandolini, Hats Agostino and Vittorio Savi, because that combine past and future, retraining and uphold the rule of the place and new environmental challenges.
The winning project demonstrates how it can be from public works, essential and necessary, to enable research and promotion of quality.
Participation was lively and active, well 116 designers who submitted their works for a total of 146 produced in total, from all the north-eastern provinces, the Veneto (71), Trentino Alto Adige (40) and from Friuli Venezia Giulia (35) ... Continue reading about

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in Rome back in 2009 "Ecopolis09: 1 to April 3 we discuss sustainable building

Dall ' April 1 to 3 Rome, the city with a capital C, is home ECOPOLIS Expo and Conference, exhibition dedicated to best practices worldwide urbanization.
Theatre will be the exposure Fiera di Roma, which together with the Chamber of Commerce in the capital, is organizing the event.
The organizers put on the plate is all that is said about the new urban sustainability in its declination, substantially assess the health of our cities, as well as expose the best practices and technologies that exist at International on the issue of governance and sustainable management of cities.
All the protagonists of this world come together to discuss and will certainly continue on the road tied to sustainable living. The present
areas, from which spring the product categories for the event, were selected by taking inspiration from the 20 actions that cities will have to implement by 2012 according to the guidelines of the Declaration of " Green Cities" (San Francisco, 2005).
energy, waste, urban nature and human, urban design and built environment, mobility, water, environmental sanitation, governance ... Continue reading about

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Headache Behind Right Eye

La Palazzina????

Given that the majority has confirmed desire to build a new building in the Flaminio area to house the offices and maintenance technicians, we wonder:
  • E 'was made a check on the relationship between the surfaces currently available and useful the number of its employees against the standards of legislation (Act 626 and other regulations), so as to rationalize the available space and actually check what additional space is needed, considering the shift from home to office via Rutiloni (source St. John )?
  • Why
  • different assumptions were made to part-time (at least 4 only on the Public Works Sector), with its need for more office hours for the same work, with increased operating costs (equipment, computers, furniture , heating and lighting, cleaning, etc.).?
  • Given that directors and officers have a continuing need to go to the administrative headquarters, logistics and rationally that the offices would not be preferable (especially Planning, Public Works, etc..) Are located in close proximity to Liberty Square?
  • So why has not evaluated the retrieval near the square of other areas already owned by the municipality, for example through building restoration building former sports union, which instead will be sold, or moving offices that do not require this need by transferring them on properties already owned and ready for use which the former high school (located in the old town!)?
  • where we get money for the new building, which still cost much more than that to rationalize the existing spaces?
  • We are sure that the logistics function is not compromised for the benefit of you know what?
  • E 'morally acceptable to be bought (and still used) by the City area removed from the urban park through a speculative operation against the city that we all know?
  • How come the majority considered a priority project for relocation of municipal offices and not rather that of a budget plan for the construction of the bridge of the Flaminia, since that work is available for a specific private financing under its agreement program?
  • Which of these two works, a public interest more?

await responses from those who govern the city.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brazilian Laser Removal Designs

la festa dei colori

All rights reserved © photo sonia Squilloni

Happy Holi to all!

Today, the first full moon of March (if it is lost if the worse for him, is amazing!) Is celebrated in India, the festival of Holi , one of Hinduism's holiest.

You play with their strong colors and color therapy, knowing that from here a little Indian summer bloom and Bouganville of five colors ^ _ ^