Saturday, March 21, 2009

Headache Behind Right Eye

La Palazzina????

Given that the majority has confirmed desire to build a new building in the Flaminio area to house the offices and maintenance technicians, we wonder:
  • E 'was made a check on the relationship between the surfaces currently available and useful the number of its employees against the standards of legislation (Act 626 and other regulations), so as to rationalize the available space and actually check what additional space is needed, considering the shift from home to office via Rutiloni (source St. John )?
  • Why
  • different assumptions were made to part-time (at least 4 only on the Public Works Sector), with its need for more office hours for the same work, with increased operating costs (equipment, computers, furniture , heating and lighting, cleaning, etc.).?
  • Given that directors and officers have a continuing need to go to the administrative headquarters, logistics and rationally that the offices would not be preferable (especially Planning, Public Works, etc..) Are located in close proximity to Liberty Square?
  • So why has not evaluated the retrieval near the square of other areas already owned by the municipality, for example through building restoration building former sports union, which instead will be sold, or moving offices that do not require this need by transferring them on properties already owned and ready for use which the former high school (located in the old town!)?
  • where we get money for the new building, which still cost much more than that to rationalize the existing spaces?
  • We are sure that the logistics function is not compromised for the benefit of you know what?
  • E 'morally acceptable to be bought (and still used) by the City area removed from the urban park through a speculative operation against the city that we all know?
  • How come the majority considered a priority project for relocation of municipal offices and not rather that of a budget plan for the construction of the bridge of the Flaminia, since that work is available for a specific private financing under its agreement program?
  • Which of these two works, a public interest more?

await responses from those who govern the city.


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