From the chaos of the language of ideas
the transparency of the choices on the shared culture of living.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 18.00 Legambiente of Milan (Via G. Vida 7)
Free Entry accreditation to send an email to House Publishing Company
CLAUDIO DE ALBERTIS President Assimpredil
FABIAN LORENZO Professor of Urban Planning IUAV
ANDREAS KIPAR President Green City Italy
Ugo La Pietra Architect, Artist, Designer
GIANNEGIDIO SILVA President Metropolitana di Napoli
CARLO Valtolina Chairman of the Board of Engineers and Architects of Milan
FRANCESCO Arecco lawyers, Energy and Environment
ANDREA HILL Legambiente Innovation Foundation President
occasion will be presented to the National Competition (1st Edition)
Pivetta, editor HOUSE COMPANY
Greta La Rocca, editorial coordinator
From the green economy and environmental dall'ecosostenibilità one wonders about the meaning of living. It started on 11 June by the Triennale di Milano a series of meetings,
* Laboratory of Living Industry, which will stop in major Italian cities throughout 2010 to discuss with the artists, intellectuals - professionals - entrepreneurs, the transformation of the forms of living. With openings, trade and cross-contamination between Alternative Energy, Urban Planning, Sociology, Eco thought, Architecture, Design, Construction, Construction, Real Estate, Technology, Arts, Furniture, Green Culture.
Why has just begun a new era marked by profound changes and processes in developing countries, which are rapidly transforming the character of the prevailing conception of city planning, an ecological approach to environmental sustainability, real estate investment, construction method and housing philosophy.
We focus on the vision of the natural and built environment as a driver of a new economy. European and international level to become the laboratory for research and construction of the building and eco-friendly house of the future, innovation in design and furnishings for integration of population ecology.
"Monday, July 5, 2010 at 18.00 3M
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 3
" Design Library Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 21:00
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 4
"Design Library Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 21, 00
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 5 *
Laboratory Industry dell'Abitare
Thank you for your participation
Daniela Paola Aglione Coordinator Silvia Pirovano
Competition Competition Secretariat
Greta La Rocca
Editorial Coordinator
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