Friday, April 16, 2010

Bmi For Females Aged 2-20

I politici: sì alle archistar, riempiono le pagine dei giornali

Non bisogna costruire grattacieli solo perché sono espressioni di potere. In Italia non ha senso parlare di città verticali, siamo un Paese che non cresce

È un’archistar?
No! Credo che i problemi siano due: da una parte il bisogno mediatico che ha un architetto quando realizza opere that create debate, but also testifies to this part of the crisis communication. The work of surveyors is more civil these architects have the same role in many important people such as doctors or lawyers. Behind the superstars have to be people of culture, but not always the case: the mediated image and then you lose the contents. The architect is an important person, because it works within society, in culture, it is a figure that emerges. Our local superstars, Italian, have received international recognition: it shows that those who make good his work is appreciated because it marks a moment in history. But then he becomes a star mechanism because the media turns it into an object of communication glamorous, but it is part of the game, no?

Why not define un'archistar?
I do not like this trend that pushes more content on the image, it seems more interesting to talk about my work, a reference point for young people, who want to design the architecture. I feel a bit 'like a doctor who works with an open heart, but when you leave the hospital is not always photographed. My role is more normal .

About the only superstars?
Renzo Piano no doubt, a person known by all, and Massimiliano Fuksas. These architetti stanno segnando il nostro tempo, li possiamo chiamare archistar perché sono uomini di cultura.

Per leggere tutta l'intervista all'architetto Mario Cucinella clicca qui


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