Thursday, April 1, 2010

Southmead Maternity Tours

Comi mastica fiele

In relazione alle dichiarazioni rilasciate da F. Comi al Resto del
Carlino (edizione del 31.03.2010) si inoltra il seguente
Press Release:

Comi * * chews gall

sorry to intervene on the statements, the daughters of
verbal incontinence, appalesanti impatient, angry and
inability to adopt a correct political style, those who,
reconfirmed in the Regional Council, while considering a "big"
of local politics has to deal with an election result
obviously lower than expected, which sees him ranked in the province
behind Sara Giannini, now in pole position
for a place in the county council and the city
behind Mr Francesco Massi.

As for me, without even wanting to mention that the
Massimo Rossi's candidacy and the formation of a coalition in its support
has taken place just a month before the elections and yet
Tolentino scored
among the best performances of the entire region, without wanting to mention that
the most brilliant election results are affected
to those political forces that have greater visibility in the media (which
the PD should know very well!), I prefer to call
Comi and the other candidates in a transparent operation that I consider essential for the proper assessment

their election results. Colleagues declare that they have spent on the campaign
election, if they have the courage and sincerity to do
. Then the people sort it out.

For the rest, nothing new under the sun: Comi spreading poison on
who does not take orders from him and he does before, during and after the
election campaign, confirming a real, huge disappointment for those expecting
left a representative of "height".

Anna Cimarelli


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