Sunday, February 27, 2011

Milkbone Scholarships


SADAEL - Misanthropy March

At that moment the eyes of teacher is randomly placed on the knees of the lady. You took your hands, clutching a handkerchief. Such a trifle is obviously not a discovery. But at the same time the professor noticed that his hands were shaking violently. He observed that, while shaking, clutching her handkerchief convulsively, a laceration hazard in tentativo, forse, di dominare la violenza dei sentimenti. Infine intravvide il lieve movimento, quasi causato da una brezza, degli orli ricamati del fazzoletto spiegazzato fra le dita delicate. La signora dal volto sorridente in realtà piangeva con tutto il corpo.

(tratto da La ruota dentata, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa )

Grazie a Carolina per la segnalazione del libro e a Edenlog per quella musicale


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