17 agosto 2007. Lasciate le stelle a notte fonda, ho trovato alcova nella nicchia nel muro attrezzata con materasso. Le mie compagne di stanza già se la dormivano alla grande.
Mi ha vinto un sonno irrequieto, agitato, dove anche il canto dei grilli non era semplice disturbo ma una martellante colonna sonora di inquietanti e fobici pensieri: grilli, gli insetti, gli animali, i serpenti, la finestra vicina, il rifiuto, il caldo, la polvere, il lenzuolo che non c’è, il rifiuto, il lucchetto da diario segreto, la pala per l’aria non arriva, il materasso, la muratura. Alle 5, non era più il caso di accondiscendere a questa tortura e mi sono rebelled. I greeted this weak Morpheus who opened her arms without hesitation. Sunrise at Orcha. Bocconi clouds illuminated in pink, from below, as heat is turned on. What are
boccni of cloud? The bites of cloud, are those little bites of soft white matter floating in the frosting pink dawn sky, and often report that even smells a sprinkle of new sun, cool cool of the day ...
I take the camera, two shots at the clouds and I'm two steps. I think,
- "I may exit the enclosure of the hotel, why not, I ... yes, of course if I was dressed! azz. " In
hotel can also turn into shorts by sea, but on the streets of this small country is not the case. Well
are 5.30, are wide awake and there is already a hot dog!
Yoga! The shorts I have, and will serve as a mat and the rest we'll see.
When I realize that the porch where I practice there are also the fans for air, it is too late. Not yet 6 am, and have already "half" of sweat.
greet the dawn - a requirement with those pink clouds - a subtle work of breath, synchronous movements at minimum. I started doing yoga three years ago and I never thought it would become so important. I started to fill an empty moment, not a lack of time, but a lack of passion. The meeting with Paul, my teacher, and then a gradual love, consolidated with practice, neglect and the breath that takes strength and it becomes you.
I would like to continue with the asanas of the crow, in deference to my audience of birds blacks, gathered on the roof of the front room, but I can barely keep myself balanced on his knees with his hands above his shoulders.
switch to something simpler, the locust, my favorite, shalabhasana, the tree, vriksana, how to bypass these giants in this land, and finally seized the mother earth.
When you emerge from the posting is still too early to everything, only free space to the thoughts and reading. This Siddhartha port anywhere but I just can scroll through the pages. Somebody me will have to explain all its value!?
Each to their limits, if any person who creates and destroys them. One of mine is to not read the books that we spoke too. It will be a fear of being depleted or even my opinion to the other? I often think of change, but maybe it is just a limit, like many others. But the real ones are other limits, those are difficult to accept. They are the ones that you put the others and did not depend on you. Accepting the existence of the limit is more difficult to pass or place, is upon you, and you can not do.
We want simple honesty. It seems a trivial matter, but it is not. Acceptance.
may appear more facile mentire, accondiscendere o travisare, magari anche in buona fede, ma non paga quanto paga essere onesti, con se e con gli altri.
L’onestà paga con una moneta inesauribile.
E la modestia? …e fino a dove arriva senza far subentrare il vittimismo e sottovalutazione? Il limite da quale trincea è segnato? Il rifiuto. Rifiuto di questo non poter agire, di non essere parte dell’azione. Rifiuto il dover attender per poter essere.
Ho capito, Orcha è “l’anima dell’India”, dice la guida, ma che sia in amore/odio con la mia di anima? Che ho fatto di male?! …a che ora servono la colazione? Vi prego?! Mi sono solo svegliata presto?!
Prendo la decisione to leave my thoughts and get back to the pack animal. Comes the breakfast, if you want to Shiva! Go well my friend - the beautiful-but-grim - but it loses sight of this August hormones appear to be on vacation ... Let's please, let's go for palaces, temples and markets, wake up traveling companions, not take it anymore of my solitude! Previous post
Travel Stories
• For Orcha to count the stars
• Orcha, relax by a thousand and one nights