since 1986, the cost of leasing has steadily increased, and also increased the gap to the level of wages.
The topic was addressed during della conferenza inaugurale del Forum Architettura organizzato da Il Sole 24 Ore alla Triennale di Milano lo scorso 3 ottobre.
Sulla questione, come purtroppo in altri ambiti, il nostro Paese è in ritardo rispetto al resto d'Europa, dove l'housing sociale rappresenta il 20% del mercato, mentre in Italia è fermo al 5%.
Anche per questo, nel 1999, la Fondazione Cariplo ha dato vita al Progetto Housing Sociale, studiando modalità di intervento, diverse dalle tradizionali erogazioni a fondo perduto, capaci di dare risposte qualitativamente e quantitativamente innovative al bisogno socio-abitativo.
Il Progetto ha preso avvio concretamente nel 2004, with the participation of Regione Lombardia and hip region, was established the Social Housing Foundation (FHS), the operational entity responsible for developing the structure and content.
The implementation tool is an ethical real estate investment fund to pay moderate, the Fondo Abitare Sociale 1, which raised € 85 million from the Cariplo Foundation, Regione Lombardia, Cassa, Banca Intesa San Paolo, Banca Popolare di Milano , Case of Italian Surveyors, General Insurance and Pirelli / Telecom.
Established in 2006, the fund is that investment should be completed by 2011 and is managed by Polaris Investment Sgr.
The experimental program of social housing activity will include integrated urban villages that will be realized, the size of at least 100 housing units, within which to promote the mix of residents and functions designed to ensure their sustainability, as well as responses from university housing to accommodate the non-resident students.
The rent is usually the same low charge or arrangement introduced by the Lombardy Region, approximately 65-75 € / year per square meter.
Among the interventions being studied, is already under construction in Crema a residential complex comprising 90 apartments, neighborhood services and nursery school for 125 children.
Format by a single body made up of three distinct building blocks , divided along north-south to the residence to offer the best possible guidance in terms of sunlight, views and feedback of air (at least 2 sides for each unit Housing), the two residential blocks (the third is the nursery) are characterized by an impressive canopy cover in metal integrated with a system of photovoltaic panels.
The building was in fact conceived in class A, with an energy requirement of less than 14 kWh / sqm / year.
District heating with floor distribution panels, control of ventilation with energy recovery and drying of the: social housing projects light years away from the "housing" of the seventies that still symbolize poverty and degradation.
Finally, even in Italy, began to emerge a housing quality social and sustainable in all senses: the pockets of the poor and for the whole community.
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