active and industrious, in fact, are his opposites.
Yet, in recent years, when it comes to building and energy, we must reverse the meaning.
Yes, because if the liabilities exceed its assets in the balance is lost, but if you tratta di una casa, "passivo" equivale a risparmio energetico e si traduce in risparmio in bolletta.
Lo standard a cui ci si riferisce in questo campo è quello della Passivhaus tedesca, ovvero un'abitazione che assicura il benessere termico senza alcun impianto di riscaldamento "convenzionale" ed è quello a cui si è ispirato il geometra Gian Piero Marchiori per costruire la sua casa a Borgoricco, in provincia di Padova.
Oltre ad aver abbattuto i costi complessivi di edificazione, pareggiandola con una in muratura (costi elevati dei materiali compensati con la poca manodopera impiegata, circa 15 giorni lavorativi), Marchiori ha passato l’estate scorsa senza condizionatore, because the house is well ventilated and no window is exposed to the sun.
The house is much the same light, because all made with lots of windows with thermal glass.
For winter approaching, however, heating is provided by a small pellet stove / wood / wood chips cost "0", as Marchiori burn wood that has advanced the construction of the house.
for water heating installed a water heater (included with the stove) that is heated by the stove in winter and in summer by a solar panel.
The dishwasher and washing machine are connected to the hot water pipe, then use less electricity to water heating, lighting of the garden is provided by batteries that are recharged during the day thanks to solar panels (two are enough to provide about 100 W) and rainwater is collected on underground tanks to be then used for watering the garden.
All this has resulted in savings on construction costs (the cost of crude was 70 000 euro), as well as a 80% saving on energy consumption.
Suffice it to say that bills of this house of 200 square meters are equivalent to those of a house "normal" of 70-80 square meters.
A decidedly "active".
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