Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rhus Tree South Africa
Tolentino, 15 December 2009 Council Chamber Group
Chairman of the Board
the Mayor
the City of Toledo
Subject: Questions for Oral Answer
- In view of the work concerning the building of the school complex ML King;
Given the concerns mentioned during the session of the City Council on November 26 in U.S. refer to works performed poorly, and in fact the answers were provided by the Administration;
He demands to know :
1. Were there any records or documents of the municipal offices in charge of irregularities which have formally recognized or not disputed work performed in a workmanlike manner and in such cases to know the contents;
2. The real state of play regarding the quality of works, the same compliance with current safety standards.
Councillor Anna
Cold Sore High Inside Nose Nose
Tolentino, 13 December 2010 Council Chamber Group
Chairman of the Board
the Mayor of Toledo
Subject: Questions for Oral Answer
- Given the resolution City Council of 20 December 2007 by which the City Council undertook to "take all appropriate steps as required to initiate and complete the relocation process," to draw up a protocol agreement with the company 'in the introduction to the relocation and to determine, in mutual agreement, the timing and chronology of work, taking account of the provisional authorization expires on 31 December 2010 "and" periodically request and in any event at intervals not exceeding six months, controls on air pollution, noise pollution and the spread of bad smells so 'as reflected by just dell'ARPAM "
- Due to the formal notice of the Province of Macerata in the June 5, 2008 with which he drew The company Metallurgical Fioretti "to ensure the restoration of conditions of law, eliminating the presence of unauthorized substances," having found that "emissions from the plant Tolentino Metallurgica Fioretti spa does not comply with the requirements in 'act of authorization, as molecules containing non-authorized, namely carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (SOV) "and that" the company does not carry out checks twice a year, but rather once a 'year or even every year;
- Given the results of monitoring of atmospheric deposition on a hat and at the gardens John Lennon's public 24/09/2009, documenting high concentrations of dust of iron and aluminum in the areas examined, with particular regard Via Cappellacci;
Given the responses that he gave to the Mayor presented by the City Council signed on 20 December 2007;
It demands to know:
1. If the City has requested and obtained six months in the past two years, the data on air pollution, noise pollution and the spread of bad smells as prescribed by resolution of the City Council cited in the introduction;
2. If you are remedied by the Company irregularities of the plants that emit dust, fumes and noise;
3. If you have initiated the procedure for relocation and prepared the documents for the necessary modification to the PRG (as stated by the Mayor) and the subsequent allocation of the new location;
4. What measures will take the Town Council, and which - if necessary - were taken in relation to the deadline for the regional authorization, 31 December 2010.
Councillor Anna
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Lewy Body & Stomach Aches
Luckily, I had made last year, with period pains, I just could not. When we say that prudence is a virtue is definitely!
good journey towards Christmas! ^ P ^
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Homemade Coat Rack Ideas
Ever since I was little Christmas has always been one of my favorite holiday. The chores, the little drawings, greeting cards, choosing gifts for loved ones, the decoration of the tree and the house were what accompgnava my days.
This course along with my mom. * _ * For both of us has always been a magic that every year, despite everything, is repeated.
One of the things we like best is to open the boxes of the Advent Calendar, so I decided to riproporvelo electronically. From 1 December
potretre daily open the boxes and discover the wonders of Christmas.
I hope you enjoy! ^ _ ^
For this reason I propose this nice 2009 Christmas play. You will find more checkboxes ready to open, because unfortunately I'm too sick to be able to update daily calendiario. Do your best and do not peek into the box on the day that is yet to come! ^ _-
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Pay To Invite A Celebrity To An Event
The November 25 we celebrated the whole day against violence against women and leave you the link how did this important day The origins of the International Day Against Violence Against Women .
TODAY Saturday, November 28 at 14 flights to Rome from Republic Square will be held National demonstration against violence to Women .
Apart from the fact that I want to see how many cases of women killed by men from fidanzate, dalle mogli, dalle madri etc etc. Se li confrontiamo con quelli relativi alle donne uccise dagli uomini ci si può fare una chiara idea di quale è la situazione. Voler continuare a negare che è una violenza di genere significa mettersi la benda sugli occhi.
Se non si capisce da dove il problema proviene e come si sviluppa non lo si può neanche risolvere. Finché continueremo a pensare che la violenza sulle donne è una violenza di ordine pubblico non ci muoveremo di una virgola da dove siamo ora.
Ma soprattutto OGGI i movimenti femministi di tutto il mondo continuano a salvare vite umane li dove la libertà è solo un sogno e non solo la libertà delle donne ma anche di uomini, bambini, anziani, malati, omosessuali etc etc. Oggi le donne sono SEMPRE in prima linea nella lotta per i diritti di TUTTI e la cosa buffa è che sono in pochi quelli che lottano per i diritti delle donne.
Io vorrei tanto una presa di coscienza maschile, uno scatto di orgoglio, di uomini che dicono NOI NON SIAMO COSI' E LOTTIAMO CON VOI . E invece col cavolo, al massimo c'è chi dice "eh bhe non puoi fare di tutta un'erba un fascio" bene ma fateci vedere che c’è chi ci sostiene.
Ultimamente si muove qualcosa anche in questo senso e ne sono contenta, ma vorrei lo scatto dagli uomini comuni non dai vari sportivi, attori etc etc. I nostri padri, fratelli, fidanzati, amici, nonni, zii... coraggio uomini rejection of violence against women does not mean becoming a slave to women, but free to think!
For men who want to do something practical advice to visit the White Ribbon Campaign home page header that says "The real strength is in compliance. Men, women, violence against women ".
invite all men and women to negotiate on their blogs, forums and websites on the subject. Talking about it can only help our society!
I do not have it with people I love them even in their diversity. What is certain is that if he wanted to defend my rights, will equal dignity, equal opportunity and self-determination on my body and my head and will a reciprocal relationship with the opposite sex means angry with men ... well, may I have it with men! ^ _-
I am sorry that some people "enlightened" feminist movements even consider something wrong, something that goes against "them" and something to stay away. I am infinitely
to smile today because if the woman is free to be herself and can give more because it is more free than a few years ago. So I wonder how is it that men still take refuge in liberal sarcastic jokes?
have not yet figured out that if we give it to him is because we are liberated! D ^ ^ Or were married before! Questo dovrebbe bastargli per diventare ferventi sostenitori del femminismo visto che senza una presa di coscienza della propria sessualità, grazie al femminismo, nessuna donna oggi porterebbe neanche una gonnellina al di sopra del ginocchio e di certo non avrebbe una sessualità appagante per entrambi i partner. E non ho neanche voglia di stare a sentire chi dice che si è ecceduto dalla parte opposta visto che ora si va in giro troppo spogliate, ognuna farà come cavolo gli pare o no??? L'uomo può stare a torso nudo e noi non possiamo mettere la minigonna altrimenti l'ormone impazzisce e poi come lo fermano?
Vi invito a guardare il famoso documentario IL CORPO DELLE DONNE . Anche questa è violenza, anche continuare to want to see the woman as an ornament, an object, possibly setting something that is half naked violence. Depersonalization, makes us objects, we commodify. Because there is never a naked man to serve as ornament?
And just to accept the initial site was closed (and then re-opened) with this explanation: "Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe that the blog content is objectionable." . -_-
You can read the blog content with ease, the right to dignity of women is questionable. If this is not violence!
I have not penetrated into the foreign character issues where surely the situation is unimaginable, and in those cases is much easier to see the evidence of the case. For this part I leave a very interesting link Amnesty Internationa - 25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women .
My profound reflection on the theme of violence found in the post 1522 "Women's Anti-Violence" and reflection on violence against women .
For a better future we need the contribution of all men and women fighting together and support for equal rights and dignity.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kates Playground Free Sets
Nel caso di errata visualizzazione il Comunicato stampa è qui pubblicato
Alle Redazioni giornalistiche, Associazioni, Istituti d’Arte, Accademie di Belle Arti, Università, Enti, Istituzioni, Comuni, Aziende, Architetti, Ingegneri, Artisti, Designer
Ecohousing Art, opere e progetti per abitare gli spazi
Riservato a Junior e Senior Artisti - Designer - Architects - Engineers
Awards, 30,000 euros by the partners of Industry dell'Abitare
Catalogues, 372 works and projects work in progress for more than 30,000 copies Show
, 252 ideecostruttive exhibited in Milan in September 2010
House Company, with the first edition of "Art Ecohousing - Real Estate Award 2010"
has set itself the objective of bringing into play the creative process of the participants and
to share and evaluate their product in the pipeline by registered users.
The purpose of the contest is to promote the emergence of new ideas and excellence
to correlate with the economic realities of Industry and productive living.
Participants in the competition: Junior and Senior Artists, Designers, Architects Engineers.
sections of the contest: Arts, Design, Architecture Engineering.
Theme of Competition: The Competition Ideecostruttive wants to draw mental energy, the soul influences, specific skills for the construction of works and projects that promote the ecosystem balance in his Men - Home - Environment. Eco-co-= Ecological Housing - Integration - Housing seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability, the integration of nature and built environment, human well-being at the physical level - psychically, with the "social home" means 'Man is at home in the world and the world becomes home in men. For each section a theme in order to carry out works and projects.
Contest Period from 7 November 2009 to May 31, 2010 Registration Deadline
Competition February 15, 2010
Popular Jury - Jury Technique The vote takes place through an unusual mechanism. House Company has set itself the objective of "putting into play" to users, People's Jury and the Technical Jury, formed by the authorities, people from the world of Art, Architecture, Design and Real Estate, the process creativity of the actors participating in the contest Ideecostruttive in order to share and evaluate the ongoing product of creativity Man-Environment-Family Home through three stages: work in progress, in progress award, art show in progress. Catalogs
The "visions" Ecohousing of artists, designers, architects and engineers. House Company will produce and will convey a catalog for each section (372 works and projects) released individually in an exclusive box set limited edition (30,000 copies) and numbered in conjunction with Real Estate 2010, the Industry Guide for living. Show
252 Ideecostruttive on display. Held at a major public exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Milan (are being considered "Royal Palace" - "Triennale" - "Rotonda della Besana" - "Palace of the Bells" - "Fair Milan ") and will take place in September 2010.
Awards and the Companies House Company partners of the competition is offering a total prize money of Euro 30,000.00 to be divided among the winners of each Section: Arts, Design, Architecture and Engineering Category: Junior and Senior. It also provides an additional premium
Award for Industry of living "Technical jury, House Company, Business partners.
Special Events The best works and projects to tender for all sections and categories will be invited to participate
further initiatives organized to attract potential companies to develop projects and curators, collectors and gallery buyers of works of art.
Purpose Competition We have an emphasis on the vision of the natural and built environment as a driver of a new economy. An industrial revolution based on clean technologies, energy efficiency and renewable energy, saving materials and energy. The environmental challenge, seen as real balances indissoluble interweaving of combining environmental sustainability with the integration of nature and built environment, is a great opportunity for Italy and for its economy. Forward-looking, visionary, to indicate a way forward, there is no other way besides a quality development. The ecological modernization of the economy is crucial to give Italy developing a new, strong and durable. The best, Italy, gives it when intertwined with the enterprise culture, the natural environment with the built environment, innovation with tradition, technology and art, the building with the design.
aim of the competition will not be the duty to protect us and give us strength in international competition, the competition or decreasing labor costs, but only able to produce goods and quality services, the enhancement of our vocations, our resources, our talents. We must encourage research and technological innovation for ecological reconversion of industry and pave the way for artists, artisans, architects, engineers, designers and invest in creative talent and entrepreneurs to invest on them.
House Company will work to bring the attention of potential entrepreneurs
developers of projects of curators, collectors, gallery owners and buyers of works of art.
More information:
Organizer: House Company Ltd - marketing strategies for communication - 0392499190
Monday, October 12, 2009
Birthday Cake Same Day Delivery
Question provides an account of facts that could be observed and documented in recent times, such as removing a significant portion of the fence enclosing the facility, along an area affected dall'apposizione large blocks of cement and by ' abbancamento of land, foreign operations may not need to contain a landslide that does not seem too easy to deny.
Whatever the situation - and indeed, the purpose of question is precisely to dispel the fog of vagueness - there is no reason the lack of transparency with which the Cosmari and the City are managing the situation.
E 'then unusual, if not amazing, that such a theme is drawn into the silence. If it is true that the landfill is crumbling public opinion should be informed, but if the opposite is true, namely that the 'system is stable and that they have simply taken the closure procedures, the Cosmari should have every interest in cure - even proudly - the most accurate and comprehensive information about the works that are taking place.
The silence, however, as well as the angry and late explanation, it suggests to no good. "Ordinary People" calls for clarification, which i cittadini siano informati di come realmente stanno le cose.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Kate's Playground Free Movies
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Raynaud's And Irregular Periods
Ricevo e volentieri pubblico il comunicato stampa di River to River, il festival che perta l'India sul grande schermo.
River to River. Florence Indian Film Festival
4-10 December 2009
Odeon Cinema
Piazza Strozzi, 1 - Florence
Arno the Ganges: a December 9th edition of the Florence River to River. Florence Indian Film Festival, which this year offers a retrospective on the melancholy genius of Guru Dutt, the Indian Orson Welles.
Despite the substantial budget cuts, this year's Festival offers a rich program of films, new partnerships and interesting side events.
From 4 to 10 December 2009 will be held in Florence the ninth edition of River to River. Florence Indian Film Festival , founded and directed by Savage Velo.
The Festival, under the patronage of the Indian Embassy in Rome, will be held Odeon, the style theater in the old town, under the auspices of the Media Regionale Toscana-Film Commission to 'internal Fifty Days of Cinema Internazionale in Florence .
Among the films in competition for the River to River DigiChannel Audience Award will screen the latest films, short films, documentaries and the Indian film industry, telling stories and life experiences that are the mirror of a diverse society, colorful and evolving with an increasingly facing the Western world from the protagonist.
Accompanying the film will be present directors, actors and producers.
The retrospective this year will be dedicated to the melancholic genius of Guru Dutt (1925-1964), one of the greatest directors of AGA d'Or of Indian cinema, who died prematurely (alcoholic and suicidal) to 39, whose work is often imbued with a sense of solitude but at the same time a great charm.
have selected three of his masterpieces, which will be visible on the original films in collaboration with the Directorate of Film Festivals in New Delhi: The French police Aar Paar - This or that (1954), the troubled history love of Mr. and Mrs. 55 (1955) and autobiographical and poignant Kaagaz ke Phool - Paper Flowers (1959).Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Example Of Get Well Wishes
The group Anobii a blade of India - where we read and talk about readings of the subcontinent - was born an idea: a group of reading the book Vikram Seth's The right guy, also in view of the announced sequel to the author the right girl , spoken Silvia here.
There is talk of starting October 1 and the rules are to be defined.
If anyone is interested is welcome.
Anobii Just be recorded on and join the group, add a comment to the discussion and go!
available if you need help!
Disney Princess Rollerskates

Friday, September 18 at the House of Creativity (Lane Santa Maria Maggiore 1) Indian evening with the screening of video "Nine Seeds, Navdanya a motion for a new food" (produced by Aida collaboration with Rasa) history of Navdania , the farm was founded in India by Vandana Shiva , which for over 10 years is a reference point for those who fight for biodiversity and against GMOs. Appointment
from 19.303 to drink, music and images of India, at 21.00 the screening and follow a meeting with the House of Creativity, in collaboration with River to River
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Eyelet Sundress-white
Ecohousing Art - Projects for living spaces: a contest of ideas House Publishing Company, a publishing company , marketing and communications, presents the 1st Edition of the National Competition - Prize Immobilia Re "Ecohousing Art - Projects for living spaces" Ideecostruttive an unusual contest that involves artists or aspiring or current and future professionals in Design or Architecture - Engineering in a challenge that has the aim to stimulate creativity in the implementation of works and projects that promote the ecosystem balance in his Man-House Environment. There are three sections of the Competition (Arts, Design, Architecture - Engineering), each divided into two categories (Junior and Senior). The artists will be challenged in that works with any technique (painting, sculpture or photograph), express, celebrate, pay homage, subliminal, estetizzino indissolubility dei legami Uomo-Casa-Ambiente. I Designer dovreanno progettare oggetti, complementi, strumenti, arredi integrino funzionalità con fruibilità nella dimensione Uomo-Casa-Ambiente. Gli Architetti e gli Ingegneri sono chiamati a progettare opere architettoniche o a realizzare ambienti innovativi e contemporanei che contestualizzino lo status Uomo-Casa-Ambiente, sviluppando riflessioni sull’utilizzo ottimale e rispettoso delle risorse naturali. Tutte le informazioni sui siti e
Monday, September 7, 2009
Lutsen Is Better Than Michigan
A Sea of \u200b\u200bPoppies by Amitav Ghosh
I must admit to having seen, first time exaggerated the transport network in I read this novel.
I'd read more by this author, I liked it, but I had "conquered".
is the unexpected happened: A Sea of \u200b\u200bPoppies - even had the pages which tells of the power of opium - and you witch you chained to the pages, one after another.
This is what has happened to me in those sultry summer evenings in late August.
Result: sleepless nights and 550 pages fly in a few days.
We are in the first half of 1800.
The first character the reader encounters is DEET, a peasant woman, intelligent but naive condition for nature and especially with a very special gift, with his gray eyes - witch many say - see, can see beyond the everyday reality .
And she sees for the first Ibis - the true protagonist of the novel - the schooner, a ship sailing very particular that the author makes us familiar with the details.
The first part of the novel, while announcing all future members of the adventure, offers a comprehensive and very interesting insight on the implications that opium cultivation has on the life and economy of this area inside India.
Poppy cultivation supplant those traditional cereal. It happens that a farmer, albeit poor, with only her rich soil, do not hesitate to use the gains by choosing the cultivation of opium, and if it chooses to its sponte, there will still be led by local landlords. The factory of the East India Company who works the raw material, it pays well the product of choice. With a good crop you can think - and so does Deeth - of prevvedere to reinforce the roof for the winter ... but if the crop is not good to buy a living, you will have in debt, signing bills that commit his only asset, land.
This is what leads to Deet groped their lot, and will not be alone. With humanity
Without revealing too much interwoven with the plot of this magnificent novel, I'd like to tell Neel, the Raja of Raskhali, a person of high caste, educated to the highest religious precepts, from these conditions and led away from the human daily life. It will be like at the Deeth and like the other ricerca. Per dove ancora non ci è dato sapere, attendiamo fuduciosi gli altri due romanzi della trilogia.
Ma c'è un passaggio molto bello che mi sento di segnalare per l'efficacia comunicativa, in cui l'autore mette sapientemente in luce il processo estraniante che questi insegnamenti religiosi hanno avuto su Neel. Questo dotto e gracile personaggio, per un destino più che infausto, direi incontrollato, si trova repentinamente in un' altra vita , una nuova condizione in cui si trova costretto a compiere alcuni dei gesti che fino ad allora gli erano proibiti perchè impuri, peccaminosi. Si aspetta che toccando quell'oggetto o mangiando quell'alimento, su di lui si scagli la più dura punizione divina. Quando, con sua surprise, this does not happen, regains its common gestures, actions, and includes much more than what was taught by private tutors and numerous books, which is the same man, same as many others that are on the side.
One of the things that keeps glued to the pages for the spontaneity and immediacy that is the way forward in which the individual characters speak. It is clear also from the Italian translation and will surely be overly nice in English, each character has its own specific language: the dialect, the language of that region, the broken English of the sailors, one of the senior officers, one of the ladies. And then there is China, but not too far away, invischiata nel commercio dell'Oppio, presente come un ombra lontana, fonte di influssi linguistici. Quest'attenzione al "rumore di fondo" come lo chiama lo stesso Ghosh, è una peculiarità che rende straordinariamente vero e familiare questa grande epopea storica.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Where Can I Make A Salon Blueprint At
La luce della mattina in India è qualcosa di particolare.
Non so come mai ma, quando la mattina apro gli occhi, entra sempre, miracolosamente, da destra.
Invade la mia camera irradiando timidamente un colore giallo pallido, rispettosa del morbidezza sleep.
This morning, however, is preceded by an irreverent rhythmic, machine-gunned. Tratattattaaaa!
It started early and only when we discover the origin, from the window, the eye down from the distant horizon and falls into the back of the courtyard: Several men are doing their utmost to cut vegetables, and do, in the early hours of ' dawn.
- Rouge look - I point to my travel companion - our breakfast!
get down to the banquet accompanied by the dance of our SMS and rebound from two parts of the world, ignoring the time zone. I recognize that for the time and distance have been too tight, I try as much as possible di spiegarmi in ultimo lungo sms e spengo il telefono, considerando che potrei lasciarti dormire, visto che da te è notte fonda.
La colazione non prevede quelle verdurine tagliate fini fini sulle piastrelle del retrocucina, o forse sì, se fossi stata in grado di chiedergli quella prelibatezza indiana.
Pago la mia ignoranza con pane e marmellata, e le petulanti lamentele della Sciura , altra compagna di viaggio che a quanto pare, non era preparata ai tempi e alle pause indigene.
Il primo tempio della mattina è l’Ekambareshvara Mandir di Kanchipuram, per gli amici, Kanchi, una delle sette città sacre dell'India.
L’autobus ci lascia poco lontano ed entriamo con shoes on. From gopuram entrance to the pillared hall there is a large piece of dirt. We are meeting a young Brahman plump, with two huge green eyes, changing, and a smile regardless of the world.
is called Narayana.
Narayana, as the son of Ajamila the story from the sixth canto of the Bhagavata Purana. Nara means man and yana journey. In the story, saying the name of the child's father during his sinful life, you save the sight of Yama, the god of death.
It is clear ... and it's just one of the stories ...
leave their shoes in the immediate vicinity of the complex to a lady with only one tooth, engaged in chewing the betel leaf, ones that make you become red lips and gums. The
the temple is enormous. We met under the kalyana mandapa , the hall of a thousand columns, this is the name, but the columns are numerous.
is housed here, Nandi, the bull, vehicle of Shiva, which shows us clearly who is devoted to the temple.
The space is narrow, the columns are not far from each other more than 2 / 2, 5 mt., The measurements of a stone lintel.
addition, the basin for washing, tirtha . It's huge, the water is green and some still surrounds the human form, men on bathroom, women washing clothes, who delights in watching the water or feed the fish i pesci.
Narayana ci accompagna dentro, varchiamo un grande portone di legno.
Ci troviamo in un ambiente ampio, costituito da un percorso dal tracciato quadrato costeggiato da portici rialzati e coperti. Percorrendolo ci conduce al santuario vero e proprio, dove è custodito un prithivi-linga. simbolo del maschile.
Riceviamo qui la nostra prima benedizione, giriamo intorno al fallo e il brahamana ci mette la campana in testa benedicendoci pronunciando il nostro nome.
Continuiamo il percorso quadrato sul quale si affacciano numerosi tempietti.
Narayana ci spiega che i brahamana di questo tempio sono circa 50 famiglie, davanti a noi un piccola folla.
Arriviamo in un cortile interno che racchiude il revered "mango tree", not any one, The Tree. Revered because it seems that here, Shiva, Parvati had granted the pardon - her shakti - jokingly that he had closed his eyes with his hands, wanting to benefit, without thinking that would put human race in darkness. Silly girl!
All pilgrims climb, run inside, touch it, and receive another blessing, gray earth that you rub on the forehead. It seems that the tree has a power to ensure safe and lose fertility.
I look at him and wonder just too silly and understanding for those products sms I sent too soon in the heart of your night. But my phone is silent.
From here we share to another temple, Shiva, the Kailashanatha Mandir.
Even before leaving the bus we welcome vendors of all good, kids from the legs dry, but fine-headed, who knows how to work a tourist, ripping out a smile. We enter the gate of the fence of the time saved with an "after after" creatures that already anticipated, having learned from who knows how many before us.
dagl'altri This place is different, is smaller. Read more at: "dedicated to Shiva, Lord of Mount Kailash ... I wanted to say Narasimhavarman Rajasimba, lion among kings, nel 700 d.c.” - lo stesso che edificherà lo Shore Temple che vedremo domani – “esempio significati di architettura dravidica”. Lasciamo le scarpe direttamente nel tempio, il vano di accesso, appena dentro le mura, è piccolo rispetto al precedente è il tempio. Dal cortile si vede al centro l’unico edificio sacro, aperto su di un lato con un portico che non conduce dentro. L’accesso è laterale e porta in un vano buio, dove se riuscissi a vedere qualcosa, metterei a fuoco la divinità. Ma vedo solo un enorme ghirlanda di fiori che ad occhio e croce, avrà uno spessore di 20 cm e non oso pensare la lunghezza.
Sembra che qui i fiori non deperiscano.
Percorriamo il percorso close to the wall, admiring the sculptures in the eighth century. in part, read the grout. I remain enchanted by a Durga on tiger. I read that in the south, much more than in the north, are worshiped female deities such as this, the terrible form of Shiva energy.
Before making his third visit, at our first temple Vishnu - rare in the south, where the main worship of the divine Shiva, the Hindu king of matter in the Trimurti - it appeared necessary to carry out physiological need, mine, and four other traveling companions.
Well, given the impossibility of finding the place to take the field, Max-Guru-Mother, puts us literally with the driver del bus su due tuc tuc , che ci portano ad un bagno. Ma, dire che siamo scettiche è poco. Questi apitti indiani sono infernali, guizzano come pazzi nel traffico, frenano all’ultimo tuffo e suonano il clacson in continuazione. Ci ferma davanti ad un negozio e ci fa incamminare verso un lungo e stretto corridoio all’aperto, dove sono abbandonate delle bici. Entriamo in una stanza dove c’è un telaio e un uomo che tesse. Dovevamo avere la pipì a livelli da ottusione mentale per non capire che quello sarebbe stato il negozio dove la guida, ci avrebbe portato in seguito.
Diligentemente in fila, facciamo i nostri bisogni in due settori, quelli per il water e quelli per la turca. A me tocca quest’ultima, and the last row. Just post in June, from my professional vest, one-of-a-photographer-po' po'-Sampei, exits the cell, that cell phone from which still waiting for answers. This
inanimate creature takes off and goes, right, right to the ground, attracted by the awesome force that is gravity. Given that my position was chosen to be academically pee, the cellular targeting the Turkish hysterically and bouncing like a pinball ball hit with a lot of hip bump, first right then left, then right again and finally reaches the black center of the discharge.
In a nano second I ponder: the disgust of hand dipped bear, or the suffering of the disappeared touch with you?
La prima che hai detto!
La mia mano si immerge nella pipì di quelli che l'hanno fatta prima di me, per cogliere subito il naufragato attrezzo.
Si perché ricordo che in India lo sciacquone si tira con il bricco fai da te.
Solo la paura dell’isolamento mi spinge a chiedere aiuto e a passare alla Cunese-madre-sprint, il cellulare spiegandole l’accaduto dal pertugio della porta, ancora in posizione accademica e scusandomi ripetutamente.
Non potendo fare altrimenti, nelle condizioni in cui ero, e non avendola ancora fatto, completo quell' impellente e inopportuna pipì.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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A little 'novel a bit' fairy tale, a great story to frame that slips between the court of Fatehpur Sikri Akbar the Great Mog and the Florence of the Medici, Lorenzo, Savonarola, the Republic of the domain sneaky Pope Leo X Medici.
It 's funny funny end up "men" figures like Machiavelli or Andrea Doria, see the lively city of the great Mogul dead alive and densely populated with numerous wives, his swimming pool, il suo elefante e il suo albero nella sala delle udienze.
Qui resoconti di viaggio su Fatehpur Sikri
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Ho adorato la contestualizzazione storica in un momento ben preciso di questo romanzo. Mi annoia leggere i saggi e i romanzi dai quali riesco capire l'evoluzione degli eventi mi piacciono molto.
Qui il momento storico è quello degli anni 70. Quando l'attuale Bangladesh dichiara l'indipendenza dal Pakistan. Scatta la repressione e onde di profughi si riversano in India. La cosa viene contenuta per quanto possibile, la tassa per i rifugiati ritorna molto spesso nella trama del romanzo. Poi l'attacco dell'India al Pakistan e The author is at pains to stress the love of the Indian people to their homeland, who do not bat an eyelid in having to bear other costs. All this in opposition to the rampant corruption of the government and Mrs. INDIRA MOTHER.
This is the context in which it moves Gustad Noble, the protagonist. I must say that at first I was obnoxious. There always lost in his memories, in the past comforts, to cry on them for not being rich landowner. Then the events, the disappointments, the pettiness. His being a man among men, but religious easy prey for those who promise a miracle, a close friend but still with some doubts, but not the correct man with his son ... in fact one of us ..
It is a long novel, with a few notes that seemed lost in religious practices, but the language agile and delicate, a warm breath and light.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
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L’ Industria dell’abitare continua ad essere una grande opportunità .
Perché il sistema immobiliare Italian is one of the main economic activities in the country by value of production and services, and serves as a springboard to many other sectors, generating an involving hundreds of thousands of businesses and professionals. Why
has just begun a new era marked by profound changes and innovations that are rapidly transforming the character of the prevailing real estate investment, construction method and housing philosophy.
Industry dell'Abitare fact that we wanted to put in the middle of a conference organized by our publishing house, "House Company " of the day Thursday, June 11 at Fiera Milano at the ' Ireland, "Expo Italy Real Estate.
In "Red Conference Room" of the Palace of Conventions Professor Philippe Daverio (art critic, Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Palermo, editor of the dossier and ART, TV presenter) will lead the discussion on "Real Estate Industry by the Industry Dwelling - move the property in the age of the customer."
participate in the meeting:
Mr. Claudio De Albertis (President Assimpredil ANCE)
" The real estate industry: injury, costume, innovation "
Arch Siegfried Camana (chairman and co-founder ANAB - National Association of Architecture bio)
" Environmental sustainability - the ecological approach to building "
Dr. Luca Santoro (Chair of House & Loft-international leader in intermediation of luxury properties, luxury expert living national and international)
" The golden rules of investment property "
Arch Massimo Roj (Managing Partner Project CMR)
" Plan area - designing the built environment "
Tania Garuti Arch (Co-founder and managing partner of K2Real, first woman member of RICS)
" management and exploitation of real estate "
Arch Aldo Cibic (founder of Memphis - Professor of Industrial Design at the Istituto Universitario di Venezia)
" birth and consecrating the design "
Over the conference will be presented along the guide dedicated to the world of living " Immobilia 2010 - The guide to your home . A publication
essential for understanding a rapidly changing world as well as a medium that has the ambition to become a tool to meet and work for all operators who want to live the protagonists of the home.
For those whose curiosity discover this world from a perspective informed and never boring the first step is to attend the conference that "House Company is organizing the upcoming June 11 Eire, the opportunity to discover everything that revolves around the home: a place that belongs to everyone and is also our way of life.
Meeting-Round Table:
"From industry constructed buildings to dwelling - move buildings in the era of customer "
FAIR Ireland - Expo Italy Real Estate
PLACE Fiera Milano
DATE Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:00
: 13:00
ROOM: Conference Room Red
Organiser: House Company Ltd., marketing strategies for communication
For more information, please visit our website: , or call 039/2499190.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Bottomless Caught Forum
Da: Caterina
Date: 9 maggio 2009 9.42
A: "
Your participation is valuable!
Recent legislative action on schools have led many of us, teachers and parents to make their concerns and to follow first-person changes in the public school is going to encounter.
We believe that in any action affecting the public school should be done with the objective to improve and not resize it. The school is an investment, not a cost to lose today and the challenges they faced are not insignificant: maintain high quality, ensuring high levels of learning and at the same time continue to ensure the inclusion of the disabled, the integration of immigrant children, the management of difficult situations related to the progressive crisis of families and social contexts.
Recent intervention will lead to the loss of wealth of our primary school full time and forms, if fully realized, have been able to forge a new nationality, and garrison priority to prevent racism, selfishness, separation, isolation without neglecting a high school education.
This is for us a serious school. This is a school can only so much time, expertise and resources.
The single teacher in primary schools, the reduction in working hours, increasing the number of pupils per class in each school level, the assessment in tenths, the adoption of "tied for 5 years" of textbooks, making it more difficult, if not impossible, all of this. The elimination of copresences make it impossible to work in small groups, leave the area, take trips and visit museums.
In the work of the teachers there will be no space to compare and share important decisions.
We do not intend to resign ourselves to this, we continue to strongly support the idea
our school and ask you if you share it, to contribute to support it. The first step
and 'ensure that the territory has not been isolated, but together we can collect accurate information, promote initiatives on specific local situations (schools with problems of consolidation, lack of personnel, etc.) related to those committees which arose spontaneously in Italy.
It may be part of anyone who cares about the educational development of children / adolescents and the role it has in the public schools.
The goals are:
- Providing information to parents / workers / citizens.
- promoting information events
- monitor the school situation of our country
- promote and disseminate initiatives to protect the public school and the right to education throughout the
tools are:
- coordination committee with regular meetings
annual dossier on the situation of the school
Macerata - archive of documents
- scuolabeneprimario mailinglist @
- Political Movement
Tolentino - Macerata
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
11 Weeks Old Baby With Phlegm
probably what came to mind at all ...
Tolentino what is easier to make difficult?
this occasion is also to ask: why was taken off the historic fountains from the "Gardens", now John Lennon Gardens?!?!
Why Tolentino what common sense is not recommended, what may seem unthinkable and impossible incredibilmente diventare realtà?
Se invece è un incubo, per favore, svegliateci!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Salman Rushdie,
Tuesday, May 19 to 18 hours
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by the Library in collaboration with Edison Mondadori.
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
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Then I finally finished reading Suketu.
These Indians who write libroni huge! Are you afraid to start because of the size, you drag them months - I swear month! - On the table and then you will not free anymore! Not a lick author. Absolutely. You than the truth. For more than
Suketu has now become a friend. Then
him there, with the holy patience to tell his stories.
About town, a city sovravvollata, a city that many see as their salvation. The place to be what you want. A sort of medieval new common for the Indian continent, the city where you can become a peasant or worker sleeping on the sidewalk and aspire to be a poet, the city where you can become a movie star. The City of the underworld and the beautiful dancers of the Beer Bar
I love everything about cities, towns without even river, city by the sea, as Mumbai.
It is not the same story seen in other books. This report is a true, factual and scientific Suteku that my friend made his native homeland / adoptive. Yes, because
S. born on the other coast, and Calcutta area with his family, wealthy merchants because diamond is to move to Bombay, still so named. You grew up and lived his early teens, in a condominium in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe city that I would love to remember the name but .. Then the family moved to NY and he suffers from nostalgia, a lot. Does not feel American, and finding a place not to hear her children abroad, he returned to what is known as Mumbai with his wife grew up in London. This opens up
chapters where chapters weaves his personal experiences on how to enroll a child in school or how does the connection of water, the bribe to get a working phone line etc.. What emerges is an Indian company in two levels, that morally high, the beggar at the diamond dealer, which respects the precepts of religion, any of the three great religions that crowd India, and the lower, which is not that does not overlap the first person in the same moments of life, which is used to sopprusi police, the complicity between politics and mafia, having to deal with petty thieves, abbusi on children by teachers and so on.
Well, I have to say. If you have an idea of \u200b\u200bIndia mythologized by the precepts of Gandhi, from Yoga, Hinduism, the colors of the spices, whatever you face appear mystical and ethereal, here, here you can compare with reality.
... and yes, it could be a shock, but not it will be.
Suteku will do justice to his Mother India.
Suketu Mehta's Maximum City
The city of excess
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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Il Comune possiede i locali dell'ex Liceo Scientifico (p.zzale Europa) e dell'ex Camera del Lavoro (P.zza della Libertà), troviamo un'idea per valorizzarli a vantaggio della comunità.
Scegli una categoria e sviluppa un ' idea, prima che se ne decida la sale, which seems to value these assets are not worth anything just because it belongs to the Municipality.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
6 Wk Old With Phlegm In Chest

" Collections of Modern Art and Old South Antiques " is an exhibition of antique dealers set up by the Company of the exhibition at the Palazzo della Permanente, among ' 1 and April 5 :
Over fifty exhibitors will offer visitors the eyes of the "merchandise" as much Western as Eastern. In the seven thematic collections in which the exhibition is divided, is infatti grande varietà storica, geografica e culturale: da Mario Nannini con il futurismo naturale alla mistica "devozione illuminata" del seicentesco Francisco de Zurbaran , così ben rappresentata nel suo S.Francesco; dalle "semplici" bottiglie di Giorgio Morandi ai pittori veneti della Ca' Pesaro, simil-futuristi per gli intenti antiaccademici del primo Novecento.
Ma c'è anche l'Asia della bigiotteria madreperla, e della manifattura tessile di arazzi, miniature e bassorilievi che traggono ispirazione dalla poesia. Ed è proprio questo il caso di uno dei pezzi forti dell'intera collezione. Il Kakitsubata è un paravento a sei ante, colorato con inchiostri (sumi) minerali and vegetables. The subject is a flora of iris, landscape that opens the opera "Ise Monogatari" of a legendary Japanese poet, Ariwara no Narihira, exiled from the court where he had to abandon his beloved ... Continue reading about
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Back Moa Casa, the most important Italian exhibition dedicated to ' habitat.
The event will take place from March 28 to April 5 in the halls of the new Fiera di Roma , and host the best companies, both Italian and foreign.
Twenty thousand square meters and more than 200 exhibitors for a variety of styles and ideas: in fact it will range from classic to modern, through the creativity of designers to craft the most advanced. Products of a certain level and then, but most consumer goods because the fair is aimed at a target very heterogeneous and wants to be an opportunity for dialogue between visitors and professionals living.
The fair will be divided into three pavilions dedicated to furnishing, organized according to different styles. There will also be another area reserved for the best companies specializing in home accessories ... Continue reading about
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High technology, design and comfort. WWW Round , the new pearl Ideal Standard is all about.
A Jacuzzi in the bathroom can give a strong personality and aesthetics while ensuring the ultimate in relaxation. With the Supreme
Wellness System, the double whirlpool system with ozone and neck massage dry, WWW Round is designed to bring maximum benefits to the individual psychophysical. Its relaxing effect is not limited to massage, but all the senses: the welfare of the hydromassage in fact join the therapeutic properties of ozone and color therapy, thanks to a lighthouse ... Continue reading about
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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Versatile, customizable , economic but also recyclable and biodegradable, cardboard has become a revolutionary design element . After numerous projects in environmentally sustainable architecture, most innovative designers and enthusiastic supporter of the label have given space to their inspiration transforming a seemingly poor material in the latest industry news. The trend
eco-design, which today represents change and progress after years of awareness campaigns on the subject instead reality since 1996 for Designs, an Italian company was first launched with the goal of bringing high design and design in the paper industry . So, since then, drawing, life tables, chairs, bookcases and other everyday products made exclusively from cardboard without the use of other materials, with systems made of interlocking cuts and folds .. . Continue reading about
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Cooking is a practice that can go beyond its scope daily. It is an art developed around food , always means effective and user-friendliness of aggregation, can satisfy many of our senses, visual, because it can lead to creations worthy of the highest design .
why three companies have created an unprecedented collaboration that features the encounter between design and cuisine. The new location of Eating, cooking school and learning is in fact the showroom Project in Como .
cooking school Eating & Learning, the brainchild of Lula Pedroni in 2006 the first merit of having approached the inherent sociality of food that the act of cooking. Hence the invention of courses cuisine tailored for different needs, all conducted by masters of the Italian Federation of Chefs ... Continue reading about
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L 'greening is now a requirement strongly encouraged. Essential for building cutting-edge, the so-called "green building (bioedlizia, green architecture), that ecological integration can not help but aim at. Counter, at least, energy waste, and reduce the inevitable contamination of the environment has become a necessity. The draft House
Buderus tries to meet precisely this need.
This is a 'home designed to interact with the environment . It uses mainly renewable energy, eco-friendly produced by the generators: solar panels, solar panels, geothermal heat pump, heat pump air-water, natural gas condensing boiler, biomass boiler and air circulation system.
In its design, the designers used two principles: respect for the needs of nature, both human. Notwithstanding the environmental acceptability, how to meet the needs of those living there? The cold, heat, exposure to light, wind and rain, the energy intake: factors are not negligible ... Continue reading about