A Sea of \u200b\u200bPoppies by Amitav Ghosh
I must admit to having seen, first time exaggerated the transport network in I read this novel.
I'd read more by this author, I liked it, but I had "conquered".
is the unexpected happened: A Sea of \u200b\u200bPoppies - even had the pages which tells of the power of opium - and you witch you chained to the pages, one after another.
This is what has happened to me in those sultry summer evenings in late August.
Result: sleepless nights and 550 pages fly in a few days.
We are in the first half of 1800.
The first character the reader encounters is DEET, a peasant woman, intelligent but naive condition for nature and especially with a very special gift, with his gray eyes - witch many say - see, can see beyond the everyday reality .
And she sees for the first Ibis - the true protagonist of the novel - the schooner, a ship sailing very particular that the author makes us familiar with the details.
The first part of the novel, while announcing all future members of the adventure, offers a comprehensive and very interesting insight on the implications that opium cultivation has on the life and economy of this area inside India.
Poppy cultivation supplant those traditional cereal. It happens that a farmer, albeit poor, with only her rich soil, do not hesitate to use the gains by choosing the cultivation of opium, and if it chooses to its sponte, there will still be led by local landlords. The factory of the East India Company who works the raw material, it pays well the product of choice. With a good crop you can think - and so does Deeth - of prevvedere to reinforce the roof for the winter ... but if the crop is not good to buy a living, you will have in debt, signing bills that commit his only asset, land.
This is what leads to Deet groped their lot, and will not be alone. With humanity
Without revealing too much interwoven with the plot of this magnificent novel, I'd like to tell Neel, the Raja of Raskhali, a person of high caste, educated to the highest religious precepts, from these conditions and led away from the human daily life. It will be like at the Deeth and like the other ricerca. Per dove ancora non ci è dato sapere, attendiamo fuduciosi gli altri due romanzi della trilogia.
Ma c'è un passaggio molto bello che mi sento di segnalare per l'efficacia comunicativa, in cui l'autore mette sapientemente in luce il processo estraniante che questi insegnamenti religiosi hanno avuto su Neel. Questo dotto e gracile personaggio, per un destino più che infausto, direi incontrollato, si trova repentinamente in un' altra vita , una nuova condizione in cui si trova costretto a compiere alcuni dei gesti che fino ad allora gli erano proibiti perchè impuri, peccaminosi. Si aspetta che toccando quell'oggetto o mangiando quell'alimento, su di lui si scagli la più dura punizione divina. Quando, con sua surprise, this does not happen, regains its common gestures, actions, and includes much more than what was taught by private tutors and numerous books, which is the same man, same as many others that are on the side.
One of the things that keeps glued to the pages for the spontaneity and immediacy that is the way forward in which the individual characters speak. It is clear also from the Italian translation and will surely be overly nice in English, each character has its own specific language: the dialect, the language of that region, the broken English of the sailors, one of the senior officers, one of the ladies. And then there is China, but not too far away, invischiata nel commercio dell'Oppio, presente come un ombra lontana, fonte di influssi linguistici. Quest'attenzione al "rumore di fondo" come lo chiama lo stesso Ghosh, è una peculiarità che rende straordinariamente vero e familiare questa grande epopea storica.
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