Progetti per abitare gli spazi, un concorso nazionale per architetti
Ecohousing Art - Projects for living spaces: a contest of ideas House Publishing Company, a publishing company , marketing and communications, presents the 1st Edition of the National Competition - Prize Immobilia Re "Ecohousing Art - Projects for living spaces" Ideecostruttive an unusual contest that involves artists or aspiring or current and future professionals in Design or Architecture - Engineering in a challenge that has the aim to stimulate creativity in the implementation of works and projects that promote the ecosystem balance in his Man-House Environment. There are three sections of the Competition (Arts, Design, Architecture - Engineering), each divided into two categories (Junior and Senior). The artists will be challenged in that works with any technique (painting, sculpture or photograph), express, celebrate, pay homage, subliminal, estetizzino indissolubility dei legami Uomo-Casa-Ambiente. I Designer dovreanno progettare oggetti, complementi, strumenti, arredi integrino funzionalità con fruibilità nella dimensione Uomo-Casa-Ambiente. Gli Architetti e gli Ingegneri sono chiamati a progettare opere architettoniche o a realizzare ambienti innovativi e contemporanei che contestualizzino lo status Uomo-Casa-Ambiente, sviluppando riflessioni sull’utilizzo ottimale e rispettoso delle risorse naturali. Tutte le informazioni sui siti e
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