Tuesday, December 28, 2010

High Speed Aluminum Boats

To read of India ...

This blog is languishing and I am very sorry. My interest in India is always present and lively. I read when I can, from novels to essays, articles on International or other reviews of geo politics. But I have - sadly - enough time to update this box with thoughts and reflections of content information and thoughts. I read. That is, although not as much as I want, what they write about my friends , those like me who share the interest and passion for this culture so varied and contradictory. Time spent with friends from the computerized real far but always near, thanks to social networks.
I would suggest to those who are passing through here, take a look in these blogs, which will not be an exhaustive list of online content to the theme of "India" but are those to which I immediately attached.

is essential Indian words held by Silvia, who always looks carefully at the many facets of Indian fiction, and if you love the literature of the world you can not even go gold Books of Stephanie, who is not concerned (rightly) only India, but keeps a constant eye on the world; NamasteOltre is the blog of Sonia.namaste, known among the ranks of the group Anobii a blade of India; while Awaragi and Turmeric & Ginger are Blog Sunil , while the last link is met Ekam Sat India's blog aka Domenico Uzzo, interesting and thorough, and then there are the Many collectors of news and opinions, as MilleOrienti or Far West, or Indika ; for the photos I drank heavily from LIFE IN INDIA and Louise Near and far .
Many more, just come to mind, I will share them here.

ops! sorry!
here's more: italian masala - my Indian cooking - visionaire.org ^ _ ^ sorry

A thought fun for everyone, but particularly for those for which India is also Yoga.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Best Shaver For Sensitive Skin

E meno male!....

E meno male che la mozione di sfiducia era inopportuna!…
In realtà la discussione della mozione di sfiducia al sindaco ha posto in luce un’altra questione importante sulla quale in questi giorni tanto si dibatte.
Da giugno il Sindaco valutava l’ipotesi avanzata dal Cosmari di ulteriori abbancamenti nella discarica Collina, knowing that the maximum dei160 thousand cubic feet had been reached and that the procedures for the formal closing, however, were not activated. The question
Mayor and Deputy Mayor, although he knew the intention of consolidating with other wastes Cosmari the fence erected to secure the body of the landfill by landslides in place, there are pronounced and have formally expressed to the press release only on November 10, exactly one week after the City Council.
Recall that during the confidence motion, the Mayor has been fiercely criticized for not having ensured that all procedures for the permanent closure of the landfill had been properly initiated and carried out, and for failing to respond in a thorough and clear, how it was intended to remedy the instability of the ground.
the press release of November 10 was followed by the statements of the parties of the Board, a meeting with the anti-dumping and finally a public meeting on 25 November, at the hall nerpio. Finally
for the Administration seems to sound the alarm!
Cosmari and finally decided that Toledo City and its citizens have "already!", Waste, and then the landfill will be closed without further abbancamenti, and the landslide will be consolidated with the earth.

November 27, 2010
the Council Groups of ordinary people are heading to the city

Friday, October 15, 2010

Glutathione More Effective


to the President of the Municipal Council of Al Tolentino

Mr. Secretary-General of the City of Toledo

to the Mayor of the City of Toledo

Motion of no confidence in Mayor Tolentino pursuant to art. 52 D. Legislative Decree 267/00. The undersigned

councilors said that:
- the aftermath of the elections of 2007 the Mayor has waited to the appointment of the Board of Directors of SAMS entrusting to it, one of the most important strategic tasks, the planning of a proposed merger with utility companies with similar characteristics and business purposes;
- its draft prepared by the Board, at its meeting on 27 December 2009, when final approval of the statute and of the shareholders' of the new company, has been postponed and then finally set aside;
- from that date Nothing was done later, if not zero for any possible development strategy of SAMS, in addition the process of splitting of SAMS has now been completed and the Company is then divided into two branches without this business are practicable to anything ;
- ASSMSpA for months without clear guidance as mayor, as a shareholder representative of all citizens of Toledo, has today appointed the Chairman of the Board, but merely to attempt to abort immediately obvious and entirely predictable incompatibilities to instruct the Presidency Dr. Gianni Corvatta;
- as a result of this, the SAMS is located in an impasse and is unable to take timely and far-sightedness the effects of recent legislation that prevents municipalities with fewer than 30,000 inhabitants to own the company, including those make basic public services for citizens and produce profits for the community. Neither is in a position to develop an ambitious project for the revival of the Baths of Saint Lucia and the redevelopment of the reservoir of Lake delle Grazie, reorganize the management of car parks for a serious review of mobility in our cities, implementing a complex and action across the public lighting (in the presence of European funding!) in order to achieve significant savings in energy consumption;
- in the face of such significant commitments to the current political and administrative paralysis real risk of undermining the economic stability of the company and jeopardize tens of jobs;

- the Mayor is currently supported by a majority of council, except that with which he was elected and is primarily an interpreter - about the protagonist - a 'new' political project that remains obscure to both the City Council and citizens, as it was not explained in any way, either in institutional or through a frank and open with the people;

- the electoral program of 2007 that the Mayor submitted to the citizens of Toledo and in virtue of which he was elected is nothing more than waste paper, without the promise of major public works construction and implementation of an effective program of promotion of local heritage;

Since :
- this situation brings with it the inability to address the major decisions for the future of the city and makes it extremely difficult also handle administration;
- the action of the city government is now sacrificed to the ambitions of some of the aldermen without the political and administrative decisions are appropriate to the real needs and expectations of citizens of the city, responding only logical Part;
- the Mayor has not proved to be capable of imparting character, pragmatism, unity of purpose and responsibility to local government;

- City Council and the City can not and do not intend to stand by and watch this situation;
- it is the duty of all municipal council members, with differing motives and in addition to those presented here, efforts to restore the dignity which is its policy and to ensure efficient and authoritative government to the city;
- the only way to achieve this goal is to return the word to voters before the first round useful

the above, and considered expected, the undersigned municipal councilors, on the basis of the foregoing,


City Council, pursuant to art. 52 D. Decree Law 267/00, this no-confidence motion against the Mayor of Tolentino Luciano Ruffini


that this no confidence motion is put on the agenda for discussion in a special City Council second the terms and forms of legal requirements, including those statutes and regulations. With best regards

Tolentino October 12, 2010



PAUL RUGGERI _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

ANNA Cimarella

LEAF JOSEPH FRANCIS _____________________________________

MASSI GENTILONI Silverj _____________________________________

LORENZO DE Renzis _____________________________________ _____________________________________


GIUSEPPE FEDELI _____________________________________

ALESSIA PUPO _____________________________________

VALERIA RUITI SPURIO _____________________________________

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Elfa Shelving What Is Compatable

Ribaltino e altre bassezze

Movimento Politico Gente Comune
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà S.E.L.
Movimento Politico Voce alla Città

I Movimenti Politici di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà ,Gente Comune e Voce alla Città si sono incontrati per analizzare i recenti accadimenti politici che hanno riguardato l’amministrazione comunale di Tolentino. Ne è emersa la valutazione unanimemente preoccupata di una grave caduta democratica, culminata nella cacciata da parte del PD dell’alleato Heading to the city. Regrettable, especially the scandalous market (with style equal to that adopted in recent days with members of Berlusconi of the Italian Republic), which led to the 'would reverse' Councillor Tiberi, promptly rewarded with the chairmanship of the City Council. The three political movements express condemnation of the methods 'political' of the PD, who recklessly and unscrupulously used the democratic institutions to resolve the political problems of the majority, and argue that the forced resigned Gianni Principles - not enough to be censored all opposition Board - marks a level of meanness and contempt of the democratic dynamic that no Tolentino aveva mai visto dal dopoguerra ad oggi. Prova ne sia che l’attuale Presidente del Consiglio comunale è stato eletto con appena dieci voti su ventuno.
In tale allarmante quadro – con situazione uguale e contraria, mutando i ruoli delle parti, rispetto al contesto politico nazionale – l’opposizione di Centro Destra ha da un pezzo rinunciato al proprio ruolo e di fatto assiste inerte (e benedicente) ai brutali atti politici della maggioranza.
Tutto ciò giustifica l’allarme per il degrado della vita democratica e delle Istituzioni pubbliche della nostra città ma anche spalanca le porte al più cupo pessimismo circa le prerogative del Partito Democratico di porsi quale Alternativa responsabile e democratica per the government of the country.
legitimately us is whether the National PD, where talk of "alternative" means they want to fight the anti-democratic and populist drift of Berlusconi, or if he thinks only to replace the characters occupying power with other believers to a different master.
What happens in Tolentino is disconcerting and does not bode well: a power group that represents 30% of voters (more than any fan in question) occupies 100% of power. The ambitious quota was reached last August with the appointment of the new Board of Directors of the SAMS in the absence of any explanation of the objectives on which the new body will be engaged on the business plan and the policy level. In fact, despite the budget law has shifted to 31/12/2011 liquidation of public enterprises of municipalities with fewer than 30,000 inhabitants, given the position of the right in the City Council has reaffirmed its support for the privatization of SAMS, the loveliness and reluctance of the PD and the Mayor about the mandate that was given to the new Board of Directors warrant the most serious alarm.
For this we have to say, again and clear way, that the management of water (as well as other essential services such as waste) must remain public, if necessary by building alliances capable of achieving this goal.
Finally, about the appointment of a chairman of the SAMS Corvatta, ARPAM manager, that a public body that controls the water environment and therefore, the Mayor and the PD have been exceeded. In contempt of the most basic principles of public ethics have put their seal on a conflict of interest so obvious as to force the incoming president to resign. No consolation to read the explanations about the forced withdrawal of the same Corvatta, which is based relies on administrative reasons, while also the whole political world is silent on the much more important and glaring incompatibility of a 'controlled' and a 'controller' meeting the same person!

Once again a poor choice and not be shared, che denota la volontà politica della ‘maggioranza’ di passare sopra all’etica per consolidare il proprio potere. Di un PD ‘berlusconizzato’ il Paese e la nostra città non sanno che farsene.
È per questo che queste tre forze politiche hanno avviato un progetto alternativo aperto a CHIUNQUE si appassioni alla politica per il bene comune e non per il proprio tornaconto.

Tolentino 24 settembre 2010
Movimento Politico Gente Comune
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà S.E.L.
Movimento Politico Voce alla Città

Monday, September 27, 2010

Famous Funny Speeches

Mumbai city - guides

unfortunately not in my hand, but point out a guide to Mumbai by the beautiful blog Design Sponge. I have not had the pleasure to personally test it as has happened in Amsterdam and Brussels.

A note for the future!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life Insurance Swab Test Hiv Results

clear light of day, Anita Desai

More about Chiara luce del giorno

I read this book through reading group homonymous formed discussion group aNobii A Blade of India through the initiative of Stefan Memole that you can learn more on his blog pleasant.

arrived late to talk about the book, although he does more than a month ago. This is because I was not very enthusiastic. Reading it lasted long and unevenly and tiring. I can say now, on balance, even unfairly, because in the end, something the book left me. It is true that I was not too keen. His narrative has a delicacy of manners, a lack of facts and such a stillness I was just captivated and convinced, at least all'ingranare reading. It was the reading group that has pushed me to finish it, otherwise probably would have left him there.
What left me?
The characters are very well characterized, very well investigated in their innermost being, their ways of being in society precisely in relation to them that they belong to. Four brothers, one handicapped, two very rebellious and daring, obstinate in dispute between them to disagreements of the past, the fourth, the youngest, fled the building of Old Delhi life through a marriage to a diplomat, try bringing the two while undermining the precarious balance and provisional caked with age, giving new light to their lives. The partition in the background, takes place, chaining their lives to the story, but not their souls, until a new dawn, in which the grievances are melting at the gates of old age.

advice. Do not wait Trami, events or intricate plots Indians. Here is the immobility of a sultry day and the taste of being able to wait until the monsoon passes and nourish the souls burned.

Baby Hulk Hogan Costume

New reading group of a blade of India aNobii

After the pleasant experience of the guy by Vikram Seth (of which I wrote here ) and Chiara daylight of Anita Desai ( of which perhaps I will remember to write something ...) here is the new reading group proposed by Uzzo63 on a blade of India aNobii : The Ramayana in the abridged edition edited by RK Narayan published by Bloomsbury Publishing.
Everything starts Sept. 20, not to be missed!

... even if I found a little 'talk of reserves in the book you are reading for Desai, the group discussion aNobii counts among its ranks of true professionals of Indian literature, a unique opportunity not to be missed to share impressions and pleasure of reading!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Germany Health Care Location:usa

Terzo appuntamento con Ideecostruttive nella nuova sede di 3M

Monday, July 5, 2010 17.00 * - 3M Italy - Pioltello, MI
(Via N. Bobbio 21 - road Rivoltana km4)

Free Entry for accreditation sent an email to House Publishing Company

It discuss
MARIO MASCOLO President and Chief Executive Officer 3M
Designer Laura Balbo Sociologist
ROBERTO CHERUBINI Professor of Architectural Design
Interdisciplinary Research Center on the architecture and 'Environment
sociologist Domenico De Masi
Francesca Spadaro Architect
LUCA GUIDO Architect
17.00 * From hours guided tours of the new headquarters 3M, the debate will start at 18.00

For more information click here

Friday, June 18, 2010

Things To Say For A Sisteres Wedding

Ciclo di incontri - Ideecostruttive work in progress*2

From the chaos of the language of ideas
the transparency of the choices on the shared culture of living.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 18.00 Legambiente of Milan (Via G. Vida 7)
Free Entry accreditation to send an email to House Publishing Company

CLAUDIO DE ALBERTIS President Assimpredil
FABIAN LORENZO Professor of Urban Planning IUAV
ANDREAS KIPAR President Green City Italy
Ugo La Pietra Architect, Artist, Designer
GIANNEGIDIO SILVA President Metropolitana di Napoli
CARLO Valtolina Chairman of the Board of Engineers and Architects of Milan
FRANCESCO Arecco lawyers, Energy and Environment
ANDREA HILL Legambiente Innovation Foundation President

occasion will be presented to the National Competition (1st Edition)
Pivetta, editor HOUSE COMPANY
Greta La Rocca, editorial coordinator

From the green economy and environmental dall'ecosostenibilità one wonders about the meaning of living. It started on 11 June by the Triennale di Milano a series of meetings,
* Laboratory of Living Industry, which will stop in major Italian cities throughout 2010 to discuss with the artists, intellectuals - professionals - entrepreneurs, the transformation of the forms of living. With openings, trade and cross-contamination between Alternative Energy, Urban Planning, Sociology, Eco thought, Architecture, Design, Construction, Construction, Real Estate, Technology, Arts, Furniture, Green Culture.

Why has just begun a new era marked by profound changes and processes in developing countries, which are rapidly transforming the character of the prevailing conception of city planning, an ecological approach to environmental sustainability, real estate investment, construction method and housing philosophy.
We focus on the vision of the natural and built environment as a driver of a new economy. European and international level to become the laboratory for research and construction of the building and eco-friendly house of the future, innovation in design and furnishings for integration of population ecology.

"Monday, July 5, 2010 at 18.00 3M
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 3
" Design Library Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 21:00
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 4
"Design Library Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 21, 00
Ideecostruttive work in progress * 5 *
Laboratory Industry dell'Abitare

Thank you for your participation

Daniela Paola Aglione Coordinator Silvia Pirovano
Competition Competition Secretariat
Greta La Rocca

Editorial Coordinator http://www.immobilia-re.eu
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Tel +39039 24 99 190
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Disco Centerpiece Ideas

The Romantics, Pankaj Mishra

More about I romantici

I had already read "Butter Chicken in Ludhiana. Journey small town in India "by Pankaj and I liked. It could be because it was absolutely one of the first things" Indian "read, you take for concrete and almost journalistic tone with which also describes the common things of life - from soap Camay Setting an object of desire for other details - and I did laugh heartily.
This "The Romantics" I remember I had heard of these pages like reading nice and interesting, so when I found the shelves of the ibraccio I said to myself "finally!".
I started reading with a high expectation ...
Now, after the first few chapters read in one breath, I am a bit 'suspended and not attracted to take it down.
I really liked the look "pure" of the protagonist - a self-taught notion vocation which is opposite to the case feeling, the passion - and I liked the choice of the university context, the candid eye on student protests stirred up by nationalism and the preservation other minorities, who do nothing but boost the division into classes and ex-castes. Dry and true - or so the feeling of being - even the look on Western tourists, their existential and religious often cracked at the first set.

There, now that the cards of the novel are all on the table (I think), the novel seems to take a run for its conclusion. This calm rhythm that sets it apart, dettato dalla ponderata educazione braminica del protagonista sembra non condurre lontano dal suo epicentro.

Sarà io troppo condizionata dai frenetici ritmi del nostro occidente?

Gia una volta in effetti mi è successo una cosa del genere..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pillow Walls Retaining

of Indian Dance Performance in Florence The right guy

La ballerina e coreografa Alarmél Valli si esibirà in uno spettacolo di danza indiana il 6 e 7 maggio 2010 alle 20.30 presso il Teatro Goldoni di Firenze, all'interno del cartellone del 73 Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

Alarmél Valli ( http://www.alarmelvalli.org/ index.html ) è una ballerina e coreografa di punta Bharatanatyam dance, internationally acclaimed for his ability to transform the traditional rules of poetry in a dance, thin, deeply internalized, personal.
His art has been described as "relentlessly classical but at the same time representative of a language that is personal expression. It is both a stylized language that an idiolect, undefined boundaries between tradition and individual talent, including inheritance and invention. It obvious even to a superficial observer that this dance is not treated as mere display of a language: it is a reinvention. "

Monday, April 26, 2010

Are Soft Dog Crates Easy To Destroy

... and finally I succeed. 1600 pages in 7 months.

A novel long and sometimes slow. But what has this slow and took the opportunity to penetrate inside and no more out. As a TV series, beginning not at all appreciate the cadence of the stakes, you want everything at once, then, slowly, I disorders and condescends to the rhythm ...

Everything revolves around the search for the right suitor for Lata, the youngest daughter of the family Mehra.
The first episode opens on the wedding of Savita, the eldest daughter of Mehra, fair-skinned and therefore more "sposabile" than the child.
Lata, on that special day, it shows very naive and inexperienced feelings and passions that love can turn. He derogatory views the feelings.
During the festival, wonders how her sister will get to grips with the man who had never seen and does not understand how this will not only love him, but share with him their moments, intimate, just like they do with her and her mother. ..

Pran Her husband is the eldest son of Kappor and poor, and here you could open up the individual subjects of the portraits of the family: the head of household, Manesh Kapoor, who will lead us in the nerve center of the state, as Minister of State Federal, his wife, which is never even mentioned the name, anonymous solid column of his life, his brother Maan "daredevil" boyfriend in Benares, Veena, only daughter Kapoor, wife of the Kedarnath pain that we bring with melancholy in the plays of the partition.

... but the bride's family steals the scene immediately and shows protagonist is her, "Mom," the "puppeteer" of marriage, Rupa Mehra, widow bears all the responsibility to find good "parties" for their daughters. Mom, how do you call all, try to be omnipresent, to know every detail and to dramatize as much as possible. There his father, Dr.. Kishen Chand Seth, the young married Parvati, rustic and intolerant man. There is Savita, almost disturbing to her constant calm and for its just measure everything. Is counterbalanced da suo fratello maggiore, Arun, arrogante e presuntuoso nel suo stato sociale di Sahib indiano, o come lo chiamano. Mentre l'indecisione è fatta uomo in Varun, il fratello maschio più piccolo e insicuro, ancora alla ricerca del suo domani.

E con questo si chiude la breve carrellata su alcuni dei personaggio. La possiamo allargare sulla casa dei Kapoor dove si svolge il matrimonio e poi sulla città.

Brahmpur, con il Gange, i suoi gath per la cremazione, i barcaioli, il forte e il college, i campi da cricket e il club.
Ma c'è anche Calcutta e il Bengala, con la sua propria identità. Qui risiedono i Chatterji, la famiglia della moglie di Arun Mehra, la frivola Meenakshi, con la sua risata argentina.
... and here I must express my support to them, an unusual and original family: Judge Chatterji, condescends to the character of children, including less traditional, the woman, her proper husband, the eldest son, poet, my favorite among the suitors of Lata, Amit!, but we also have a mystical, Dipankar, the second daughter, Kakoli, Tapan and small, and there is a dog, not at all pleasant.

may suffice true, but it is not. We also have family

Khan, Muslim, powerful landowners in the rural district of Rudra: Nawab of Baita Saib and his two sons, Imtiaz doctor and the lawyer Firoz, then his daughter, Zainab, who follows the lives in the house dedicated to women because it follows the purdah.

Now that we have all the pieces we can weave their stories. And there are several.

There is love Lata's impossible to Kabir Durani, a fellow Muslim college. There is the friendship between Maan and Firoz, which overcomes the problems of religious conflict is not to run aground in the turbulent events of the past said the Nawab Sahib and Saeeda Bai, the "courtly" in Maan falls in love ...
There is the "shoemaker" Haresh who legitimately become the right guy, but that first morning after the wedding seems to vanish. There's the Apple
Pula and the slaughter of innocents, there Baskar and his passion for mathematics fed Dr. Durani father Kabir on which hangs the shadow of insanity of the mother ... There is
Prahna, czech shoe factory where he works Haresh, there is the interior minister LN Agarwal and his hard-fisted policy, there is the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru down beside Manesh Kapoor during the campaign election. There
rural life and its cruel caste traditions. There is no law on Zamindari, and his controversial result.
There is a very intense and varied. Like a mirror without a cross-section of society in a particular political moment.

I can not imagine what will follow.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Community Hours Confirmed Letter

Che fine ha fatto l'architettura? Boeri, forse ti è sfuggito qualcosa?!

Fragments and Effects
de La Maddalena,

a story of good architecture

The Moralist. A figure in Italy is mocked and sometimes hated, that he forces himself to fasting healthy opportunism and selfishness, a heretic for daring to cast the first stone, however stupid because after all it is "so that all fans." Almost a profession, but respected nasty, dangerous, but supported by a culture where the sense of guilt and justice mix. A profession that everyone, more or less practice because of an education that leads to a strong evangelical responsibility of the individual. Is that all that distinguishes one country from one that works is putting the gear back!

This premise to a story without bias, as ours, which seems to bring out an Italian cross-section immersed in the sleep of reason, a moral amorality, conformism and intellectual culture of doing that smacks of culture dell’affare o dell’arraffare. La domanda di fondo che ci poniamo è: ma dove va l’Architettura e l’Architetto, la pianificazione territtoriale e l’Urbanista? Di quale economia e modello di sviluppo stiamo parlando?!

Involontario attore del racconto è l’architetto Stefano Boeri e… Se il segno dell’epoca è la confusione, io vedo alla base di tale confusione una rottura tra le cose e le parole, le idee, i segni che le rappresentano… Il teatro della vita, che non risiede in niente di specifico, ma si serve di tutti i linguaggi (gesti, suoni, parole, fuoco, grida) si ritrova esattamente al punto in cui lo spirito ha bisogno di un linguaggio per manifestarsi - words are not mine but of Antonin Artaud. ( Marseille, September 4, 1896 - Ivry, March 4, 1948. He was a playwright, actor, writer and theater director French)

Who is Stefano Boeri
architect and urban planner, teaches urban design at the Politecnico di Milano and visiting professor at Harvard's GSD - Harvard University Graduate School of Design . From 2004 to April 2007 he was director of international magazine Domus. Since September 2007, heads the International Living magazine. He is the founder of the research Multiplicity ( multiplicity.it ) with which he made in 2002, "USE Uncertain states of Europe”, una ricerca sul futuro dell’Europa. Tra i progetti di rilievo svolti con Boeri Studio: la nuova sede del Policlinico di Milano, la nuova sede di Siemens a Milano, le torri di edilizia residenziale sostenibile del quartiere Isola, la Villa a Marsiglia. Le sue riflessioni sulla sostenibilità come diverse forme di riconciliazione tra cultura urbana e natura, tradotta con l’installazione Sostenibili Distopie, sono state presentate alla 11a edizione, nel 2008, della Biennale di Architettura di Venezia.

Perché parliamo di Stefano Boeri
G8 2009 - Expo 2015, le emergenze italiane. A lui e al suo studio è affidato l’incarico di progettare la riqualificazione dell’area de La Maddalena in Sardegna sede del G8 2009. Lui, l’architetto italiano membro della Consulta architettonica che ha redatto il Conceptual Master Plan per l’Esposizione Universale di Milano del 2015.

Per leggere tutto l'articolo su HOUSE living and business clicca qui

Bmi For Females Aged 2-20

I politici: sì alle archistar, riempiono le pagine dei giornali

Non bisogna costruire grattacieli solo perché sono espressioni di potere. In Italia non ha senso parlare di città verticali, siamo un Paese che non cresce

È un’archistar?
No! Credo che i problemi siano due: da una parte il bisogno mediatico che ha un architetto quando realizza opere that create debate, but also testifies to this part of the crisis communication. The work of surveyors is more civil these architects have the same role in many important people such as doctors or lawyers. Behind the superstars have to be people of culture, but not always the case: the mediated image and then you lose the contents. The architect is an important person, because it works within society, in culture, it is a figure that emerges. Our local superstars, Italian, have received international recognition: it shows that those who make good his work is appreciated because it marks a moment in history. But then he becomes a star mechanism because the media turns it into an object of communication glamorous, but it is part of the game, no?

Why not define un'archistar?
I do not like this trend that pushes more content on the image, it seems more interesting to talk about my work, a reference point for young people, who want to design the architecture. I feel a bit 'like a doctor who works with an open heart, but when you leave the hospital is not always photographed. My role is more normal .

About the only superstars?
Renzo Piano no doubt, a person known by all, and Massimiliano Fuksas. These architetti stanno segnando il nostro tempo, li possiamo chiamare archistar perché sono uomini di cultura.

Per leggere tutta l'intervista all'architetto Mario Cucinella clicca qui

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Southmead Maternity Tours

Comi mastica fiele

In relazione alle dichiarazioni rilasciate da F. Comi al Resto del
Carlino (edizione del 31.03.2010) si inoltra il seguente
Press Release:

Comi * * chews gall

sorry to intervene on the statements, the daughters of
verbal incontinence, appalesanti impatient, angry and
inability to adopt a correct political style, those who,
reconfirmed in the Regional Council, while considering a "big"
of local politics has to deal with an election result
obviously lower than expected, which sees him ranked in the province
behind Sara Giannini, now in pole position
for a place in the county council and the city
behind Mr Francesco Massi.

As for me, without even wanting to mention that the
Massimo Rossi's candidacy and the formation of a coalition in its support
has taken place just a month before the elections and yet
Tolentino scored
among the best performances of the entire region, without wanting to mention that
the most brilliant election results are affected
to those political forces that have greater visibility in the media (which
the PD should know very well!), I prefer to call
Comi and the other candidates in a transparent operation that I consider essential for the proper assessment

their election results. Colleagues declare that they have spent on the campaign
election, if they have the courage and sincerity to do
. Then the people sort it out.

For the rest, nothing new under the sun: Comi spreading poison on
who does not take orders from him and he does before, during and after the
election campaign, confirming a real, huge disappointment for those expecting
left a representative of "height".

Anna Cimarelli

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ladies Stomach Sitting

Anna Cimarelli candidata: le sue (e nostre) ragioni.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How To Masterbate Diagram

In Consiglio Regionale vorrei impegnarmi per:

A new way of governing.
The new government of the Region must confirm the order of self- for conducting policy. The loosening of democratic mechanisms, corruption and even the mafia collusion of interest returning to the Italian context are the result of a degenerative form of politics that has moved away from people's needs and in particular of the weakest sectors of the population. It should go on the floor of the concrete and direct and constant relationship with citizens, to recover the awareness in those who govern, to exercise a power not delegated.
In this perspective, the regional administrative structure must be able to meet the needs of transparency of government, it is essential that the complex bureaucratic machinery evolve into an organization serving the citizen.
The action of government will behave in an integrated manner and not working for separate sectors in the knowledge that actions to enhance environmental compatibility can have a positive impact on the economy and, conversely, policies to stimulate a particular sectors can lead to important consequences in terms social and environmental.

Defense of the work.
The changes in the law affecting the world of work aiming at a reduction of workers' rights and job insecurity. There is a retreat from the major achievements of recent decades and especially trade union is questioning the very right to work. This results in the drama of those who are expelled the world of work in old age and find no possibility of reintegration into active inaccessible to young people if not how precarious, often constitute an actual phenomena of exploitation. On these slopes should produce an exceptional commitment with actions to protect the work, monitoring and intervention in critical business situations, before they ignite irreversible degenerative processes, with the activation of virtuous dynamics that make available to the system-work services innovative, with a policy of incentives for businesses and craft that is closely related to the creation of stable employment and innovation.

The public engagement in school, the university, in Health.

The deep cuts in the areas of school and university center-right government led by a distortion of the public school system, removing the teaching quality and quantity, and then the dissemination of knowledge. The result is the gradual decrease in school time, large classes, cuts and policies to support inclusion in schools, the push for educational schemes with a strong ideological content, to more completely away from the quality standards set at EU level. In this context, the regional government is called to take charge of the intervention areas left uncovered by the recent 'reforms' and to mitigate the negative consequences that the impact of the reform of primary and secondary education is bound to have. Will have to work on the enlargement of the training, supporting international mobility of students, on the development of interventions in favor of the right to study on programs of cooperation between schools and the workplace, with the purpose of accompanying the young graduates or graduates commitment to the professions working through internship programs and entry into the realities of production and service sector of the territory.

Le Università marchigiane vivono una fase complessa e in taluni casi difficile. Le dimensioni contenute e l’indirizzo umanistico che in parte le caratterizzano rappresentano elementi di debolezza in un panorama, anche in questo caso, di interventi legislativi volti a tagliare, “razionalizzare” contenere. La regione può offrire un impegno concreto in due direzioni. Da un lato il sostegno attraverso il rafforzamento degli interventi per il diritto allo studio, i finanziamenti alla didattica e alla ricerca, la creazione di programmi di collaborazione che coinvolgano il mondo produttivo, gli ordini professionali, le realtà del no-profit e del volontariato sociale, ambientale e culturale. Dall’altro può focalizzare sull’utenza universitaria e sui territori interessati interventi di potenziamento dei servizi pubblici, in primis quello dei trasporti, attraverso la realizzazione di servizi dedicati e l’implementazione di quelli esistenti.

Il diritto alla salute è un diritto primario. La presenza del servizio sanitario pubblico ha conosciuto nel nostro territorio un ridimensionamento dei presidi ospedalieri a favore di strutture sanitarie complesse. L’azione intrapresa, volta in primis al contenimento della spesa sanitaria, non ha conseguito tutti gli obiettivi che si prefiggeva. A fronte di cospicui investimenti sulla tecnologia diagnostica - In some cases probably more attentive to the needs of 'image' that non-effective solution of problems - there has been a growth in services that meet the needs of the population. In the presence of an aging population, endless waiting lists, non-availability of health services to the extent necessary, the emergency room clogged, the scarcity of resources for prevention programs in higher incidence of disease, together with the chronic shortage of support for families of patients, are the priorities to be addressed and solved with practical responses to the weakest first.

L 'Water is a public good.
Il governo regionale, al pari e insieme alla società civile e agli amministratori locali, deve essere impegnato in una azione forte e coerente in difesa dell’acqua pubblica. Tutte le energie vanno mobilitate e tutti gli strumenti normativi a tutela di questo bene adottati.

Ambiente e salute pubblica.
Sul versante della gestione dei rifiuti si deve coraggiosamente puntare all’obiettivo del 100% del riciclaggio e al contempo incoraggiare ed incentivare le politiche di contenimento della produzione dei rifiuti, promuovendo stili di vita alternativi e compatibili con il mantenimento dell’integrità del territorio e con la tutela della salute pubblica. Si deve intervenire con strumenti efficaci per tutelare the health of citizens in towns and villages besieged by pollution and the proximity of manufacturing plants unhealthy. Should implement strict policies to prevent pollution and ensure high standards of living throughout the region.

welfare and family support.
E 'must subtract the theme of' family support 'to the empty rhetoric and hackneyed as it has fallen in recent years, without, however, that the ideological struggle waged by certain political parties would follow the facts of a specific intervention. In contrast, it is a progressive reduction in school time and the deterioration of educational facilities of all levels, while the welfare was discharged on the shoulders of local authorities, in the most virtuous, they had to commit substantial slice of its budget on the maintenance of activated services, primarily for the elderly. This framework makes clear the nature of propaganda statements 'in support' of the family, which is rather seriously affected, like every citizen, from the contraction of the welfare state and government intervention in basic social services. This trend must be reversed urgently, especially in the presence of a long and difficult economic crisis like the present.

Strengthening public transport.
The issue of conversion of the line Civitanova Albacina in metropolitan area represents a great opportunity for the territory in terms of development, environmental awareness, enhancement of public service in particular for students and commuters. An efficient public transport network can contribute to the emergence of a successful cooperation between local authorities on many different sides, with definite benefits in economic terms, services and the socio-cultural.

policies for the promotion of culture should be fully refinanced and re-establish criteria for authentic development of existing potential in the area and with the purpose of treating a human and social individual. The dramatic economic and shall not be the umpteenth - time you! - Fatal justification for continuing on the road for some time undertaken the reduction of public intervention, the commodification of cultural facts and the historical and artistic heritage. There is the possibility to translate the culture and traditions of our country in the terms of a revival and the resumption of our socio-economic development. We must act to promote a culture that is widespread and intervention programs aimed at networking and exceeding the crystallization of current funding. Work towards the development of the historical and artistic environment with the adoption of guidelines standardized, and ensuring the protection and proper use of assets.

Anna Cimarelli
Councillor Ordinary People

Regional Councillor Candidate for President Massimo Rossi
lists of Left Ecology and Freedom

Friday, February 26, 2010

United Health Care Gynecology In Network

Temporarily absent

Dear friends,
unfortunately due to major health problems in recent months I have been confined to bed I have no way at this time to access the network and be able to write on the blog.
I write this message to my father to let you know that there are still:) and hope to return as soon as possible to read and write.

thank all those who are close to me each finding its own way of doing it and for the patience with which maybe with some answers' but there's a delay.

I embrace you all,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Physical Therapist Starting Salary 2009


Dear Mayor, City People
the political movement that calls for the City of Toledo is a civil party in criminal proceedings against the company Metallurgical Fioretti, whose legal representative is sued in the Court Macerata on 29 January.
It 's definitely established that the foundry Fioretti stay in its current home is a threat to the health of residents and students of Don Bosco School which is located nearby.
The coexistence of a new industrial environmental impact is so heavy for years outside of a relationship of compatibility, or any director can be argued that this fact does not pose a problem to be given urgent answers.
are insignificant and rather disconcerting that the arguments are put forward in support of tolerance, and to this day not remedied, the permanence of such activities near the city center. To claim, as has been done, that the foundry was in that place even before the urban expansion of the city enclosed in a residential area is frankly vacuous argument and does not do justice to the patience of the citizens residing there, who for decades have to bear their dangerous consequences of coexistence impossible. Smoke, dust, noise can not be justified today in the contradictions of urban development are not adequately reasoned, on the contrary, if anything, this should be the stimulus for greater effort by the political class city and to overcome inaction, fatalism, the slowness in the definition the only possible solution: the relocation. A solution that this has been covered by virtually all other production activities in recent decades have experienced a similar situation. In this regard
adversely affects the attitude of ownership stubbornly unreasonable, it seems little interested in developing the productive activity through the production plant location in the area of \u200b\u200bthe municipality; unavailable, most importantly, to return to a situation of regularity of air emissions, as stated by many to be established, despite the inability of the constituted authorities. Authority to reel in the hope of a legal limit to resolve the political vacuum around this event and that remove the hook. Hope that seems destined to remain empty, since the rules are understandably far from regulating the terms of permanence of a polluting industry within a city, this being a fact clearly in the remote but often problematic Italian urban landscape. In short, we Tolentino outside of history, out of things not only desirable but even likely.
So it's time to mark milestones, precise and rhythmic, a path that restores breathing relocation to the city and better prospects for the development of the company and its workers. The actions taken so far are not sufficient. E 'must be demonstrated that by the local authority to the company and citizenship, a firm political will and no doubt about the need for early relocation of the way immediately, with concrete actions and agreements.
In this vein, the legal proceedings mentioned in the introduction is an important opportunity to clarify what rights can be recognized as citizens. It 's sad that the city of Toledo is hoping to find justice for their right to an acceptable quality of life after politics for many years, has become unable to find an appropriate solution to the problem and workable. It 'still also important that those who now administers the City face a choice of a party, not only for the legal implications of the case, but also to ensure its presence for the people who ask these recognized rights.

Tolentino, January 26, 2010
Political Movement Ordinary People

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bone Chip In The Gums

India, the host country Turin Book Fair Festival of India

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Microsoft Publisher Wedding Booklet

Alla stampa locale

Dear Correspondents of the local press,
the show and its reading vs. Articles in their Christmas here shows the total absence of the undersigned in the political debate within the local municipal council, at least, I repeat, according to newspaper reading.
Just look at the various reports related to the seat of the Municipal Council of 27 December 2009.
Most of the newspapers even mentioned the presence of the undersigned, Carlino only shows what happened on the position I have taken in the Council, but only one of two articles in this Dec. 29, it gives me another '"absent" as if I was going to make me a sandwich, while, as you know, my way out of the classroom was an expression of a specific political position that I regularly motivated and that is recorded.
For the Messenger instead just do not exist, as well as according to Corriere Adriatico, where there is not even listed among those who have not voted.
It has given an account of the choice of Mrs Valeria Ruit not to participate in the vote, but omitting to mention myself, who first took this position! Ben
are aware citizens who follow the Council on TV is no accident that in many, in expressing appreciation, have made specific reference to what happened to understand word for word the meaning of the choice I made and declared and the sequence of the debate, which has seen some colleagues - each for its own reasons - to be appended to the conduct I had adopted, even mention in the statement.
shame that you have recorded anything of it.
Dear Correspondents, which is the case in question actually represented in your articles.
Maybe you're too focused on the 'priority list' that some prominent politician - always this hyper on the pages of local newspapers complete with a giant - is at pains to convey, through highly efficient office printing personal or party?
Or consider that the policy out of PD and PDL is not worth being told?
And when did you decide?
The last case, which frankly I am appalled and moved to write this note, relates al'articolo Carlino appeared on the 10 / 1, relating the story of the foundry Fioretti.
The author, journalist Fabio Caporalini, perhaps unaware that the topic Fioretti lies about a month in a query signature of the undersigned that the Council will be presenting Thursday, 14/01?
The reporter knows that the question asks account of relevant circumstances l'attuale rinvio a giudizio della azienda in questione?
Non sarebbe stato interessante per i lettori averne notizia nell'ambito dell'articolo citato, che per il resto è piuttosto documentato e dettagliato?
Non sarebbe interessato ai giornalisti raccogliere qualche opinione politica sull'argomento, visto che sulla Fioretti sembra esserci una convergenza 'bipartisan' sul... silenzio?
Vi interessa informare o vi basta fare da megafono a chi ha più potere?
O forse è colpa della sottoscritta, che non passa le "veline", se le sue iniziative non hanno la roboante eco della più insignificante delle interrogazioni presentata e 'pompata' però del 'personaggio giusto'?
Non credo sia questa la ragione lack of interest regarding my political action, as on my press releases may also be that you apply a 'filter' (see press release on the landfill landslide, news totally ignored by two newspapers on three!). On
newspapers with TV and radio stations can not say much, I have no time to follow the news and so I abstain from any underlining.
I would just like to highlight to the Prime Minister, which I read for information, which shows that what I represented when there are no conditions for waiving the registration and TV broadcast of the City Council, a choice that is periodically challenged by charging the presence an overemphasis of the camera by advisers.
view of the case, please count me among those who believe the essential choice to broadcast TV recording full of tips, mindful of what he taught us the President Pertini, who argued that the worst democracy is better than the best dictatorship.
Dear friends, democracy is the responsibility of us all, not only of politicians but of all citizens and a lot of journalists, who have to be servants of Truth and remember the moral of being loyal to their readers.
The dignity of this beautiful craft resides only in accordance with these principles.
I regret that it was forced to this note: it is always annoying talk about themselves, or at least it is for me, it is no coincidence that I have refrained until now, despite the custom of the local press is the same as ever and has characterized this consiliatura since its inception.
The hope is that those who are interested in a freedom of information, proper and effective implementation are encouraged, thanks to this complaint and to conduct more 'brave' and authentically democratic.
Finally I would like to point out what seems a truism, but maybe not.
The voters complain that politicians are always the same in the limelight and hold places of power, the press on the one hand is often to collect these moods, on the other usually conforms to the law of the strongest in terms of communication before the electoral weight, only to amplify the meaning of the political parties of those who count on stronger electoral propaganda and marketing capabilities.
But democracy is not good for the opposite?
That is, a free press and attentive to the 'equal opportunities'?...

Sincerely Anna
Cimarelli - City Council Ordinary People group