Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shena Grimes Piercing

thanks again to under

ma chi è sto UNDER ?
eheheh, l'ho detto, il mio suggeritore musicale di quando sono in fase "odio tutti":))
(presenti esclusi:)
Mi hanno scritto: se in autostrada ti vengono tutti contro forse sei tu che viaggi in contromano.
Accidenti mi sono detta! mi conosci da sei mesi e lo realizzi adesso??

Full translation CLICK

is only a woman.
Never again.

Father is a name that you have not yet earned
're just a child unsupervised
Have you ever heard not to touch a woman?
would kick your a pleasure.

He's drunk again, it's time to fight.
same old story, just a different night,
she grabs the gun, he's had enough she will find out tonight what

damn hard is this man.
pulls the trigger as fast as possible.
No more '.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dental Hygiene Presentation Letter

Domenica____ Good:))

Thank U;)

Translation CLICK

Fake Hello Kitty Jewelry


believe it or no ... sooner or later we are struck by lightning and then you have a nice little saying that there credi___ believe how!
but after the predictable consequences burrasca___ always returns the sereno___ then boredom, then the desire for new emotions and start the rain dance ___ until the next time

The lightning is the thing that makes you earn more time. (F. Arnoul)

"It's hard to describe. It is not love at first sight, really. ... It is more a shift of gravity. When you see her, suddenly is no longer the earth that keeps you attached to him. It's her. "( Stephenie Meyer)

The lightning strike is a mistake that has not had the courage or the ability to recognize at the time of offense. ( Charles Baudelaire)

Ball of Fire: term used only in combination all'innamoramento. Experience has shown that the use would be more appropriate for the bored. ( Francis Burdin, A million days, 2001)

La più diffusa malattia degli occhi è l'amore a prima vista. ( Gino Cervi)

Non v'è amore se non a prima vista. ( Benjamin Disraeli, Henrietta Temple, 1837)

He saw me, loved me, I saw her, loved her. ( Pierre Du Ryer, Cléomédon, 1635)

The great loves are announced in a precise way, just you see her say, "Who is this bitch? ( Ennio Flaiano, Phrases essential to blend into society, 1969 (posthumously)

Love at first sight is not often that an oversight. ( Roberto Gervasio, Jiminy Cricket, 1983)

The love that springs into existence is the longest to heal. ( Jean de La Bruyère, Characters, 1688)

Who ever loved that loved not at first glance to have? ( Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander, 1598)

Ours was a love at first sight, we fell in love at first sight; then you kicked me a finger in the eye and spit in the other ( da Il Vernacoliere)

L'amore è un colpo di fulmine... infatti, dopo il fuoco, rimangono solo le macerie ( anonimo)

Colpo di fulmine: Fenomeno che si produce quando due persone che hanno particolarmente voglia di sesso, but not specifically made for each other, meet. ( anonymous?)

who falls in love at first sight betrays at every turn

subtitle of the movie Closer by Mike Nichols, 2004 from which it is the scene of the video

Friday, March 11, 2011

Camera Tricks In Mirror


Pretend to take passage for Guo


forced between the two great opponents, pretending to increase its strength.

The Book of Changes says: Adversity. We talk, but without sincerity.


lipless teeth feel cold

The trick played on the report Yin_Yang, prendere_dare loan, regolarità_sorpresa, concentrare_dividere, formare_rompere alliances.

Or, speaking in favor of a partner who feels (or thinks he is) threatened by a common enemy, you have a good excuse to help him with a false help. Confident that he had found in us a sincere ally, he will give us the resources and the availability of its strategic position to get the better of common adversary. Do not imagine that eliminated the common enemy, it will be his turn, and once within its strategic location, easy game will come back to haunt him in his own resources and take control of the situation, without expect it. In this way, we will extend our influence on both sides, with the minimum use of force and resources.

Despite the trick suggests the path of betrayal, in reality it can also be used for the benefit of its partners.

Whenever, in fact, persuade or assume because someone is acting as our agent or representative, there you are "pretending to attack passing Guo:

Take legal spokesman, agents, representatives who protect us from the pressures of a conflict situation and assume responsibilities in pursuing our goal, are all ways to apply today, the trick for a common benefit .

Introduction and index

(the game prosegue___ see previous post)