Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Probate Application Form Mn


Wait rested opponent tired


General who occupies the battleground first and awaits his opponent , will lead, who, on the contrary, it will later, and hastened to join battle, will be exhausted.

who excels in the art of war, maneuver the opponent and is not manipulated.


We are at the halfway point, with this post we enter the second half of the 36 stratagems.

I still feel so lost and confused and waiting to write the last post on the fall of regimes italo_libici, while I update the stories of others on the theme of this latest war.


The trick, which appeared for the first time in the Art of War Sunz of the section: Vacuum and substance, further underscores the importance of the battle hoards indirect and reverse the Taoist principle of effort ( wei wu wei) get much by little, in the field of war, is also applied in the strategy of attrition.

Mao Zedong, was a master in the tactics of exhaustion that summarized in a formula of sixteen Chinese characters: the opponent attacks, we retreat. The enemy rests, we bothered him. The enemy retreats, we will follow it.

The trick was scored twelve years after the successful application to besiege Wei to save Zhao CLICK .

With meticulous weighting Sun Bin fashioned a device specifically for the occasion: they pretended to faint, feigned a retreat by the understanding to return home, while was preparing to attack.

The ambush was successful and the darkness of the night while attending to the total disfatta dell'armata Wei, il suo comandante Pang Juan giunse alla decisione ineluttabile e si diede la morte tagliandosi la gola.


Senza combattere direttamente l'avversario, affliggerlo con situazioni logoranti.

Il Libro dei mutamenti dice: "La forza diminuisce, la debolezza aumenta".


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