The lightning is the thing that makes you earn more time. (F. Arnoul)
"It's hard to describe. It is not love at first sight, really. ... It is more a shift of gravity. When you see her, suddenly is no longer the earth that keeps you attached to him. It's her. "( Stephenie Meyer)
The lightning strike is a mistake that has not had the courage or the ability to recognize at the time of offense. ( Charles Baudelaire)
Ball of Fire: term used only in combination all'innamoramento. Experience has shown that the use would be more appropriate for the bored. ( Francis Burdin, A million days, 2001)
La più diffusa malattia degli occhi è l'amore a prima vista. ( Gino Cervi)
Non v'è amore se non a prima vista. ( Benjamin Disraeli, Henrietta Temple, 1837)
He saw me, loved me, I saw her, loved her. ( Pierre Du Ryer, Cléomédon, 1635)
The great loves are announced in a precise way, just you see her say, "Who is this bitch? ( Ennio Flaiano, Phrases essential to blend into society, 1969 (posthumously)
Love at first sight is not often that an oversight. ( Roberto Gervasio, Jiminy Cricket, 1983)
The love that springs into existence is the longest to heal. ( Jean de La Bruyère, Characters, 1688)
Who ever loved that loved not at first glance to have? ( Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander, 1598)
Ours was a love at first sight, we fell in love at first sight; then you kicked me a finger in the eye and spit in the other ( da Il Vernacoliere)
L'amore è un colpo di fulmine... infatti, dopo il fuoco, rimangono solo le macerie ( anonimo)
Colpo di fulmine: Fenomeno che si produce quando due persone che hanno particolarmente voglia di sesso, but not specifically made for each other, meet. ( anonymous?)
who falls in love at first sight betrays at every turn
subtitle of the movie Closer by Mike Nichols, 2004 from which it is the scene of the video
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