Friday, March 11, 2011

Free Blueprints For A Snow Plow

always the case

What the tsunami hit!

Poi ci si stupisce se ci si sente svuotate/i e strambi, ma siamo anche noi di questa Terra!

In attesa di qualche ulte riore ra cconto ho giocato con le parole scelte per quelli del post precedente:

strada, desiderio, salato, cuore, vita

L'autodifesa e il pane della sincerità.




road, months, home

Metamorphosis , Below, E, A, White

Here's what came out (who may want to try, if you want the rules _ I _ I made to replace up to 3 words, but the total number of terms must remain constant)

life, L 'illusion of the road

leave months salt bread, sincerity,

desire, heart, and self-defense Metamorphosis

In The White House

and away

the desire of life
road salt Home

and away under the illusion
as white bread
sincerity and metamorphosis


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