Thursday, December 18, 2008

3 Bar Maps Sensor Prelude

UN FILO D'INDIA. Il ritorno alla geometria solida

Travelogue (17 August)

Jahangir Mahal, flickr photos fabian-f's

last stone, earth and concrete. Solid, concrete and geometric.
arrive crossing the bridge over the Betwa, a tributary of the Yamuna.
Where? The two buildings of Orcha: Jahangir Mahal, we visited first, and second but no less beautiful, Raja Mahal.
Godo their symmetries. We enter in the volume of the building. I can not afford to choose alternative paths in the paths of the guide because the building is Western readable: a square courtyard in which overlook the four corner pavilions are surmounted by a dome Arabic , where the vultures are masters.
È in restauro, anche qui uomini e donne si affaccendano con placidi ritmi ai loro lavori.
Non mi aveva mai appagato così la simmetria, a dire il vero, non è mai stata nelle mie corde, ma mai come adesso ne ho sentito il bisogno. Sono 14 giorni che sono in India e già sento la mancanza dei miei riferimenti architettonici. L’altro palazzo ci regala preziose pitture, e in merito a riferimenti mancanti, qui potremo dilungarci a lungo. Questi decorazioni azzurrine hanno lo stesso fine tratto delle “grottesche”, lo stesso scopo, arredare con echi preziosi alla mitologia.

Prossima tappa la città.
Moving on from his empty temple Chaturbhuj Temple. High above the steep steps overlooking the beautiful landscape where the river meanders through wads of green and stone pinnacles. The guide book says that there's even a nearby hill, Sonagiri with 77 Jain temples in honor of fate "Tirthankara, the ferries. Throw the thing in the lizard-tour-leader, but nothing.
But what can reserve this land? I have no words. The confusion is such that, to retrieve the size of Western Europe, I devote myself, but several other people with me, the frantic shopping. The benefit generated from the time of morning yoga is exhausted, e per fortuna che con il valore della rupia, qui è molto meno dannoso. Anche se i vizi rimangono… tipo comprare un paio di ciabatte del numero più basso solo perché s’intonano al vestito comprato a Jaipur. Sulla strada del ritorno verso l’albergo ho la stessa aria sfatta del primo giorno dei saldi.
In albergo, recuperate le uova sode del pranzo, partiamo direzione
K H A J U R A H O!
L’acclamato centro tantrico famoso per le sue sculture erotiche e per la bigliettaia del complesso sud (quest’utlimo è una nota personale del nostro tour leader!).
can feel it slide ... This will be a flop! Sooner or later you must get this scam mica can not spin it so smooth?! Selected destinations, travel companions pleasant, confirmed expectations when it comes ... the catch?! More and worse is happening in there!
fall asleep almost immediately on the bus.
lightweight, it's my vacation, the first trip to India!
According to many people, the catch - if you want to call it - arrives in the evening. We were promised an Indian classical dance and we ended up in a musical boolliwoodiano, so they say my fellow travelers. What can I say?! From which they are ignorant, perhaps the difference lies in the rhythm?

see also previous posts:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Character Analysis Based On Date Of Birth

River to river, finalmente!

After various editions you want, and never attended, yesterday I was able to attend the Festival and the opportunity to know special people who are passionate about India. Thank you for the wonderful day and thanks for this first taste of Indian cinema.

Awara (The Vagabond)
Raj Kapoor Movies of 1952, very similar to our contemporaries, Amedeo Nazzari. We took almost three hours glued to the chair, with his sparkling film of 50 years and its emphases. Pleasant.

Revelation Quick Gun Murugan of Shashank Ghosh. Crackling curry sauce spaghetti westerns! some 'matrix, a bit' Tarantino! In my opinion if doppiasseto break the bank in Italy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sony Health Insurance 2010

question to the Mayor on the renewal of the Board of Co.Sma.Ri

We wondered where to put the garbage from August next when the landfill will be filled Tolentino Hill district.
Meanwhile, the Board of Co-Sma.Ri. has been "renewed", but changed only the component of "claim Tolentino.
So we thought to ask, by polling the council, some guidance to our Mayor.
In particular, we want to know the criteria that have inspired the name of the new member of the Board of COSMARI, with particular emphasis on expertise in the field of waste disposal.
So it came naturally also ask themselves what are the skills that have the other members of the Board of Directors of COSMARI, obviously with regard to their charge entrusted.
The fundamental question is: can we trust these administrators COSMARI provincial delegation to which the community is a task so delicate, difficult and very important for the territory as waste disposal?
are the best people you could choose for this office?
not that the logic with which they were appointed are exclusively or primarily those geo-party?
The full text of the question here is

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inflammation Of The Pinky Finger

Obama's victory

view of the air squad and fascist Italy and here in pulling for the good of our country is essential that Obama has won in America.
the candidate who won inclusion, equality, the real economy, the ruling class choice from below. Above all, the candidate of the Dream, the largest American Dream, which until now had not been fully completeness.
Besides those who have heard the speech of the "defeated" McCain can not but be struck by the responsibility, righteousness, love and respect for your country that you are given. To the point of thinking that maybe in Italy had won a McCain!

Instead, to understand how government and with which fellow (!) We have to do, it's worth taking a look at the editorial of today's newspaper, the Free and the sheet on Obama victory: ooze hatred, irritation, discomfort at best. Non tanto (o non solo) per Obama e i suoi elettori, quanto per coloro che in Italia esultano! La destra italiana ...
Obama e McCain nei rispettivi discorsi hanno entrambi esaltato i principi costituzionali del proprio Paese. Qui da noi, al contrario, una precisa parte politica, la destra, li mette in discussione un giorno si e l'altro pure. Qui da noi si frantuma con leggi scandalose il dettato costituzionale di una scuola pubblica, di una ricerca libera, di uguali diritti e opportunità per tutti. Qui da noi è legge dello Stato il "lodo Alfano". Qui da noi si preparano le "classi ponte" per i bambini degli immigrati. Qui da noi la tv pubblica ha censurato il sen. Gasparri che dice "con Obama alla Casa Bianca forse Al Quaeda è più happy ".

And you also do not rejoice for the victory of Obama??
Hurrah November 4, 2008, Victory Day!

(Photos from the Courier della Sera)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Women Who Get Face Waxed

UN FILO D'INDIA. Orcha, un incontro animico


picture Intimateeye

17 agosto 2007.
Lasciate le stelle a notte fonda, ho trovato alcova nella nicchia nel muro attrezzata con materasso. Le mie compagne di stanza già se la dormivano alla grande.
Mi ha vinto un sonno irrequieto, agitato, dove anche il canto dei grilli non era semplice disturbo ma una martellante colonna sonora di inquietanti e fobici pensieri: grilli, gli insetti, gli animali, i serpenti, la finestra vicina, il rifiuto, il caldo, la polvere, il lenzuolo che non c’è, il rifiuto, il lucchetto da diario segreto, la pala per l’aria non arriva, il materasso, la muratura. Alle 5, non era più il caso di accondiscendere a questa tortura e mi sono rebelled. I greeted this weak Morpheus who opened her arms without hesitation. Sunrise at Orcha. Bocconi clouds illuminated in pink, from below, as heat is turned on. What are
boccni of cloud? The bites of cloud, are those little bites of soft white matter floating in the frosting pink dawn sky, and often report that even smells a sprinkle of new sun, cool cool of the day ...
I take the camera, two shots at the clouds and I'm two steps. I think,
- "I may exit the enclosure of the hotel, why not, I ... yes, of course if I was dressed! azz. " In
hotel can also turn into shorts by sea, but on the streets of this small country is not the case. Well
are 5.30, are wide awake and there is already a hot dog!
Yoga! The shorts I have, and will serve as a mat and the rest we'll see.
When I realize that the porch where I practice there are also the fans for air, it is too late. Not yet 6 am, and have already "half" of sweat.
greet the dawn - a requirement with those pink clouds - a subtle work of breath, synchronous movements at minimum. I started doing yoga three years ago and I never thought it would become so important. I started to fill an empty moment, not a lack of time, but a lack of passion. The meeting with Paul, my teacher, and then a gradual love, consolidated with practice, neglect and the breath that takes strength and it becomes you.
I would like to continue with the asanas of the crow, in deference to my audience of birds blacks, gathered on the roof of the front room, but I can barely keep myself balanced on his knees with his hands above his shoulders.
switch to something simpler, the locust, my favorite, shalabhasana, the tree, vriksana, how to bypass these giants in this land, and finally seized the mother earth.
When you emerge from the posting is still too early to everything, only free space to the thoughts and reading. This Siddhartha port anywhere but I just can scroll through the pages. Somebody me will have to explain all its value!?
Each to their limits, if any person who creates and destroys them. One of mine is to not read the books that we spoke too. It will be a fear of being depleted or even my opinion to the other? I often think of change, but maybe it is just a limit, like many others. But the real ones are other limits, those are difficult to accept. They are the ones that you put the others and did not depend on you. Accepting the existence of the limit is more difficult to pass or place, is upon you, and you can not do.
We want simple honesty. It seems a trivial matter, but it is not. Acceptance.
may appear more facile mentire, accondiscendere o travisare, magari anche in buona fede, ma non paga quanto paga essere onesti, con se e con gli altri.
L’onestà paga con una moneta inesauribile.
E la modestia? …e fino a dove arriva senza far subentrare il vittimismo e sottovalutazione? Il limite da quale trincea è segnato? Il rifiuto. Rifiuto di questo non poter agire, di non essere parte dell’azione. Rifiuto il dover attender per poter essere.
Ho capito, Orcha è “l’anima dell’India”, dice la guida, ma che sia in amore/odio con la mia di anima? Che ho fatto di male?! …a che ora servono la colazione? Vi prego?! Mi sono solo svegliata presto?!
Prendo la decisione to leave my thoughts and get back to the pack animal. Comes the breakfast, if you want to Shiva! Go well my friend - the beautiful-but-grim - but it loses sight of this August hormones appear to be on vacation ... Let's please, let's go for palaces, temples and markets, wake up traveling companions, not take it anymore of my solitude! Previous post

Travel Stories
• For Orcha to count the stars
Orcha, relax by a thousand and one nights

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama Law Overseas Bank Account

A certainty or just a Utopia?

this week was decided to use the heading "Building Trends" from another point of view: "Building the Future" .
To do this, however, inevitably touch on the big babies, a term much in vogue in this period.
really big baby or circumstance?
big babies in the sense of human behavior from the child and spoiled, not very mature or responsible did not want to do anything, or big baby in the sense of "poor loser" who can not go on living alone despite being a "bunch so ?
Many people can be traced back to the first category, but even more the second.
In life you can choose to do many things such as finishing high school and go to work as a salesman, commercial, worker shift workers, manual warehouse ecc... (ovviamente tutti lavori a cui bisogna dare elevatissimo rispetto), o scegliere di andare a fare l'università per studiare una "professione" .
Ecco fatto.
Una laurea con un buon voto e via nel mondo del lavoro.
E soprattutto via ad una vita nuova, un progetto, l'idea di vivere da solo.
Un'emozione incredibile, finalmente la propria "libertà".
Dimenticate tutto.
Perché? Si studia 5 anni per andare a fare una "professione" in cui si lavora su ritmi disumani (ok la gavetta ci sta), e soprattutto in cui si viene pagati due lire ed il più delle volte presi anche in giro.
Detto questo facciamo due conti: il biglietto del train ticket for the subway, the meal in a restaurant, gas station, the cost for the weekend, dinner with the "girlfriend" ... The two pounds are already gone up in smoke.
Living alone? How do you do?
bought a house and utopia, go rent also given the housing prices and rentals.
Perhaps under a bridge ... Leaving aside this aspect, there are a thousand other difficulties in going to live alone. Inspired by reports
ironic "Lessons of apartment living room" by Marco Arrigoni, life with the umbilical cord is detached a jungle full of pitfalls.
From the choice of the house.
First you choose, turn one thousand agencies and view dozens of properties ... because there is always someone who wants to speculate and try to "fool" people.
must assess their needs, that is, find the features you want for your home.
The presence of the garage or parking space, proximity to transportation, placement on the upper floors, the brightness, the presence of balconies or terraces and central heating as well as the inclusion of the property in the homes small and medium The positioning and quiet roads with little traffic, the interior layout.
The state of the building, plant, garden, and so on and so forth. Choosing the home
starts another film: the contract, the contract out, the mortgage (if you decide to purchase), the notary, practices for the deed, the various connections ... And then you can not just live in a white cube.
need to choose the furniture, lighting, appliances, television. Virtually suicide for the portfolio.
But the problems are not over. The house must also live it, is our nest.
So you need to keep it clean, treat, and even cuddle.
"Dressed up" according to their taste and that of his partner or partner, receive friends, relatives ... Life then goes on, we grow, the household will increase with the children. Home It is important therefore, must be earned through toil and sweat, is a sort of Inserisci link the goal for the future of all young people.
expectations unfortunately not the best, especially given the economic and financial crisis.
take the plunge becomes increasingly difficult.
The difficulties are there for all to charity, but until someone does something to stop the "wide boys" that if they take advantage of the poor are insecure, the big babies have life ... long!

Stefano Pulici

Other articles "Building Trends" on QUICASA.IT

Flying Rabbit Template

Glass & Aluminium, so the house changes its skin

Un architetto con l'anima dello stilista .
Se volessimo trovare uno slogan probabilmente il più efficace per descrivere il lavoro di Maurizio Zambelli potrebbe essere questo.
Se infatti Ferré o Dolce e Gabbana disegnano le loro esclusive creazioni pensando a donne da sogno l'architetto di Bergamo concepisce le sue creazioni, ugualmente esclusive, "vestendo" gli edifici grazie alle sue geniali intuizioni.
"Avranno meno charme ma almeno gli edifici non si muovono ed è più facile prendere le misure - sorride - L'unica cosa che invidio agli stilisti è la maggiore libertà. Noi alla fine dipendiamo sempre dai committenti che però alle volte sono realmente illuminati e diventano real patrons.
A little 'what happened with the restructuring of "Lovato Electric Spa of Gorle , where in recent months Zambelli has" signed "his latest creation.
" The collaboration with Lovato began in 2000 when I commissioned the construction of their new home - he explains - in that case we have chosen for a very functional and light, able to ensure space and comfort for employees and all were made to last and reduce maintenance costs.
Because the company deals with electrical contactors suggestion was to create a ' architecture in motion, una scatola che si apre e si piega, come mi piace definirla, fatta di volumi sovrapposti che ne mutano l'immagine a seconda dei punti di vista".
Il risultato è stato davvero sorprendente, una struttura funzionale e insieme Hi-Tec capace di rappresentare pienamente il brand della Lovato.
La vera sfida per Zambelli è però arrivata l'anno scorso, con il progetto per la ristrutturazione della vecchia sede.
"La nuova e la vecchia struttura sono vicinissime tra di loro, quindi l'obiettivo è stato quello di creare un unicum che creasse emozione .
Anziché intervenire sull’edificio esistente ho preferito vestirlo con una struttura in pannelli “Reynobond” realizzati designed in large and anchored to the substructure.
This "second skin" of glass and aluminum made it possible to completely transform the old building, providing a perfect natural ventilation and sound insulation.
"No more the old factory but an open architecture, both the inside out" .

Roberto Channels

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Pokemon Battle Revolution Wi Fi Problem

Visit the two towers "pending" carried out by the CMB that will host the exclusive hotel in Rho-Pero

For months motorists and passers-by were curious, the question always the same, but what lies behind those Two Towers " retorts "that are rising at the southern entrance of Fieramilano?
The answer came a few days ago, during the press conference organized by Luigi Roth, President of Fondazione Fiera Milano, in the yard, now nearing completion, the two new hotels to service the trade fair.
designed by Dominique Perrault , one of the most successful architects Bleus, the two towers "pending" Fieramilano Rho were carried out by the CMB and are entrusted to manage, the NH Hoteles chain .
"These towers are a new sign on the land - said Luigi Roth - as is this great exhibition infrastructure, and bring additional value to our architecture park. "
An exclusive project completed in record time, as pointed out by the President of Fondazione Fiera Milano, Leonardo Carioni , complimented with the supervision for the swiftness of the action, concluded in just 20 months and 400 thousand hours of work, rate of one plane every 15 days.
The hotel, which will provide a total of 400 rooms for 800 beds, is distinguished by more than 1,000 windows arranged in an irregular manner, and the 20,000 sheets of glass tile ventilated cavity that cover the facades.
A new solution in Europe, designed to limit heat loss.
The tallest tower Measuring 72 meters high and is facing Fieramilano, the lower 65 and "looks" in Milan. Two monoliths
inclined by 5 degrees following the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bDominique Perrault, who wanted to make his way in this very personal tribute to Milan.
"For an architect is a great achievement to be able to bring the beauty even in those parts of the city that are usually perceived as peripheral sites and maybe a bit 'sad'.
The hotel designed by Perrault are part of what now can be considered the "park architecture" Fieramilano.
"Not only have we observed the time but everything went smoothly - spoke Francis Chiabrando, technical director of Cmb - no incidents and no legal recourse.
A rarity for a building site as a whole. "

Other Items of" Architecture "on QUICASA.IT

Funny Things To Write In Wedding Books

The tenement in social housing

Young couples, senior citizens, students, foreigners are increasingly social categories that today are not eligible to access public housing construction, but not the means to sustain the price of the housing market.
since 1986, the cost of leasing has steadily increased, and also increased the gap to the level of wages.
The topic was addressed during della conferenza inaugurale del Forum Architettura organizzato da Il Sole 24 Ore alla Triennale di Milano lo scorso 3 ottobre.
Sulla questione, come purtroppo in altri ambiti, il nostro Paese è in ritardo rispetto al resto d'Europa, dove l'housing sociale rappresenta il 20% del mercato, mentre in Italia è fermo al 5%.
Anche per questo, nel 1999, la Fondazione Cariplo ha dato vita al Progetto Housing Sociale, studiando modalità di intervento, diverse dalle tradizionali erogazioni a fondo perduto, capaci di dare risposte qualitativamente e quantitativamente innovative al bisogno socio-abitativo.
Il Progetto ha preso avvio concretamente nel 2004, with the participation of Regione Lombardia and hip region, was established the Social Housing Foundation (FHS), the operational entity responsible for developing the structure and content.
The implementation tool is an ethical real estate investment fund to pay moderate, the Fondo Abitare Sociale 1, which raised € 85 million from the Cariplo Foundation, Regione Lombardia, Cassa, Banca Intesa San Paolo, Banca Popolare di Milano , Case of Italian Surveyors, General Insurance and Pirelli / Telecom.
Established in 2006, the fund is that investment should be completed by 2011 and is managed by Polaris Investment Sgr.
The experimental program of social housing activity will include integrated urban villages that will be realized, the size of at least 100 housing units, within which to promote the mix of residents and functions designed to ensure their sustainability, as well as responses from university housing to accommodate the non-resident students.
The rent is usually the same low charge or arrangement introduced by the Lombardy Region, approximately 65-75 € / year per square meter.
Among the interventions being studied, is already under construction in Crema a residential complex comprising 90 apartments, neighborhood services and nursery school for 125 children.
Format by a single body made up of three distinct building blocks , divided along north-south to the residence to offer the best possible guidance in terms of sunlight, views and feedback of air (at least 2 sides for each unit Housing), the two residential blocks (the third is the nursery) are characterized by an impressive canopy cover in metal integrated with a system of photovoltaic panels.
The building was in fact conceived in class A, with an energy requirement of less than 14 kWh / sqm / year.
District heating with floor distribution panels, control of ventilation with energy recovery and drying of the: social housing projects light years away from the "housing" of the seventies that still symbolize poverty and degradation.
Finally, even in Italy, began to emerge a housing quality social and sustainable in all senses: the pockets of the poor and for the whole community.

Other articles "Building Trends" on QUICASA.IT

Pokemon Monopoly Rule Book

smart home, kissed by the sun

Simple, like the elements that comprise: wood, glass, iron and stone.
Simple as the idea of \u200b\u200bharnessing the contribution is free of the sun, thanks to a large solar panel, is geothermal energy, using an electric heat pump .
The desire to build a detached house in modern and comfortable for her daughter became a father for the manufacturer in a challenge and has resulted in a villa with all amenities in a quiet residential area Calcinate , a few km from Bergamo. For
Constant Vavassori , a holder of VIESSE Snc, a company which has more than thirty years experience in the construction industry - the need for renewable energy sources and materials which guarantee high performance isolation was born during a stay in Freiburg , pleasant city situated in southern Germany and known as Solar Stadt, or the "Solar City" . A non-random
Freiburg has one of Europe's largest solar sensors and the most important center of European research on solar energy (Fraunhofer Institut) and has become a reference for the sector to high environmental performance.
A rich and stimulating journey that has dragged Vavassori constant in this bet on the border with the experiment: to build a detached house for her daughter that it meets the strict parameters of CasaClima Class A (a questa classe appartengono gli edifici con un consumo annuo inferiore a 30 kWh/mq) , che utilizzi gli apporti gratuiti del sole e dell'energia geotermica, evitando emissioni di CO2 e che sia interessante anche dal punto di vista architettonico.
L'edificio è in grado di esprimere originalità e semplicità minimale.
Si tratta di due volumi giustapposti: uno, orientato a sud, è caratterizzato da ampie vetrate che donano luce agli ambienti e ottimizzano gli apporti solari in inverno.
L'altro volume, orientato a nord, è interamente rivestito da piccoli blocchi in marmo che hanno una funzione termoregolatrice degli ambienti interni.
I due volumi sono bilanciati da un insieme di aggetti e schermature che easily solve the overheating of the structure during the summer.
Particular attention was dedicated to isolation.
The building is entirely made of wood conglomerate Isotex blocks and cement, a solution that provides thermal transmittance of less than 0.26 W / mqK, while the expanded polystyrene (EPS) - a highly insulating material, economic and Lightweight - has been used for the outer coating.
also under construction, the construction company has the best care and the cancellation of thermal bridges.
Even the windows, made of wood okumè coated aluminum exterior, have a mean thermal transmittance of 1.2 W / mqK. We are now in the utility room, plant the very heart of the house. Two geothermal
reaching a depth of 90 m to provide geothermal electric heat pump, capable of producing hot water, heating in winter and cooling in the summer, through a radiant floor panel system. A dehumidification system
RDZ , prevents the formation of condensation when, during the summer, how the air conditioning is on.
addition, the villa has a controlled ventilation system with heat recovery to extract the most polluted air retaining heat energy.
Il gruppo di areazione, di produzione olandese Zehnder, fornisce aria fresca in quantità regolabile ai sistemi di distribuzione locali. L'impianto fotovoltaico, vero segno distintivo della villetta, è realizzato con moduli HIT Sanyo.
Con la sua potenza installata di 4.1 kWp, è collegato in rete e beneficia degli incentivi del Conto Energia.
La combinazione di pompa di calore elettrica e impianto fotovoltaico rende superfluo l'allacciamento alla rete gas, con considerevoli risparmi di emissioni e in bolletta.
Dopo questo esperimento, riuscito, Costante Vavassori intende diffondere su larga scala altri edifici intelligenti, alcuni già in fase di realizzazione, con standard minimo CasaClima Classe A.
Un Team professionals to meet the challenge

• Business Building VIESSE Snc - Calcinate (BG) - Tel 035 4423459 • Studio Technician Associate of Engineering and Architecture Ing Selvagno E. - Monza (MB) - Tel 039 388 249 • Ab Project Srl - Dalmine (BG) - Tel 035 373 239 • C & P Isotex Srl - Poviglio (RE) - Tel 965 555 0522 • Pozzoli Impianti Srl - Brugherio (MI) - Tel 039 870 116 • Electrical Canon Luigi & C. Snc - Calcinate (BG) Tel 035 841 408 • P & P Pezzotta Snc - Palosco (BG) - Tel 035 845 460 • E- transfer Srl - Thiene (VI) - Tel 0445 381 912 • Plumbing Pagani Srl - Castles Calepio (BG) Tel 035 4425663

Other articles on Copyright Case QUICASA.IT


From a project by Luca Beverina loftland the unique project in the neighborhood of the symbol Milan Industrial

still in its infancy in our country cohousing is the choice of those who, instead of simply taking home on their own, decide to live in a community where real, without losing their right to privacy, are put in shared public spaces. A true philosophy of life that animates even the project of 'Urban Village Bovisa O1, cohousing in fact, a few meters from the university in via Durando near the area that will house the new Academy of Brera.
area that once housed an old tin factory will be built a residence full 400 sqm garden courtyard, 140 square meters of premises to be devoted to the life and community services and an outdoor pool of 12 meters , situated on a large terrace which overlooks the city and outside parking places, but in moderate degree, to encourage responsible use of resources.
The intervention was designed by Luca Beverina and provides 32 units joined together with different types and cuts to create a residential community and intergenerational living. Suggestive
the architectural approach chosen, without completely distorting the original industrial structure, in fact, have exploited the wide open spaces to shine and use them as support for solar panels, energy-efficient central heating, insulation for high efficiency .
value of private spaces that are composed of loft, lofts, duplexes and apartments with solutions ranging from 53 to 140 sqm.
Inside space is modulated with solutions and open-space lofts that help to enliven the environment and gaining thus, functional spaces and fully accessible.
The ideal environment for the residential community that has already formed, the first of this size in Italy, full of young couples, active families and seniors.
an ideal community that has worked with designers and architects the definition of 'constitution' of urban village, furniture and deciding set of shared spaces, court system, forms of "government" of their community.

Other Items of "Architecture" on QUICASA.IT

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Motion School

back after a long period to notify you that on 08.10.2008 the political movement of ordinary people, given the measures that the current
government is taking against the Italian public schools, you
promoter is an action of dissent within the City Council, with
tabling a motion that commits the council to
of Tolentino take a stand against organizations
competent, requiring the suspension of the process to convert
Law DL 137/2008 and, in parallel, the initiation of a confrontation that
involving all stakeholders, aimed at identifying solutions
"true", how to improve the efficiency and quality of
Public School, rather than to mortify the existence
with measures that are nothing more than indiscriminate cuts in spending, resulting
loss of hundreds of jobs .
to "pure chance" on 15 / 10 / 2008 of the PD (Democratic Party symbol of Tolentino) filed a motion on the same subject
To read the full text
the motion presented by our group of "ordinary people" click here

Friday, October 17, 2008

How Much Does A Montblanc Cost?

Renewing the office to attack the market

Work in a well-appointed office, as well as from well-designed Functionally, it is important.
Why is passed, at best, at least 8 hours per day, 5 days a week.
If you spend all this time in a aesthetically pleasing environment , the better. At
BM SpA (Rozzano company that operates in the field of electronic components), as part of an overall modernization program, last year served not only a new place, but environments that express its growth targets and expansion.
Looking ahead to this projection towards the future, Silvestri Architecture for the World Bank has created a contemporary, made of translucent elements and surface colors "strong" as "strong" is the expansionary impulse of company policy.
The color used by Silvestri Architecture, acid green, it is unusual for the interior, but was chosen because it corresponds to the most recent product line of the WB and well represents a dynamic and aggressive market.
no spaces have been created sterile, standardized, simple "offices", "meeting" or "waiting rooms", but was given a new characterization can communicate to staff and visitors to the company's new approach.
entrance reveals plan perfectly this new organization made up of functional areas that communicate visually with each other while maintaining the necessary privacy for those inside.
Every place is designed as a dynamic area, where ideas are born, grow and take shape, and each element transmits this potential.
movements within it are clear, simple, fast, because the complexity hinders development, but spaces are never fully defined, enclosed inside a "box" walls, but always possible to see beyond , leaving the mind the possibility to extend their horizons and their own visual ideas.

architect Roberto Silvestri
Roberto Silvestri graduated with honors with 110 at the Faculty of Architecture of Genoa in 1992, after studying in Norway and Spain. In 1994 he founded the Architecture Silvestri, professional office and experimental laboratory, based in Genoa. In the same year he won the European Prize for Architecture for sports facilities (CONI-Council of Europe), and in 2002 he won first prize in the International District in Renaissance Rome (FINEUROPA SpA). Among his works, the Mediterranean Pediatric Cancer Center in Palermo, Piazza Bausan, Via Massara of the Captains and Schiavone in Milan and the Piazza of the Angels Cemetery in Genoa. Since 2003, Smith collaborates with architect Mary Previti, specialized in the recovery and restoration of architectural monuments. Contact: 010.473000;;

Daniela Garbillo

Other articles "Living Home" on QUICASA.IT

Feminine Males Chat Rooms

If the house has passed, the budget is On

apathetic, inert, indolent, apathetic: they are some synonyms of the word "passive" , which derives from the Latin suffer, suffer.
active and industrious, in fact, are his opposites.
Yet, in recent years, when it comes to building and energy, we must reverse the meaning.
Yes, because if the liabilities exceed its assets in the balance is lost, but if you tratta di una casa, "passivo" equivale a risparmio energetico e si traduce in risparmio in bolletta.
Lo standard a cui ci si riferisce in questo campo è quello della Passivhaus tedesca, ovvero un'abitazione che assicura il benessere termico senza alcun impianto di riscaldamento "convenzionale" ed è quello a cui si è ispirato il geometra Gian Piero Marchiori per costruire la sua casa a Borgoricco, in provincia di Padova.
Oltre ad aver abbattuto i costi complessivi di edificazione, pareggiandola con una in muratura (costi elevati dei materiali compensati con la poca manodopera impiegata, circa 15 giorni lavorativi), Marchiori ha passato l’estate scorsa senza condizionatore, because the house is well ventilated and no window is exposed to the sun.
The house is much the same light, because all made with lots of windows with thermal glass.
For winter approaching, however, heating is provided by a small pellet stove / wood / wood chips cost "0", as Marchiori burn wood that has advanced the construction of the house.
for water heating installed a water heater (included with the stove) that is heated by the stove in winter and in summer by a solar panel.
The dishwasher and washing machine are connected to the hot water pipe, then use less electricity to water heating, lighting of the garden is provided by batteries that are recharged during the day thanks to solar panels (two are enough to provide about 100 W) and rainwater is collected on underground tanks to be then used for watering the garden.
All this has resulted in savings on construction costs (the cost of crude was 70 000 euro), as well as a 80% saving on energy consumption.
Suffice it to say that bills of this house of 200 square meters are equivalent to those of a house "normal" of 70-80 square meters.
A decidedly "active".

Other articles "Architecture" on QUICASA.IT

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How To Get A Licence Plate Ontario

"La Tigre Bianca" ha vinto il Man Booker Prize

Wednesday, October 15
Newsletter Einaudi

The White Tiger won the Man Booker Prize

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga won the Man Booker Prize 2008.

Michael Portillo, chairman of the Prize jury, said:

"The courts have been faced with a difficult decision as the list of finalists contained very strong candidate. At the end of The White Tiger prevailed because the judges felt that the book was equally shocking and funny. The novel aims extraordinarily difficult to win and keep the reader's sympathy for a criminal matriculated. The book has the merit of addressing pressing social issues and significant global developments with astonishing humor. A novel of great merit literary. "


"A novel that keeps you attached to the last page, the pace of the narrative and writing essential."


"A wonderful storyteller, who manages to make the details perfectly, without losing sight of all." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Sharp, bitter, sardonic, annoying and terribly appetizing, a new very spicy samosas. The lucky few of the middle class would do well to read it, if only to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they think of them the other 700 million Indians. "

The Times of India

"The debut of the year."

The Sunday Times


Aravind Adiga The White Tiger

Translated by Norman Gobetti
pp. 236, 19.00

• Born in a poor village in the interior of India, Balram Halwai, the White Tiger, has the opportunity to escape from the cage of misery when a wealthy landowner, hired him as a driver. Accompany the master on the way to an unstoppable corruption, a closer look at the unbridled luxury in which they live the rich, Balram free from any moral scruples and the transformed first into a murderer on the run and then a brilliant businessman.

Sitting at his desk, the entrepreneur Balram Halwai self-taught, said the White Tiger, writes letters to the seven sleek, ruthless Chinese prime minister who is preparing to visit India. Tells of its origins and its history: the story of a boy from a caste lower than a muddy village in the country (where 'any good news turns into bad news, and quickly ") comes New Delhi, where gleaming malls, sumptuous palaces and cars are polished by drivers in thin strips are combined with luxury brothels blond prostitutes from Eastern Europe. Here, in the new district of Gurgaon, Balram Halwai witnessing the progressive and relentless corruption of his master, he treats the mind and senses that how to escape from the cage of poverty exists: to commit murder, steal and create their own. Thanks to hard work, meals swallowed quickly, to a moral code dictated by production requirements, but also by applying the golden rules of business acquired from Mr. Ashok, her deceased former principal, the success was not long in coming. In the future we will see, maybe could invest part of their funds in a school for poor children in Bangalore, a school full of white tigers, you do not speak nor Gandhi, nor the 36 million Indian gods.
With his first novel, Aravind Adiga takes us behind the scenes in India today, the 'Shining India' of the new economy and advanced technologies, economic growth whirlwind of unbridled consumerism of the few, with toughness and sarcasm in describing the dark background, material and moral, from time to sparkle.

"compelling, angry and imbued with a grim humor, The White Tiger is an amazing journey through an India new. Aravind Adiga is a talent and agree to keep an eye on. "
Mohsin Hamid, author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Aravind Adiga was born in Madras in 1974. Having stayed in several countries - including Australia, Britain and the United States - currently lives in Mumbai. The White Tiger is his first novel.

L'inizio di La Tigre Bianca:

La prima notte

Per la scrivania di:
Sua Eccellenza Wen Jiabao,
Ufficio del Primo Ministro,
Capitale della Cina, Nazione Amante della Libertà
Dalla scrivania di:
«La Tigre Bianca»
Un Uomo Pensante
E un imprenditore
Residente nel centro mondiale della tecnologia
e dell'outsourcing
Electronics City Phase 1 (accanto a Hosur Main Road)
Bangalore, India.

Signor primo ministro,
L'inglese non è la mia lingua, e neppure la sua, ma ci sono cose che possono essere dette solo in inglese. Pinky Madam, l'ex moglie del mio defunto ex datore di lavoro Mr Ashok, mi ha insegnato una di queste cose; e oggi alle 23.32, circa dieci minuti fa, quando l'annunciatrice su All India Radio ha dichiarato: - La prossima settimana il primo ministro Jiabao verrà a Bangalore, - I said that thing.
In fact, every time I say that one of you great men are visiting our country. Not that I've anything against great men. In my own way, sir, I consider myself one of you. But when I see our prime minister and his henchmen illustrious arriving at the airport aboard their black cars and down in front of a camera and make you and namaste How long will explain the moral and holy India, I must say that thing in English.
Next week will be His Excellency to come to visit us, right? Usually these things over All India Radio is reliable.
was a joke, sir.
is why I call her directly if you are really in Bangalore. Because if so, I have something important to say. You see, the lady on the radio said: - Mr. Jiabao is on a mission: he intends to find out the truth about Bangalore.
I froze the blood. If anyone knows the truth about Bangalore, it's me.
Then the announcer said: - Mr. Jiabao will meet some Indian entrepreneurs and hear the story of their success from their lips.
So said two or three things. Apparently, sir, you Chinese are from every point of view, far ahead of us, except che non avete imprenditori. Mentre la nostra nazione, per quanto carente d'acqua potabile, elettricità, fognature, trasporti pubblici, senso dell'igiene, disciplina, cortesia o puntualità, ha imprenditori. Migliaia e migliaia di imprenditori. Soprattutto in campo tecnologico. E questi imprenditori - imprenditori come me - hanno messo in piedi tutte queste società di outsourcing che attualmente fanno andare avanti l'America.
Lei spera di scoprire come trasformare un po' di cinesi in imprenditori, è questa la ragione della sua visita. La cosa mi è piaciuta. Poi però mi è venuto in mente che, in ottemperanza al protocollo internazionale, il primo ministro e il ministro degli esteri del mio paese the welcome at the airport with garlands, statues of Gandhi in sandalwood and a brochure full of information about past, present and future of India.
It was then that I had to say one thing in English, sir. Loud and clear.
It was 23:37. Five minutes ago.
I do not curse and swear. I am a man of action and change. I instantly decided to dictate a letter for her.
To begin, let me express my deep admiration for the ancient Chinese nation.
I read a book about your history, exciting stories exotic East, a book found in a stall nei giorni in cui cercavo qualche illuminazione rovistando nel mercatino domenicale dei libri usati a Delhi. Quel libro parlava più che altro dei pirati e dell'oro di Hong Kong, ma conteneva anche qualche utile informazione generale: diceva che voi cinesi siete grandi amanti della libertà e dell'autodeterminazione individuale. Gli inglesi hanno cercato di rendervi loro servi, ma voi non gliel'avete permesso. Io questo lo ammiro, signor primo ministro.
Vede, anch'io un tempo sono stato un servo.
Solo tre nazioni non si sono mai lasciate governare dagli stranieri: Cina, Afghanistan e Abissinia. E sono le uniche tre nazioni che ammiro.
In segno del mio rispetto per l'amore of freedom shown by the Chinese people, and also the awareness that the future of the world is entrusted to the yellow and brown now that our former masters, the white, are falling into the abyss of sodomy, drug addiction and abuse of mobile , I offer for free the truth about Bangalore.
telling the story of my life.
You see, when you arrive in Bangalore and stops at a red light, gets closer and some kid who knocks on the glass, waving a pirate copy of a book of American business, carefully wrapped in cellophane and with titles like:
not throw away your money with these American books. They are so out.
The future is me.
In terms of formal education are perhaps a bit 'lacking. I never finished school, to be honest. Who cares! I have not read many books but I read all that matters. I know by heart the works of the four greatest poets of all time: Rumi, Iqbal, Mirza Ghalib and fourth I can not remember the name. Back in the ranks of the self-taught entrepreneurs.
and are the best, believe me.
When he heard the story of how I came to Bangalore and became one of the most successful businessmen of the city (though probably one of the least known), will know everything there is to know about how entrepreneurship is born, matures and is cultivated in this glorious twenty-first century humanity.
Or rather, humanity yellow and brown.
you and me.
scratch away at midnight, Mr. Jiabao. The appropriate time for a chat.
I'm up all night, Your Excellency. And in my office than fifteen square feet there is no other. Just me and a chandelier above me, although the chandelier has a personality. It is a huge object, pieno di pezzetti di vetro a forma di diamante, come quelli che si vedono nei film degli anni Settanta. Anche se di notte a Bangalore fa abbastanza fresco, ho sistemato sopra il lampadario un minuscolo ventilatore - cinque pale a retina. Così, quando il ventilatore gira, le piccole pale scompongono la luce del lampadario facendola sfarfallare in tutta la stanza. Esattamente come le stroboscopiche nelle discoteche alla moda di Bangalore.
In tutta Bangalore, questo è l'unico spazio di quindici metri quadri dotato di lampadario! Ma è pur sempre un buco nel muro, e io ci passo tutta la notte.
La maledizione dell'imprenditore: badare agli affari ventiquattr'ore su ventiquattro.
Now I'm going to turn the Mini Fan, so as to swirl the light of the chandelier in the room.
I am relaxed, sir, and I hope the same for her.
So let us begin.
But first, sir, the phrase in English that I learned from Pinky Madam, my former wife of the late former employer Mr Ashok is:
What a fucking joke.


Now, in principle, do not watch Hindi movies anymore, but when I looked at them again before the film or black screen flashed the number 786 - to Muslims is a magic number that represents their god - or you could see the image of a woman in white sari with a waterfall at the foot of the gold sovereign, namely the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
is an ancient and venerable custom of the people of my country, the stories begin addressing a prayer to a Supreme Power.
Perhaps, Your Excellency, I should I start kissing some god's ass.
But what god's ass? There is plenty of choice.
You see, Muslims have one god.
Christians have three gods.
And we Hindus we have 36 million.
Per un totale di 36 000 004 culi divini fra cui scegliere.
Ora, secondo alcune persone, e non solo comunisti come lei ma uomini pensanti di tutti i partiti politici, non molti di questi dei esistono davvero. Secondo alcuni non ne esiste nessuno. Soltanto noialtri e l'oceano di tenebre che ci circonda. Io non sono né un filosofo né un poeta, come posso conoscere la verità? È vero che tutti questi dei non sembrano darsi granché da fare - più o meno come i nostri politici - eppure anno dopo anno continuano a vincere le elezioni per i loro troni celesti. Il che non significa che io non li rispetti, signor primo ministro! Non permetta a quest'idea blasfema di far breccia nella sua testa gialla. Nei paesi come il I should keep a foot in both camps: the Indian businessman at the same time be honest and corrupt, cynical and devoted, smart and sincere.
So I close my eyes, clasping her hands in a reverent namaste, and I pray the gods to shine light on my dark story.
Have patience, Mr. Jiabao. This may take some time.
How long would she kiss 36,000,004 asses?


I opened my eyes.
23:52. It's time to start.
warning compulsory, as written on cigarette packets, before leaving.
One day, while I carried around Pinky Madam, and my former employer Mr Ashok in their Honda City, Mr. Ashok put his hand on my shoulder and said: - Pull -. I did as I had said and he leaned forward, so close that I could smell his aftershave, that day, a delicious fruity fragrance, with his habitual courtesy and told me: - Balram, I have to ask you a few questions.
- Yes, sir, - I said.
- Balram, - Mr. Ashok asked me, - how many planets there are in heaven?
I answered as best I could.
- Balram, who was the first Prime Minister of India?
Then: - Balram, what is the difference between a Hindu and a Muslim?
Then: - What is the name of our continent?
Finally returned to sit back and asked Pinky Madam: - Did you hear how he responded?
- He was joking? - She asked, and the heart began to beat faster, as every time she said something.
- No. You really believe that they are the right answers.
Pinky Madam chuckled at those words: but the face of him that I saw reflected in the rearview mirror, was serious.
- The fact is that probably did not go to school more diΣ two or three years. He can read and write, but does not understand what he reads. It is half-baked. Believe me, this country is full of people like him. And these characters - and he pointed with his finger - we entrust our glorious parliamentary democracy. This is the true tragedy of our country.
- Okay, Balram, return the bike.
That night in my bed in the shelter of the fly, I thought about his words. He was right, signoreΣ I liked how he talked to me, but he was right.
Autobiography of an Indian half-baked, that's how it should be titled the story of my life.
I and a thousand others like me are cooked in the middle because we were not allowed to finish school. Apriteci the skull with a flashlight look inside and find a monstrous jumble of ideas, notions of history and mathematics remained in his mind (believe me, no one remembers what he has studied better than a child taken away too early from school), the sentences policy read in the newspapers during interminable waits in this or that office, triangles and pyramids seen on the pages torn from old books of geometry that every bar of this country uses to wrap snacks, fragments of All India Radio news bulletins, things that fall for it in the mind like lizards from the ceiling in half an hour before falling asleep - all these ideas, half formed and half digested and half correct, mix with other ideas in our head cook in half, and in this promiscuous breed, generating other ideas formed in the middle, then we have to live with whom and on which we come to rely on.
The story of my upbringing is the story of how one man makes a half-baked.
But be careful, Mr. Prime Minister! After twelve years of school and three college educated people dress up, are hired by major companies and the rest of my life taking orders from other men.
The clay of which Entrepreneurs are made is half-baked.


To provide essential data about me - origin, height, weight, known sexual deviations, etc.. - There is nothing better than that manifesto. What the police.
I defined as a lesser-known entrepreneurs in Bangalore, but it is not entirely correct. About three years ago when I bought national notoriety for a short time following a business move that I made a poster with my face appeared in every post office, railway station and the police of this country. At the time a sacco di persone videro la mia faccia e il mio nome. Non possiedo una copia dell'originale cartaceo, però l'ho scannerizzato sul mio Macintosh portatile argentato - l'ho comprato online da un centro commerciale di Singapore e funziona che è una favola - e se ha un secondo di pazienza, accendo il computer, visualizzo il manifesto e leggo direttamente da lì...
Ma prima una parola sul manifesto originale. Lo vidi in una stazione ferroviaria a Hyderabad, nel periodo in cui viaggiavo senza bagagli, eccetto una borsa rossa molto pesante, e stavo andando da Delhi a Bangalore. L'originale l'ho tenuto qui in quest'ufficio, nel cassetto della scrivania, per più di un anno. Un giorno ho sorpreso il ragazzo delle pulizie che frugava fra la mia roba. Per poco non l'ha trovato. Non sono un uomo sentimentale, Mr Jiabao, un imprenditore non può permetterselo. Perciò l'ho buttato via, ma prima mi sono fatto insegnare a usare lo scanner - e lei sa che noi indiani sguazziamo nella tecnologia come pesci nell'acqua. C'è voluta un'ora, forse due. Io sono un uomo d'azione, signore. Eccolo qui, sullo schermo di fronte a me:
Si informa la cittadinanza che l'uomo nella fotografia, Balram Halwai alias MUNNA figlio del conducente di risciò Vikram Halwai, è ricercato per accertamenti. Età: fra i 25 e i 35 anni. Carnagione: nerastra. Faccia: oval. Height: about 1 meter and 65. Constitution: minutes and skinny.
Be ', is not exactly so, sir. The figure for the "blackish face" is still valid - even though I've half a mind to try one of those skin whitening creams recently launched so that Indian men can look a bit 'more Western - but the rest, alas , is completely misleading. In Bangalore life is good: food to satiety, beer, nightclubs, so what can I say? 'Minute' and 'skinny'! Now I'm in better shape. "Grease" and "potbellied" would be more accurate.
but passed, we do not have any night. Better explain the data immediately following: Balram Halwai alias Munna
You see, the first day of school the teacher was put in line in front of the chair all the children, one by one, to write down the names on the register. When I told him my name, he looked at me wide-eyed:
- Munna? But it is not a name.
He was right: it just means "boy."
- I have no other, sir, - I said.
was true. I had never been given a name.
- not your mother gave you a name?
- is very ill, sir. Is always bed and spitting blood. Do not have time to give me a name.
- And your father?
- He's a rickshaw driver, sir. He also has no time.
- Do not have a grandmother? Some aunt? O uncle?
- Even they do not have time.
The teacher turned away and spat, a splash of red paan on the floor of the classroom. He ran his tongue over his lips.
- Be ', then it seems it's up to me -. He ran a hand through his hair and said: - We'll call you ... Ram. Wait, there's already a Ram in this class? Better to avoid confusion. We Balram. You know that's true, who was Balram?
- No, sir.
- was the helper of the god Krishna. You know my name I?
- No, sir.
Rise. - Krishna.
that day when I got home I told my father that the teacher had given me a new name. He shrugged. - If you like him, so we'll call you.
And from that moment I was Balram. Following the course I took a third name. But we'll get there.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can Bookkeepers Get In Trouble

L'India è...

The India invades every corner as the pervasiveness of water innocence (...)"

by Experiment with India Giorgio Manganelli, 1992 Adelphi

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tiffany Note Letter Pendant

Things that move Tolentino

Among such political immobility, there are two things that move:
1 - the level of the landfill
2 - Councillor pluridelegato Seri

forbid that we associate the two points ... it's just a chance result of
few observations.

The garbage problem is a growing national
but we fear that soon will be the emergency room. The trucks continue to travel throughout the province
to Tolentino. The level is close to half
; the hot season is coming and the bad odors

Regarding the Department of Culture-Sports-etc, we must point out the extreme visibility
Seri councilor who oversees the city with totem
advertising, local television and
national interviews and footage of events sponsored by his department.
promotes the appropriation of funds for charities;
to give visibility to the baths of Saint Lucia with
publications and interregional agreements. Promotes the development of the transport sector
of the SAMS. In short, if your association we want to find, but
No offense to anyone, is that there seems to grow more and more garbage
Councillor Seri produces events, collaborations, etc..
probably will not have found a way to convert waste and make something
to spend in the culture?
And if we solve the problem of landfill
will be our next mayor. Why not?

- Political Movement

Tolentino - Macerata

Monday, May 26, 2008

Colin Mcrae Gloves Signed

Down the Lane ... a station indecent

A beautiful book Piero Ciarapica entitled "Down the Lane" and
stands a cover photo of a tree-lined street. That avenue is the
so-called 'Avenue of the station'. Some might be willing to
along that road to find the station at the end really
of Tolentino. The walk would
but sadly if you came to visit
station premises.
vulgar inscriptions and drawings on the walls, broken windows, bad smell.
This is the state of one of the front doors of our city.
We know that every so often, a local politician trying to make
light on this situation. But ultimately the problem is always the same: the
policy is no longer able to effectively decide and find the best solutions
Presenting yet another motion on the city's train station is one of
means that our Councillor Anna has available. Maybe
proposing solutions already proposed. But then the one who realizes that
on which everyone agrees? We do not want to be pessimistic, however,
indeed, to be proactive we want to send a proposal: If you
use the premises for the station's offices
Informagiovani e per la promozione turistica? In fondo tutti i
giorni transitano per quei locali centinaia di giovani, chissà che
invece di invitarli a fare scritte e disegni indecenti, non potessero
invece trovare un'occasione di lavoro o di studio all'estero?

Movimento Politico
Tolentino - Macerata

Friday, May 23, 2008

Downtown Denver Boot Camp

Who protects the landscape around the castle's Ranch?

Tornando da Macerata in auto ho notato all'altezza del Castello della
Rancia che ci sono lavori in un area accanto alla strada. Ho pensato:
ma non bastano già i capannoni che ci sono
near the castle to make ugly the area? Rumours say that the area will be used for the display of
camper. But that area is not protected by
landscape restrictions? Who decides on the intended use
the area? Maybe in the next manifestation of Tolentino 815
not there will be tents, but the camper?

- Political Movement

Tolentino - Macerata

Monday, May 19, 2008

Congratsulations Sound Messeges


We're back here.

We were absent for "technical problems" but we have continued to hold control the political scene. So much has happened, even momentous (the disappearance of the left in parliament, the third consecutive scudetto Inter !...) but all at the national level.

At the local level? There were no changes or Tolentino is always the same?

Our political movement has emphasized, in this first year of life, with his political actions, the importance of the common good " term referring to different concepts. Nell'accezione popular common good is defined as a specific asset that is shared by all members of a specific community. There are definitions of common good even in the philosophy , 'S ethics of political science of religion and Court "(from / ).

We have stressed the urgency of:
  1. find a solution for FIORETTI ;

  2. clarity on costs and quality of ' WATER of Toledo after the connection of the aqueduct Black;

  3. find an alternative to LANDFILL of Maricello;

  4. save citizens "shortening the distribution chain;

  5. eliminate bottled water from municipal offices and canteens to save costs and use the tap water quality is now" guaranteed by the City " ;

Despite the questions and motions approved, the administration's commitment to respond positively to the requests made by Councillor Anna Cimarelli, nothing has changed in the first year of the municipal government on the proposed themes:

  1. FIORETTI is always there

  2. I water costs have increased but the bill is increasingly illegible, also on the transparency of information on water quality, SAMS issue now only a bare statement: you read ( pdf )

  3. The landfill is filling up fast: the alternative final?

  4. The proposal to shorten the supply chain, distributing bulk at supermarkets, was approved by the majority, but concrete actions? And because the opposition did not vote in favor?

  5. Use tap water instead of bottled water : where are we in school canteens and in the municipal offices?

continue to keep the attention on these issues because they are not part of topics but cover important aspects of the common good: health and savings.

Please note finally a site to get information about the "common good":


Monday, March 24, 2008

Cinderella Theme Balloons For Sweet 16

TRANSPORT SAMS: less staff and review guidelines. BUT HOW?

We have received, and gladly publish the report of a national service on public transport to run Tolentino dall'ASSM

"It seems strange that in a period of change as anyone in this town talk about the public transport service operated dall'ASSM .
The Mayor said the Municipal Council the intention of reducing the unit ' Organic transport sector, it is obvious that this will cause a review of local public transport lines . How you are going to act? Why nobody talks about?
will not go into the merits of the lines of the campaign because I do not know what kind there are constraints.
It is said to enhance the service for factories but from what I know no one has contacted with companies to find out if there is a real interest in their own workers used public transportation to get to work. You could create a service allowing more widespread use of public transport to all the workers of industrial areas and not just some factory workers ( Gabrielli, Frau, LAIP). I find it outrageous that
then Tolentino has a shuttle service to the Mall . Macerata and Civitanova have a consistent service that connects the city with the shopping center, while Tolentino this was never done. Why? What interests are behind it?
I think that in this period of change we can take this opportunity to ask / demand a better service . The discourse of economic performance is relative. No country will ever balance the budget of the transport service, the costs are too high and the loss is natural. We must therefore aim to have a better service for citizens.
I would not want a chance to improve how it is transformed into a retreat. The services should be improved and to do this does not seem wise to reduce the number of drivers, but otherwise exploit it.
The industrial zones and especially the shuttle to the mall are two aspects to work on. Tolentino does not deserve a service like this, for years now waiting for the intervention of Contram abound time and resources. If you start to better manage things can improve. The
Contram not show up, wake up and begin to see what the needs of citizens and not to complain for the loss of transport.
If anyone in recent years had made some very simple operation results (economic and otherwise) would be definitely better! "
A national