Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shena Grimes Piercing

thanks again to under

ma chi è sto UNDER ?
eheheh, l'ho detto, il mio suggeritore musicale di quando sono in fase "odio tutti":))
(presenti esclusi:)
Mi hanno scritto: se in autostrada ti vengono tutti contro forse sei tu che viaggi in contromano.
Accidenti mi sono detta! mi conosci da sei mesi e lo realizzi adesso??

Full translation CLICK

is only a woman.
Never again.

Father is a name that you have not yet earned
're just a child unsupervised
Have you ever heard not to touch a woman?
would kick your a pleasure.

He's drunk again, it's time to fight.
same old story, just a different night,
she grabs the gun, he's had enough she will find out tonight what

damn hard is this man.
pulls the trigger as fast as possible.
No more '.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dental Hygiene Presentation Letter

Domenica____ Good:))

Thank U;)

Translation CLICK

Fake Hello Kitty Jewelry


believe it or no ... sooner or later we are struck by lightning and then you have a nice little saying that there credi___ believe how!
but after the predictable consequences burrasca___ always returns the sereno___ then boredom, then the desire for new emotions and start the rain dance ___ until the next time

The lightning is the thing that makes you earn more time. (F. Arnoul)

"It's hard to describe. It is not love at first sight, really. ... It is more a shift of gravity. When you see her, suddenly is no longer the earth that keeps you attached to him. It's her. "( Stephenie Meyer)

The lightning strike is a mistake that has not had the courage or the ability to recognize at the time of offense. ( Charles Baudelaire)

Ball of Fire: term used only in combination all'innamoramento. Experience has shown that the use would be more appropriate for the bored. ( Francis Burdin, A million days, 2001)

La più diffusa malattia degli occhi è l'amore a prima vista. ( Gino Cervi)

Non v'è amore se non a prima vista. ( Benjamin Disraeli, Henrietta Temple, 1837)

He saw me, loved me, I saw her, loved her. ( Pierre Du Ryer, Cléomédon, 1635)

The great loves are announced in a precise way, just you see her say, "Who is this bitch? ( Ennio Flaiano, Phrases essential to blend into society, 1969 (posthumously)

Love at first sight is not often that an oversight. ( Roberto Gervasio, Jiminy Cricket, 1983)

The love that springs into existence is the longest to heal. ( Jean de La Bruyère, Characters, 1688)

Who ever loved that loved not at first glance to have? ( Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander, 1598)

Ours was a love at first sight, we fell in love at first sight; then you kicked me a finger in the eye and spit in the other ( da Il Vernacoliere)

L'amore è un colpo di fulmine... infatti, dopo il fuoco, rimangono solo le macerie ( anonimo)

Colpo di fulmine: Fenomeno che si produce quando due persone che hanno particolarmente voglia di sesso, but not specifically made for each other, meet. ( anonymous?)

who falls in love at first sight betrays at every turn

subtitle of the movie Closer by Mike Nichols, 2004 from which it is the scene of the video

Friday, March 11, 2011

Camera Tricks In Mirror


Pretend to take passage for Guo


forced between the two great opponents, pretending to increase its strength.

The Book of Changes says: Adversity. We talk, but without sincerity.


lipless teeth feel cold

The trick played on the report Yin_Yang, prendere_dare loan, regolarità_sorpresa, concentrare_dividere, formare_rompere alliances.

Or, speaking in favor of a partner who feels (or thinks he is) threatened by a common enemy, you have a good excuse to help him with a false help. Confident that he had found in us a sincere ally, he will give us the resources and the availability of its strategic position to get the better of common adversary. Do not imagine that eliminated the common enemy, it will be his turn, and once within its strategic location, easy game will come back to haunt him in his own resources and take control of the situation, without expect it. In this way, we will extend our influence on both sides, with the minimum use of force and resources.

Despite the trick suggests the path of betrayal, in reality it can also be used for the benefit of its partners.

Whenever, in fact, persuade or assume because someone is acting as our agent or representative, there you are "pretending to attack passing Guo:

Take legal spokesman, agents, representatives who protect us from the pressures of a conflict situation and assume responsibilities in pursuing our goal, are all ways to apply today, the trick for a common benefit .

Introduction and index

(the game prosegue___ see previous post)

Free Blueprints For A Snow Plow

always the case

What the tsunami hit!

Poi ci si stupisce se ci si sente svuotate/i e strambi, ma siamo anche noi di questa Terra!

In attesa di qualche ulte riore ra cconto ho giocato con le parole scelte per quelli del post precedente:

strada, desiderio, salato, cuore, vita

L'autodifesa e il pane della sincerità.




road, months, home

Metamorphosis , Below, E, A, White

Here's what came out (who may want to try, if you want the rules _ I _ I made to replace up to 3 words, but the total number of terms must remain constant)

life, L 'illusion of the road

leave months salt bread, sincerity,

desire, heart, and self-defense Metamorphosis

In The White House

and away

the desire of life
road salt Home

and away under the illusion
as white bread
sincerity and metamorphosis

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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"What happened? - asked - Where do you harbor?" _ Terrra

It 's a strange day for me. Listening
Fabrizio De André "Effedi bad on my street " vol. 2. I am sad. Disappointed. Sometimes I feel invisible. Inside me is the strong desire to escape. I cry. For no reason. I can not explain my discomfort, I just know that I really want to give love and be loved the way I want. I can not wait any longer. I know that between words and deeds and thoughts on anything I prefer the former. I know that words between thoughts and deeds ... I have nothing.
is sometimes so strong a desire to feel good that I pretend to feel good. Salt is engraved in my memory ... memory ... drop of water that digs into my heart .
lucky that everything goes ... and life back to smile!

Self-defense and the bread of sincerity.

- What bread do you want? There is a Tuscan, Puglia, Turin, the power strip ... Ah, yes: well baguette!

- do not know, I like them all ...

- What is best sliced \u200b\u200bwith the Apulian or Tuscan?

- both are fine. Instead, I prefer it with Nutella strip.

- It is ciabatta.

They go to the cashier and pay, then go home. The hot air in the apartment embraces them as a nice hug after the chill of early March this Siberian. She does sit at the table and starts to lay. Pull the tray out of the place mats that her grandmother crocheted, combining colors in a rainbow unlikely unexpectedly successful. The dishes and takes them white, among biccheri, choose those with the glass, because there is delicate because the speech that they face. Mangiano scambiandosi poche parole e offrendosi a vicenda il cibo, trincerandosi dietro la cortesia.

- Perchè l'hai fatto?

- Perchè non avrei dovuto farlo? Era sembrata una buona idea all'inizio.

Sono arrivati al caffè e pure al dunque.

- Non hai pensato, nemmeno per un attimo, alle conseguenze?

- Sono stato egoista, lo so. E impulsivo. Mi è cresciuto dentro questo desiderio, tanto forte che mi è stato impossibile reprimerlo.

- Sì, questo lo posso capire, ma ho sempre pensato che alla base del nostro rapporto ci fosse la sincerità.

- Honesty, lies, truth, invention ... sometimes mixes everything so that you can no longer distinguish from each other.

- just do it right away the difference, do not you think?

lowers his head. You know that it is making itself felt guilty, is what he wants, anyway. Not only that would also embrace, or take it to blows. He can not decide. He feels he has to say something, but the words all die in the throat before going out. He gets up and starts clearing the table, in short there are only two cups with hot coffee inside.

- Of all the bread I ate, this was the most bitter and more sweet.

finally raises his head and looks into her eyes.

- you forgive me?

- Should I? But yes, I have already forgiven, I have forgiven from the first moment, despite the tears that you made me pay.

- I did not want.

- did not think it is more correct. But that's okay, really.

him to the door and greets him with a kiss on the cheek just mentioned. I heard her footsteps coming down the stairs, the gate closes. Go to the window and sees him move away along the pavement uneven. Did not lie, it really forgiven. In fact, it's never even been angry. You know what it can do the desperation for each other is a shroud, but the result is absurd that some action, rather than alleviate our pain, to include other finishes. There is no alternative, unless you implement the supreme self-defense tactics and delete all relations with our neighbor, every feeling.

three words in my head that alone explain as much as it is always difficult to say.

Complicated by all the words that define their meanings over time learned to try to away from the more obvious and predictable.

Where do you harbor? - Asked.

There is a good place to stop, so it is worth leave as little worse than you were / able to find and to be able to wake up remembering where you got asleep / e.

there. I could describe it in detail.

If I imagine it is like to go to rest and think away from it all, forgetting the little memories that still floats between atoms and lyophilized dusting your feet with no footprints, no gravity, no wind, no nothing.

Pure utopian illusion, stuff other times, when those ideas were born from cosmic interactions instead of jammed and rusted machinery.

I think. Face to face, I look up, lost forever in the usual place.

What happened? - Said

- The road would be this?
- The road is this.
He raised his head to look into his eyes: he was tall and even beautiful, and so reassuring Venetian!
Obviously he was not a gust of wind snatched the map of the city, but she let it drop and a distracted passerby to kick down the channel.
- Oh no, now what? I must now get me another card in Venice for ...
- The road is this - he repeated, taking her by the arm and dragging it off the bridge, coming out of the arcades.
- is there, see? - And pointed to the lagoon - just cross the square and then go to the right. There, the boats stop.
She clutched his coat:
- It's cold, for months now. - And turning again to his eyes: - The square is almost deserted and I ...
- Come on - he resolved, almost pushing it.
walked faster, leaving behind the basilica, bell tower, the banquet of a peddler, the few tourists, the ducal palace, the deserts of the bar tables.
berth in front of gondolas, dazzling reflections in the early morning, it hangs, in unison, as if obeying a silent command.
- I want to stay here - she sighed, crossing his arms.
- Line 1, from that pedestal, leads to station - he said.
- Only until Monday - she said.
He took her by the shoulders, peering and asked:
- Why?
She struggled:
- for this night.
- I do not know.
- Not even you.
He hesitated
- And then?
She seemed certain:
- And then, the boat number 1.
No other words were necessary. Both were thrown into the lagoon is superfluous.
- Come on - he shouted running towards the jetty. Two words exchanged on the fly with a gondolier, a smile now and then, holding out his hand to help:
- Sali, come on.
While the gondola gliding on the water, an application affiorava tra i pensieri di lui, che a voce alta:
- Che cosa è successo – domandò - dove ti porto?
- A casa – pensò lei, restando in silenzio.
Nessuno dei due poteva immaginare il seguito, ma non aveva importanza.
Al momento, quella era la strada.

Avevano inseguito l’auto bianca fino all’incrocio di via De Amicis e subito dopo l’avevano persa. Suddenly the car was like evaporated before their eyes. The pupils had seen the flashing right well orange and dark just embarked on the road, they were not there and that white reflection before rushing at breakneck speed. It took only a split second, a blink of an eye and the white car disappeared from their sight. There were no side roads or tracks for suspecting a hidden access. Run a few yards they realized that the road did not lead to anything, had no background, a dense forest prevented continuing. No one in the state of consciousness, he would penetrated at that time and perhaps even in broad daylight. At that point they were certain. Just stopping time, a fraction of a second before, they could store the information needed to confirm the suspicion of a metamorphosis subconscious can bring anyone over the barrier alpha. But nothing and no one could go back in time, no one and nothing could change what had already happened before their eyes.

These are the stories came hours after the game suggested in recent weeks ... Thank you and there is room for everyone ... (In fact I would want to choose one word to ricominciare__ story, write a poem, choose three words, but I would not write a racconto___ take you too far ... :)

Start and index


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Free Kid Masterbate Movies


borrow a body to infuse the spirit


Il saggio pur mettendosi in secondo piano, balza in primo piano.


Il relativismo cinese domina lo stratagemma. In un mondo fluttuante, all'inizio segue la fine e alla fine un nuovo inizio, senza sosta.

With this psychological awareness, skillful strategist closely examines the circumstances to discover all the possible opportunities and favorable factors unknown (to borrow a corpse) and in a spirit of initiative reverses a failure into a victory (refoundation spirit), rising as a phoenix.

Is there anything new under this sun, except what is forgotten?


Non si può facilmente prendere a prestito ciò che è utile.

Ciò che è assolutamente inutile, invece, può essere richiesto e facilmente preso a prestito.

Prendere a prestito ciò che è assolutamente inutile e utilizzarlo a proprio vantaggio.

Il LIbro dei mutamenti dice: Non sono io che cerco il giovane inesperto. E' lui che cerca me.

When I last titles of the tricks I shook the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to make this because I speak little happy XIV's death, having just a very oriental (though yet not at all).

The combination of a "cosmic Scazzi" has made an urgent and timely to do so now.

The moral that I follow is that which makes no sense as long as there is life, despite illness or suffering to the parties, but much more useful and fruitful to look at those who are healthy and talk to them instead of the useless whining.

There is a condition in which I find myself frequently that it was not apparent life of the living dead, a corpse or not so super delicious, whatever you want (to put it surreal ). Well, the beauty of this state is the ability of perception of what has always been under the sun, but it is forgotten.

The only regret is that I can not find a man with whom they share the things that you can not forget itself.

But imagine the beauty of that possibility, although at times I tried, would willingly surrender to a surrogate which is actually less than the shadow of my claim as absurd as stubborn.

Introduction and index


End of utterances.

Tomorrow is the game of words rolling in story form. Currently there are three joints will be published and strictly anonymous (the authors and the authors if they can publish it on their blogs, but I preferred this form, partly in response to a specific request by the participants).

What Does A Polyps Look Like In Throat

Scazzi cosmic

you wrote last night when I was sleeping (of course) from 20.30 to 8.30 and in the afternoon from 16 to 18 to sometimes even more: (

then tells me I should get started, go out and distract me (

not take it anymore!

tonight I woke up as always to 4 (usually I turn around in bed until 6), the first thought was: I'm tired as hell!

ever happened to feel tired staying in bed! But do you think?

perhaps just as well that the head is going a little better. Pare.

more later:))

me cry because it's fatigue, loneliness, mistrust, me, not others. I got in a huge company when I was born and I do not have the strength mica. I've had enough for those who I loved, but never enough for me.

I go, I'll kick in the ass but I try always to lag behind my shadow. I ste seven plus or minus two things I'm like a mussel attached to the rock that sometimes becomes a self-inflicted punishment for what?

for the sake of momentary and sporadic me with his face turned all the contrary I have seen passing emotion or something that was both visually pleasing, tuneful and extravagant.

I feel like a moron to think that I throw the day for years and never one that ends with a sense of satisfaction and contentment.

and then history is that some things just can not even think to investigate alone, we need to force another person but there is, or if I find the massacre.

are years that I am the subject of death cohabits daily my space.

often say "now I'm going to die 20 minutes" when they are dead stanca__.

is now known, admitted that some merit is recognized by you touch you dead, then admitted that interests me is that I recognized what was already one more reason to rejoice to disappear from the face of land.

I still have not figured out what I came here to do, I think it is more logical to go to be born.

I find myself full of empty links, absent, useless, frustrating, waiting for me at least half of them to truly blessed to know this so impossible to abandon or betray!

but at least those are young and I can understand that they are mixed in a suitable partner due to age, and vision of the future and an old, battered and extravagant no tomorrow!

about you? as I do with you?

just annoys me that given the various ailments, will leave a torture of pipes and tubes, fluids of every color and smell, but I talked to my doctor said that I think about him, even my son knows.

these days then I do not think that if it is not appropriate to expedite the process.

is life I do this? If I were a plant, I would say that would also be a good life, but it is not a plant nor a sasso___ mah!

me that I'm wearing too? who do not know which rise to suspicion, discomfort for too much attention and do not know how to say you'd like to get out?

What is a spell? witchcraft? a filter that I have given a distance and without your knowledge?

is it? appearance as the Madonna of my boots? what?

think it's feeling back, a dark intrigue inescapable that if you try to say it disappears and the less you think and the more you are around?

meglio pensare alle parti sane (che pure ci sono, per esempio le unghie dei piedi e un organo assolutamente inutilizzato che immagino capisci subito di cosa parlo) la testa, beh, ultimamente perde colpi anche lei.

mi consola che tenendo tutti a distanza li salvo, ogni tanto ne becco uno da massacrare, ma sto attenta di capire se resiste.

sono di nuovo in parola con un killer months but end up not make it to finish me, even the killer touch me crackers!